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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />COMMENTSSITE.WORK DATE <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loorNenVlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />IDfryalL',10v /-/7EpE Z/a/rown Coat <br />/lnl.L,gffi (qxt <br />{u0Ll <br />Masonry ---..-<I fi't /1.b"',1a41{-a <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />F|NAL 2/3/2t20 t\/4 /0q <br />Certifipate df dccupancy <br />Note/ Refrarks,Elc. A <br />OWN[R BUII,Df, R DEt,('ARATION <br />I n6.b lftm unds Fut! of p6iu')-, lht I d .r.qi filn rr. CodrdoB l]ctr L,q fo, lh. aolhrins 1.d. (s< r0l I 5 <br />8lsitr( and Frol6ion ( odc)r An) ( ny or ( ou , trhich rcnutr6 a Frn to co61ru(, tlr6, iflpo\., dqnolGh or EInr o, <br />Irucxtrr, F6r tr, irs isuMc.. rlro rcqut6 rhe applicur lor rucn p.mi h lilc r !i8n.d si.r.1Mr thn h. or slt ii ltmkd pufut- <br />ro lh. Frrap6 of rli ( o.kkor s Lk.N.d tjr (( h.pl6 q. ( onmtrinr \irh s<lio. 7000 of Dnnirn I ot llE Bd'B !I <br />PFfaronr Cod.).r rhd h. ot sh. i! dcmF lhs.liom dd rh. harB f.r lh..ll.8.n dftIrion Aoy v'ohltn or sd1$. 70 i L t^ mI <br />spplic.nt for a p.nnil 3ubj(r! rh. .Dplicer ro . ci il !.mlty ol not rnorc lhtr nr. hunJr.d ddlla I l50o) <br />, <br />I. ii o"E olrh. Fotdt, or my oplo)d u irh ur36 6llEr $k.ontlMn'n. qill & rtl tr(t di ltE c rr' <br />inrqrLd or ofi6d lor sl. ( s( 7u4. Busind ed Pr.fdioN ( odc 'llE (i,nlrrcr.i! Lic@ I r* &d nor appl, ld d ou n( .a <br />rlE F!l6y *h' t!il& or trr{nr6 rlE6( ,rt tr tn &6 kh $$.1 iimrlf.r h<*ll or ihrouih tu3 M ho .m .nPl,rtc <br />ro\ r&r, rhr! su(h imF.\€ldr G ml nonql or olEd tu qk ll b{aa. rlE tlilli'lg o, itrFo\qd u $ld wihm m ta <br />olcoq,Lrt,n. rh. ()trnn Bxild.r will h6!t rfi. htrda ol Forin8 thd lE or si. dil ful tlild .. inp$. th. Fa,Fly ftr lhc psrr,e ol <br />l. B os,n6 of rh. F.Fry. m r.clirs uilh l,cna.d .oir,.lots h mnfud rlE pr$F (s( 7Or4.8csd <br />and Prokibn ( odc: Thc ( onldror'r Licd.l-.w dE mt arply lo & owrs ofpr.pcny *ho buil4r or imProvB ths@n, <br />sd *tki odd3 ir sh EoFr rnh r Co..rxro(rl lto!.d FllrMr ro rh. (-odr*lr't l-aoE lr*) <br />I Mr.\crnfl,n <br />D.t. O'nd <br />110R|(trRS. ( ()nl?El iS TtON <br />Dlct 6xArt0! <br />I ha.b lnim undd p6uh) or F,un ok . r rh. foltt$ nx d.rhdFN <br />I h!\. rnd wiU @imri. a cdinc{.ol(-oNal to S.ll-lBur.lor \Frltd' .omFsion. c Folid.d for bySdlion 1700 oath. <br />l,bor ( ode tM llr Ff(xlll,G of rh. *ort ld "nkt rh. pomir it i$.d <br />I hav. and will n.intain \rort6 conp.Bation iNurrnc.. $ r.quncd hy sern)n r 700 oi rh. I nbor ( odc. for rh. p-fnrmM. of <br />rh. $orl aor$hi.hthir Fmn I iqd Myu'ork6 comFBdbn i6ud...mir ad policy nlmhq a. <br />l..nilylhrt in lh. Flood..oa$. worl for whi.h rhk Fmil i3 i$u.n. I shlll.or dll,,, ey P.Eon in tny dmna <br />e B to lt.o@ rutid ro rh. wrl6 ohFlrhn laut 6f Cdifomi& t a*R rhi ill shuld t.otu!bii{ !orlE <br />*n&6 omFdion F$ tioB of S.crinn 171X, of rlE ld@ Code I 3hll. fdh*nh otrpl! u nt thot t,.\i.ioE <br />WARNINCT l&ilurc ro s@ sortd @npaldion co!6,g. i! unlaL_ful, dd thdl subid d mPnrF lo mdEl FEIi6 8,xj <br />cnil [n6 up ro.n. hu6d'd $.us{ doll6 {ll xx)l. in dl'ro. ro rh. cor of.of,D.rullion. d&asd a p.6\id.d f.r tlE <br />s.crirn r{176 0f rh. tltn code inrod &ld t <br />I pquD rhrrl&n I'rds{ undd ln rBnn {q(otrnnc .'tr! tr rl, sNli.n 7(xr(Jrol l),\'sknr <br />(itd.. id my lk6e u in tull <br />((/ 20( t \3- <br />I h6cby nmr und6p.n.liyoipdl ylial I <br />isuaj(sa 10q7.(tr ( ) <br />hnding lsdcy lnrlh. lqfodincc ofrh. trlrt lLtr *hichlhB Frmil t <br />ATT!ICANIDIiCT.AIAIIA! <br />IH'yiltm! cr polhy daFllD om ofrh. follosins &(la.tio6: <br />D6knihn PmB-Asbcnd Norifi.dr. F.&.l R.Xul,rioN ( 1nE J0. Prn6) <br />R.qut.d 1..(6 of Nditudnn <br />.l s. ml ippl6.bk lo rhs I'.ld <br />'nforidi.. ir.dd l,Eclo.onFlr rnh t[ ( iyEd (-ounl! <br />lby ruthomc kFddrng of lh! Ci y ,nd Counrt ro dE $.n dE <br />t( / Zolg <br />Flood Zone Certif. <br />ID/SIG.