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MECHANICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OTVNE[ AUILDER OI:I,('ARATION <br />I h6ct', nmrn trndd t60lr! ot t'sjrry lhar I @ .ronl, lhm lhc C.nradou' l.ic6s I a\ tu rh. lollosins$n lS( 70r I I <br />&r$n6! dhdh fainrn ('odc) Aiy(nr-or ('ounrt shtn r<ptr6 a Fnit ro mnerud alrd imPr.\c dsfrnllh or kEt.!r_ <br />{h(rtrr.. rr kn h irs isnM.c, atio rqut6 th€ ilPlicnd ntr !u$ Fnnn ro filc a stn.d idddl llul h. or !h. i licmsd pu6uail <br />k, rh. rorirn)nr ol rh. (tnxrl['3 t t..*d lnt {( hanrd r). (i,mnm.in8 $irh Sdio. 7000 ol Dntion 1 .r rhc nnd <br />Profdrii)ns (-&1.) .r lhal hrorrh. rhs.fiom.nd rh.lRrir f.r rh. rll.s.d crdr, $n An) riolntpnors.dil! 70:rl5 bvan) <br />^ 'li(anrfor0tm nrhrrlrlh. tppli.anr lo ac$'lp.naxy.fdor ror.ths fir. hun&.ddolltrstlSoo) <br />l, s 096 of rlE F.Fly, d ny dplor6 *ii $186 s lt.n 5E odp@diot! wi[ & rlE 6t .id ln. n rt6 i' lbl <br />insxt d o otu fd .L {Sa 7044, 8un!s od PFf6iod codr TL Cofi-id 3 ti€g Lry <lod nol 9pl, to 3 ow of <br />E FDFry wt6 h,il& 6 trqlE rls&n ird *tb ltE !d' mrl titulf or h6*lf s tllougl! hir 6 lE om arybttq. <br />FoviLd lh.l .u.t inForqtEr. G 'd inadd dolt td 6. gL. lt th@. t!! hildiB d itrslE6r b -ld f,{fi d )a <br />;f -reldi",. rr. (x.; B,rl& eil t& 0r h!&, orFolte $i ,E d d..ln build o i,+.DE dE FoFq for 0E FlF.of <br />l. -oscolrlEFoFln oqchsiE .o t*lila wih licG.d Ni!*loNlo @Enrl llt Foi.l (Se. 7oaa. &dE <br />.,!d D.tix Cod.: Ii. Conlrrror'. !t.e LlE dG hl 41, ro e ow of FFl, *lD t{ild! d i6FoE lh6e., <br />sd who odr-r 6. $t Fj..t! *ih. liEa.d F,rd lo tt. Coindd.3 Lt@ us) <br />I rtri r\(n,l{ unJo \crtr,n <br />rcl8l8l:.sqlrrBlsarod <br />DICI.6EAIIOts <br />I ta6,.trmudapolt,oflaiBycott blk8i.!.hl.bB: <br />-Ibr.nwill <br />idri'. cdri6... ofcotnd lo Sdf]rtE 6. wtd @E dbi.. FwiLd ror rys-&D l?@ orrlE <br />lrbor c.da frr th. Ffor'E! ofdE *tt to. rti.t dE FEr a iD!(l <br />-l h.!..rd will oirtn 6t6 .6porion iE!t.. s lqrftd by sEliF l7u, of lt L[or Cod.. fo.dE Fbttlxtot <br />dE Nl &. lttb thi !.Ei a -d. My 6t6' brEtt 6i.r rdFli.y utu G <br />c.tu,\a&aff A/,rfl o41L .4r. ao. -?"wn-o- 76ooo/9ft/,/?/ u*-. t /s (zo <br />-t <br />cdli&d: i.t F6ffi ofIE 6t 6. vnii liil Fil i a.!.{ I ftll6r.4bv q !.a in -, @ <br />- r ro t .oE rii..r lo tG 6tqJ co4atrit L{ ofctliH. .d irE lt. if I &dd b6n. sticr b ih. <br />xod.r .olrrbo FlvtiEof s.di, Jrq, of th. t&. Coar I rt lL dtly'th ttcFltiira. t <br />.ni f6 !p lo c hErH fiodn .blt (!l rtE oi ol cMFolao[ rhrS6 . Flqt d for llE <br />g <br />It !}, .&6 'n& !6.1t ot Fjury dr I d 6..d @(b FDvih otot{lt 9 (6EtEic *itt SGii, 70@) 6f Divirim ! <br />of lh. A6iE rd PlEbiE Cod.. !n oy [c@ h i! tu[ lbc rd.lE r. <br />,*c6 1rl9 r <br />-,. a/5-1tt <br /><-96 --1 <br />colllaugloll.aulc.AcErcr <br />I h.!tr .ffo uda Fdy of Fiu, ft. lt]G !. ollrndin lddi'E .sid, 6r lt Pdtotlrc olttE 6l tu *tit lti Fnt i <br />I.ariry$r dE tdc.l qlldi6 ESrdirg !t nc turd G mr sliru.lo lhi! Foid. <br />I (or'l\ rh r I L.' .,.n thtr ,rr,lxir <br />,,Lltrr,nr6 trrl\r rl N.,clnui, r)tr <br />rh. .h.t. infottirio" ie .6.<1. I .gE lo snply $nh .I Cn, titd Cohly <br />( d hd.t, tl[.iz.q6drdi6.f lni! chy lrd Cout v lo dld lFn tlE <br />Lri,\. .,1! .tlf,rrr r\ 1{1*"a/"./3 <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Deteclors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Ranqe <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech.?/t t /t? Z fl-t,rr-/ <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release l <br />FINAL ilq l?r DK00o a*Ea <br />Notes, Remarks Etc. <br />La.lE. A.Lta: <br />- <br />rc <br />I h.rby 6D 6& rdly of p6jory c of t folbwbs <L.Lrta: <br />DaDUb! ?Eoi'Art'.ro Norificnbtr 6.&il R.!trhi6 fr ! 'o. Prr6) <br />-i.q!i!d <br />t lr oflloliicarn