<br />I h6.t', .tlm un& F.rlty ot psJuD rhd I d .kmF fFD llE Co nm' l.iw Lis ror rlE foltNins lt&t' ts( tull'5
<br />Iluiin6s .rn Profdmi Codc) Any crt or Cou t $hrn r.qut6 t Fni l. o.rtud. .na 'nForc. ddmlbh or r.Fi ,!,-.
<br />.trunurc, Irior ro ilr isudc., lho r.rtuir6 ltc spPlicmr t(, !u.h Fmi to fiE , 3ign.d n.rmal lh'l n. o. !h. n licmFd puEuda
<br />ro rh. Forisionr .r rh. ('onlrslors l,rdkd kw {('htpl( 9. (i'mn.n.in8 silfi Sdtb. 70tro ol Dnnion I of lh. Rorin'( md
<br />Prol*irB ( o&, d lh{ tE or 3h. B.rmr{ rlE.fron ud rh.l6s lor rh< tlks.d BdFion Ant rhhlhnofs.db. T0rl 5 b.nv
<br />,pi'li.&r for. Fmi rubr<fl s lh. tptliod t. a cn il FEh!.ifr tr mE the fi r. hund.rl dilm {t500)
<br />'_.i9hr6$nhqt!6&rrhd$Lonp.ndmn.rilt&rrt$dt!ndEenrcirmr
<br />urdilql or orqd for elc {56.704.!, Bnri.6 ed Pmr*ios ('od. Tn. (-o rrclof. l-i.@ t s &E nol q!Pl! ro u osns or
<br />!h.FqFny s'h, hdndi or nnprevc rhEFl! ri *ho do6sch r!& h'm3.lfo! hdslfor ltwuSh hir or hq osr ollov6.
<br />prolid.n tfirr .uch idFo\ffi E. ml hrodd or 01164! tu RL li notr6( rh. hiEi'l. or inlmvoM ir $ld trnhi. ot !e
<br />;tonlpkhtr rlE oun6 B{ildd *il lu\. rlE huda of Forms lh,lEor3h. dii ml build or nqDrt tfi. F$Ft,lor E F,FE.[
<br />M.*-.-"n*,r"n,,m-clun.l}c"nh(luB$irhlic.G.dconrscroBki$nfucirlEImJ..r{sft7u'r'ttsi6'uJ }\.tsln('od. Ih.Co rrroa. l.t@. &6 rol !pp\ lo D or ffi of ropdly $ ho hlildr or inpror6 lhaF..
<br />and \to odracis nr ir.h Foj.dr snh. Conlslorl!) lic6kd k' rh.( onttdois Licmc lts)
<br />8/,,""-x iiiUHfoa^*d,^
<br />\r Oru\t k5' ( ()ilPt.\S.\ I lol\
<br />lb ltl
<br />I hacty .fim lndd p...lly olFjxry on. orlhc toUowinr d6ld.i ioB:
<br />I nr\. ii will minron r Cdiakd. of ( onrl to S.l['|el. for utrt4 $iFBdion. 6 Fovi{t d for bv SElhn l,0O o l lh.
<br />ldhr code ftr rlE Ffds. o f th. srt fd ritkh lh. Fin b is.d
<br />Ih.rctdnillmli ir $o*6 @nFurion iNEft.. - t.qundbtsdhn1?(r)oflhLh.(od. lorir Ffffi'r
<br />rlE s. ror *hrh lfib D6nn t is.d My wut6' NnpdEdio. itu.,N.6i, .!d Flt) nunb<r r.
<br />(-m.
<br />PnlirlJdihd l'rni'6
<br />f4 carb rrra m t tr no tom or th. s orr r( q h(h !hi3 Ffrir i! is.d. I th l mr dplo} ur F$n i. !n! mu6
<br />$ srob.$N.uhl.gllollEs! 6 cor4t dir. htt of (llfo E e}l tCR thi itl rlFuld tt(R sti.t! lorti
<br />$!*6' NmD6srbn Fotisions of S.d io, :1700 .ath. lrbr ( od.. I slull. fonh$ nh Nmplv *nn rhr Fn ilio6
<br />WARNINC: F.ilor.l0 su. *othd .onpdsarion corslsc ir unl.\ful, ud 3h!U 3ubjd d dploF lo oimiml tEshE ed
<br />lo on. hln&cd rhousnd .l.116 {tl0o.0o0), i. iddib. ro lh. cor of comFNlnrn. tmts6 a troviicd fin lh.
<br />s.ntun 1076 .f rh. Uhr Cod.- imnd .nd dom}.r fc
<br />slzL ltc
<br />-t Dlg.dAAIlAT
<br />I hmby amm undd paslly ol psjury rhtr I m lic.nsd !trds rhNirion of(nilro ! (commdcins sirfi s.nion 70'))!fl)nt'on 1
<br />of lhc tlusindi ,nd Proa*ions ( ('d.. tal my liN is in full foN ,nl .li(t
<br />coNilsucual{I[xlulc-aoElc1
<br />I hd!t, altm ! j.r Fn hy of Fju+ rhd rlEc it . dirtu(ir. ldd!ts .rrR) fo. rlE FfollM. of lh. { ort for rnth rha! Fnl i!
<br />isu.d Isd 1(n7. ( 'r (l
<br />I hdlb drm unJd p...h y ol FJU') oft of rh. follo( rn* rk. hdi)m:
<br />txmhion Pdit3-arbdos N.lilic sn f.d...l iquhi'B( Inl.{0 Pd6)
<br />RlquKd ldrd.fNdi6crhn
<br />I cdlifr- rhar rh. r.nn.l r.luhln'N r.8 din! st B dno\ .l dc not amlicdhl. to ihis pmjlcr
<br />lL/h'd 'h ,hi I h.t. ..xl rhii anel(d bn tn nd. rhd rh. !rr'.
<br />'n
<br />r.M h.
<br />'ord'llmd rrd Srd. l.trr Eli,E io hrLlrna (oNMnn. rrt ho.n\ adh.uc
<br />a8R ro onq'ly *'nh tll ci', .nd Counry
<br />rB oartB ( rr. di Couil) lo dd r4o. tlr
<br />rn\. no"on n,roF1\ for iNIRlnn nuIlt$
<br />^rrr..n,
<br />o. n,-, *,r*.,*, f 4.2
<br />r,..n,ir*n",n"rr,.i.rr,7l l\J^e I lta.*l
<br />,r-r"' S 1,4 I /a
<br />Set Backs I
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns al(ldt 1.lirr',)e4L tu/
<br />Erection Pads 1t
<br />UFER Ground
<br />SLAB Floor ,tlLqq T 'En^a;q,'2r)
<br />Subfloor/VenUlnsulation \
<br />Roof Sheathinq
<br />Shear Wall (D lt l,Lq Ftf-b
<br />Framinq PI!(A 11
<br />ln su lation/E ne rqy dltflua 't 'fi)
<br />Drywall IL I ut_
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath I oltYlu '
<br />Brown Coat LI U
<br />Masonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handicap Req
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />Engineer Final Report
<br />Flood Zone Certif
<br />FINAL 12-rtq tx*/3
<br />Certificate of Occupancy
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />--t
<br />1,@)
<br />)9,a'.,n -.,.
<br />l-l.fi4-oy