<br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS Iha.ta.lfmutxl6p.t{ht.fFjq_rhiIedd9lfmnlh.Co'trsi'litMljslorrlEfr'lbsi,Er.e'(s'70:rl5
<br />BBin6 ed Pbasion ( od.): a.y Cny or Counly shich tqun6 . Pann ln snsrud. !ta. idpro!.. &mlilh or .q!n dv
<br />ntud@, rir lo nl islt.N. .lo Eqti6 llE tt"lior for *h Fni lo f l. . rti.d riffil rhr iE or slE a lioB.d Fltd
<br />ro rh. FolnioN of lll Conrradoi! Li.dr.d tlw { ( hlrlq 9 (bm.ncin! wnh sdriof, ?000 of l)ivbion 3 ot ln' Rurins md
<br />PrnfBio.i Co&) or rhtr li or rlE n .rdF lhs.fton tnd lh. b66 fff llE ,lLs.d Balrhi Anv \ i6ldhn ol Sdion 701I t b, xl
<br />.!pli.{ for.FnisbjdBrlE.pplk&llo.ciilF l,of ml ndc$m n!. hutd.d dollG ( 1500)
<br />l. s o*G of llE Fopdr), or ny dplotE *irh *ts6 6 th.t sk codt Mio.. qill& tlt {dld r,E {n r@ i! e!
<br />inrdrd.d or of6dl for !.L {Sa.ro4.l, Buin4 od ProfGrB Co&: TIE Codtrtd ! l-i.G l,$.h6 Fl irrlr lo a o$F or
<br />rh. FbFty f,tn bil& q hgo!6 Ee rd *hd dE kh qtrl hi@lf or lE$lf o. tlrouslt hn or lE oq dph)6.
<br />Fovid.d rhn ruch inFotqEi. & d ,ndrbj tro,IE d 6r s]. lf tr{6s. ih. h'ldi$ m lirrcEE ir stl $itho oc )a
<br />;fotrptrirrh.O*G suiud $iU tu\tdt hdoofFsiry fir t ortEdndhildo.tproNtlEFFrv&"lltF F*of
<br />l. so$ndolrh.Fop6ry, mdclNiv.lyco rlins dh I'cd!.d coftrloR lo odnd rlE Pmjdl is* 7044. BB0B
<br />.,n hokir ( o&, Th. (h.lrxloit l.i..G lr* .Lrd mr .9Plv lo d orM of FoFrv * h, blildr or itFo\ 6 rh<6'.
<br />.nd who @ffi3 for urh Fojdt *th . CodEcto(r) licss.d p6uln to llE (t tmrttr'r t LtM Lle )
<br />lrin.\fl,t trmld s.((,n
<br />O.r. Onn.r
<br />lt oRKEnS' aOil PrNsAr rON
<br />I h6dD amm uidd Fullr otFjur.Rof th. nnbq
<br />'ns
<br />&lhfarhB
<br />Lu* rrl * ill trinr.i! I cdiif..tc of coMt to s'lr-lM' fd sfil6 odldBairo 6 p'lviLd t'r 6, sdio' !700 oldE
<br />lnbor Cod.. for !h. p<fomffic ot lh. wo.l for *hich lhc p6nn i su.d
<br />X *,. -O " ,, .,.r,n *.116 (omD.n$lDn Guht.. B Equir.d by sction lTOo of lh. t hor c.dc. fr'r lh. p6&ffi' 'l'rti *t t* *'t'*tr rtr" pa.i ! isEd. M, *drd'omFsFr eft. ffi,.i Flr) tunb.r E
<br />,-- '*3 A DF znf u*7-
<br />u,,',.."*, Iy'y'€ J2r144fb d.,r/rry',
<br />I cdif) rh.l n rlE pdtotu. of tlE $ori( a shthfiBpsnn n asu.d lsn I mr onpLv st oaen in.nv na6
<br />$ s ro baoMubjdl k' lh. e!rl6' mnpqtsrxon liu of ( tlifomia. dd ssc rhd if , druld b.com. lobjdl lo lh.
<br />*.rt6 $hFr3llFtFnvithEofs.dirn 17@oatlE trb Ccle I tldl. fdh$nh omplv *nh Os- FD\tiod
<br />$ARNINC [!'lur. o sut. norld cof,,xn$'ion dnda!. $sh.ll rulr.<r M oploF ro onin.l FEhE i.d
<br />cnil lin6 u, $ oft hu.dr.d tk uv.d dollm (1100,000). ir
<br />S6tio.1076 of rh. Lhor co& fisd md drorEr's fc.
<br />or compcr*lio.. d&.!sd a prolidcd lor lh.
<br />-
<br />,rppu."r,.{
<br />Dtr r \r r ll()\
<br />I hdrb! ilm ulxtr Fuht 6f Fjury lhd I d lr..nsl ui& Fllnion ol(1Epl6 u (oltlllftine wnh SEtbn 7000) 'r Divit'n r
<br />ot rh. Uuind Md Profdiod (od.. @d my lictu i! in tull for.. dld.fial
<br />C-2a,/,y',,-,-*,f
<br />coNsrRUcrroN I rNnlNG IGF{(-Y
<br />I hdlny .ftm un& Frhy of Fju,y rhn dE. t t o'irucli,i la'dis .s@, for th. Ffolrll.e of llE wl ld *nicn lhi Fnn i
<br />bru.d(sc 1097. civ c.)
<br />ln<rd.! Nm.
<br />Affllla.dl.[Elcl 8AIto!
<br />I ha!b, .Jrm unda FDh y oa Fjury oR oI th. tollotr i.E d.<ls.! i.nr
<br />Ds.ohio. Pmns-Albalor Noxicd ion l.ddll Rcsultxon, ( t itl. 40 Pd6)
<br />RquiEd ldt6 of ldri6.rn.
<br />I Lstit lhar lh. f.don r.suhtn,B Esrdn8 6b..ros tdmv.l d. tun tpdi.tblc b th* proj.d
<br />X I..n,ri rhar t hs.rddrhE !r9l'or
<br />id,na6 exl s!.r.1.*s Eklx r' hri
<br />rhir rh. rh,vc rfom.rion r cotr<r.I iSrc h comply trnh 3ll Cny!.d( ou y
<br />iiG rn bdltt dlErir .Gr*rdn€ of rhir c,ly !d cour, to ara l4on l,E
<br />itrrc moxon.d proFnt for iNp.<1io
<br />^ppli..nr
<br />o.
<br />^srir
<br />sirnirnrc)(
<br />lc.nrrre nr mr t nrinr l: X PRE1ZT/e
<br />*1, z/a/rt
<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Liqht Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Siqns (monument)
<br />Life Safety /Low Voltage
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Buildinq
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bondinq / Groundinq / UFER
<br />Transformers
<br />Torqueinq
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rough)
<br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soffit Rouqh
<br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouqh)
<br />Meter Reiease
<br />Rouqh
<br />Service Meler I
<br />FINAL /l I /L/ /7 F,4rt //
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />-->
<br />Communications Cable