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PLUMBING.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE rD/srG.COMMENTS ()\r'Nt:R rt tt.t)l:R Dltl-( ,llta IloN <br />I hd.l\ illjrnr trnll( tEnih) .l Fat't rhri l ru .\.n,1 li.n, rlf (tt..n!s' l i.ork' lr\ ir the lin](rl'n!,.xv'n tsd rl)rl5 <br />r) rlt rn sions ofth. (,,ntrcnr s Lcci--tl lr\ ('l'rflr' q. (n nncN r! \[[ Sdi,,n ?({r0.1lI\Lsun r.lth. B(si.$(.nd <br />I"olissiLtrs (i(ir)f' rhrrh..rsh. s.\.irt! rh(.li. rl rhc lvs\ nr lhr rLl.!.\lc\dnNon n\\i,n^lrotffs(in,7irl5h!3n\ <br />a|)l]li(atrr r,niN r nnrNrrhc inrl'citrln.i.rilncnilrr.lnor x!.rhanfi.ltrndr.ddollirs(tilrlr) <br />, - l. 6 o{c olrlE prcpdry. or my cnplotE wirh Eg6 s rh.n Fk compaldioi. will {b rh. wt &d rlE rnerB b ml <br />iddxLd doft6.d for sl. (Sc.7044, BuriB dd Profdiofi Co&: ThcCodE.iolt Li.!E t r.L,6tut+tlylodosdof <br />rh. FDFty *lb hril& o. itqFo6 $6@tr ad *ho do6 scn *ut fiid.lf or h*lf or irou8h ht 6r lE om 6l,hy6, <br />Fovid.d rhd u!.h imFrE Ei!etut h'dtd.d no,H ftJ. slc l[ h6wM. EtoirlilB tr itrpm\sEr L$Evnhii on. y@ <br />oasnpldbil. lh. (xn6 B{iLl6 will hrE tlE turk ofFDtine rhd h.or$.dttut t ild or itllro( dE FoFly lir lL F,poe of <br />l. s o$n( oflh. propaly. m Bdurivcl.v .ontm.1,n3 rilh licoa.d cn Bllou ro .oNo.l lh. Foj..l {56 7(}14. B$inB <br />lnd E!fisnn ( odc: ThcConrdrorr Lico..l-a* d6 nol dt'plllo ano$n( ofprotsr) lho builds nr impror6 lhdNn. <br />and sho .o for s!.h rvith ! Co mcro(3) lic6*d l)u6@r ro rh. Comhdois Lkft. t w) <br />I d.rmd undc S(tion <br />D.t.: orn.r: <br />\f,oRxERS COIIiENSAT|ONpE(la8Auq! <br />I h6.b, lmm undd p6.h, ol p6ju.y onE ofthc lollou'in3 d$ldtliocl <br />I ha\.edrill nhi.!ai. i('.nific.r.o,(irnsor kr sclr'lnntr. ror $ orkd!' cotrD.ns0l io., 6 pro\id.d lot hys(rNn lrTu)orihc <br />lrhn ( od., (trrh. tdnmtrc..rric \$rk lor \rhiuh rnc r6rri s strcn <br />rhc $.rt l.l rl .hrhhrr'r'( '! tr,61 \l\ !,'rni.. 'rFT.,"r{ ' atr' ua("d .AlF li!\ a. nFft.,u. <br />, €la /e 1 z+. pzn,1al61 . TrY ro, ,, t Fr+r,/ <br />,.,,....,,,* .147245- z?/ ,.,,,. . //-/t-/./ <br />I ccnit lhsr ii th. Ffomric. nfrh. *or* fo. whth rhi Fhn ir i!ru.d. I dEll nol dplo, .n, poe. in .ny mfid <br />$ 6 ro tcoG 3objet lo lh. $ ortd' composllion hsr ot Califodi!, sd is6 lhli if I .trrld baotu tubic' lo !h. <br />trortd.o'np@tiof,pm\i.ioNofs.clior1700oflh.LiborCodc.I31ull.lonhwilh(on!*nhlfiosptuvirioB. <br />W RNIN(; F ilurc ro strr! sort6 conrp.nslion o\msc i\ !nh\til, .nd shdll3ubjdl e .rylo)s lo cidin.lFRhi6 t.d <br />.$il arf,B up to on. filndrcd lhoMd dolhF (1100-000). in addnio. ro th. cor oacomFHlion. dm!** a prerid.d aor $. <br />\(rri rrrr6 oi rh( I rlli ( !J.. trtr.'.( nkl nkrn.\ \ hr\4 t-n ,/at <br />l)l](taSAIIA! <br />I hmhy imirn (ndd Fnilry.rp.rj'try ll', I am licord und6 rrorik,n.f( hrpr6 e (c.nmocins wnh Scclird rrnol olDiviiion:1 <br />of lh. BBi.6. and Pmlsiions (-odc, md nrylicos. is ir fullforc.dd.ffd <br />ri..n\,(!.ssr P L q <br />,,,., g-/- 1rl <br />/7altrdi.Nuhh6:' 77 17 <br />Y LrYRSffi <br />(l!ira!gtolLu;u)ll!c_a.c-u!(r <br />Ih.rcb!amrn trnds pqrihr ofpojrD thar lhseilo ronshrdtr)n kndi !rldrc\ forrlrIFfdrnnnccorrh.\o tur \ hi.h rhis nnnir is <br />,ssu.drs( :rn7. ( i! ( ) <br />AXf!.!!t, U!l]!r"lBAl1a! <br />I amm undr p.nahy orpsjrry om ofrh.linL\liis d(l.r.rions: <br />l).nrhiotr Permirs- sb.sros Notilic.tion F.rl(al Rc!ulatnn$(T l. l(r. Pan6l <br />R.qutcd l.116olNolifrari'n <br />I cdliry rhat rhc ftaloal rclularioN r+d dinr .sh6k)s r dtro\ il irc n.l or,Fli.ahL lo rnis tYojtr <br />44cdn\ 'nnt <br />lla\c rcrn$is appli$rion and srrr.rhar rh. ah\c,nri'rn1di('n is.oa..l la8rerocrmrl) sirh dll( irtand(inrnr) <br />ordin.ks ond srarc ts"s r.latin! ro l$ildiry .onsrn'dnm and hd.h\ aurlNi/e rcF6otdn6 oflhi3 Cilr dnd ( oun\ r. drd uB,n ltc <br />,l.r r 'ftnr,{n.Ll t{, rrn. lL, '\|\\r,{'t,tr'F\\a l <br />rnnrk' r i. rqt f siltrirurr: ,1 'lt . /- <br />r".,ir"" .n-" tp.i,,r r }4- l1'/'tr '{pn ,/-/-/1 <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Water-Under floor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Building Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarifier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent tq t (r'k <br />Water Piping (>g''\lvlug <br />Gas Piping \-7 <br />Roof Drain <br />Rough Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P-trap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipinq <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rough Plumbing <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL 9-L{-lq.ld"lrln ,r/) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />-> <br />Waste & Vent <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Miscellaneous