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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE tD/stG.COMMENTS O\I'Nl:R BUILDER Dl]II'ARATIOITI <br />I h6.t'.v lrm uidd Fnrlry ol Fj!I}- rhd I m ddfl fmm th. (tdrel.R LkN l'u aor lh. tollosds r@n (S< 70!l t <br />ItBin6s .nd Prot*lon Cod.) Aiy City or County Ehirfi i.qutrd r Fni lo snrlru.l, ih6, inpmv.. drnolkh or R!.n Dr <br />(tucrue Fxtr ro ii3 i$udcc, ,kr r.quic rh. rprJltmr fdr !u.h ,Eni ro lil. a srsn.ri lt.ldmi lh.l h. or .h. it licaFd puNen <br />rd rh. FnrnNB of rh. Coorncrr'r l.rdsd lr\r l( lrlrq 9. CdnoftinE wth s<rhn 7uxl ol Dnirio. I of tlr BNiKr ud <br />rmf6h (Nl.) thd lEorJE u GrchF ilEcnor &d rfi. b6ir lu rlE .lLs.d .toFi.n Ar) rnld$n ors<liot 701I ttt.nt <br />trplicul au i Fnn rlt 4rn.ut ro . cn il p.oh ) ot mr frn. rhd fi\ . hutrd.d d.ll6 (t500, <br />l. s ownE ofrn. FtrFnr. or ny 6nplor6 wilh w.86 c lh.t $1. c.mFGalion. trill & rh. \ut {'d fi. nial@ i! to't <br />inrar!(d orofi6.d rorel.(S( 7Or4, BBia*.nd Pmf6ioN CoJ.:'l h. Codrlcrois I k.ehwdBhr rgrplylo osn6of <br />rh.FiFt \t hil& or inFror6 llEatr {n *h. dE Mh trnd lrelf or rhmlBh hE or 16 oM dtl,oFc, <br />,!ro\ d<r rhd Mh imrmrE6ii G d -ioi.d d ollnBt kr $L l[ hr*€, rh. hild,r d if,r.affi ir $ld sahn c ]a <br />ororlpld@ tlE osE B{iU. tril lrn llr hr{h ol P.urS rh lE { JE dd ml bild d ulln* di FFry tor lh. F,FE of <br />l.6o\n(.irhc prop6rr". dncrclusiv.lyconr,..r'nr wiih lic.trs.! conrr!(1odro cotr{ru.rrh. pmrar (s< 7u.1. t}Binsi <br />yl BrE{rim(i,d. Th. G)nr r&tri l-i.os. l.n* dod nor artlv nr .n .( nd ol prcldv \ no tal ilds or imp$ 6 ths@n. <br />!d \rho odirlr aq luct <br />I u.t.mfr undq Sd6r <br />I hscb) afi'rn trnJ< p.{alr\ o <br />I ha!. .nd s ill m.inrain (.*6' .omp.Grnrn iB rn.., G n{ttrir.n h! sd ion r 7m . f th. llbor (td.. li,r rh. FaolrM.. ol <br />rhc $ orl f.. \ hih rhir Fnn ar as.t My trortd' .smFsdiJn (6i6 rn Fli(v numb.r r. <br />I cdifrth.i in rh. Ffotruc. of rh. worl fm shkhthis Fni n i$!.d,I sbll nor arlllL).ny p@t ii.ny mm.d <br />5 s ro b<oE rubi.rt ro rlE *rt@ ohFslnn htr! orcafitodE .nd.sft rhd rf l rhuld taom sott { h rlE <br />tr{rtd conrEEd ion pmr iibE ofs.(l{n lTfir of rlE l,bor Cod.- l lrrll frrrNih omply silh fior pi.ri'hE <br />\tARrlN(; r.iluG r. sV. $n*d' ompaMhn o\(re. ii onh\tu|. &d snlll 3!bid u aphr( lo cEni d Frra Ed <br />ol rh. Insin6. n.d Frolsions(itrlc, md D n.(r( F in finl nr(c i8j cnarr <br />I r.e( h(s I'.trrN nrtq _ <br />l).r. ( onln.lo' <br />(at f,l(llall.Edulq-acE!(l <br />I hcby r,Im und. F.l:- or FJur) rhai rhcr n ! .odtud irn Lndiis .rft)_ aor rlE Ffommc ot lh. \ o & \hthrniFrni a <br />issu.d (s( \nr.(n c) <br />AIIII(aILDI(IASAIIOX <br />I fid*r afm u(j.r oa Friury oa 6f llt tolhs <br />'ns <br />&chtnioni <br />D.mlhhn fdmnr-AstEnG Nolincrh. F.dq.l R.auLt b6 (T nl. ,l(,. Pdr6) <br />!o.omrl! {nh r (t)and(ou r <br />6olrhn(-iyMd ( r!ud! ro drd oFri rlE <br />Rcqiirr(l I .nd nfNorill(!([ <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenUl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathing h,VfiL / fonh lEtrf <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />D rylva ll <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif. <br />/..-\ <br />FINAL n"b''1 !,YU-ri'l <br />Certificate of Occu anc <br />Nqles, Remarks, Etc.(\ <br />J l-,V L <br />I har. ,n Nll dinrdin ! ( of Colgr ro S.lf'lMr. r,n rork6' .$nFnd[n. a F.vilal tu nr li<thn !r0O of rh. <br />liborCd.. rm lh. Fto.fu.c ollhc s1fi for wnichlhcFni b nucd <br />Y-?-"1