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102102488 - Permit (2)
Halladay St
1605 S Halladay St
102102488 - Permit (2)
Entry Properties
Last modified
12/16/2022 11:51:45 AM
Creation date
12/16/2022 11:51:44 AM
Permit Number
Full Address
1605 S Halladay St
Permit ID
Master ID Number
Project Name
Demo patio covers
Street Number
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Street Suffix
Building Use Code
Resid-1 unit
Job Types
Permit Type
Applied Date
Issued Date
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Flood Zone
Description of Work
Demo (2) unpermitted patio covers attached to rear of house. Letter of authorization on file.
Nature of Work
Demo patio covers
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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE rD/srG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILDER DELCAR TION <br />, hdEbr dlm und- FElry ol Fiury rha I d .rdpr n!6 tn. Codanoa Ltog tlw for rh. aollowin| lE$n (Sa.70l L5 <br />8uir6r lrn Prot6i,n co<l): Ao, Cny or co!d, whih r.quiE ! FEn to otqnrr. .xE. irFo& &Elirn or iqn d/ <br />iruce. Fi.r id ir! sll4.. rlo r.qun6 rh..pplt&r tor ruch FEn lo fik r lis'Ed rdccr rhr lE o, .lE a li.ael Friln <br />nr rhc tmvirD6 of trE Co.r.ror! Laor.d tr* (Cll+rd 9. Comtrins silh Sdion 7000 of Divitio. .l of llE SBifs ed <br />PEfdiou Cod.) d rt r lE tr $. it 6dpr rh6.ftoi r.d rhc bc! for tlE .the.d 6qrpl6.. Ary vnhhr ols<li.n ?01 L br rt <br />$rlicdr fo, . !6in sbrer rlE lp?lic.In lo il Frhy of mr mE the liv. hutrd.d &llr, (15@, <br />&!a . ""* r,'* *r..). n E) orpblc *ch *.s6 !!lEn $bomp@rao!. *i[& Errtrdrh.innE!d <br />inddcd 6 otI6.d fd rlc (se 7o{. &d6 ed Pml6bs ao<lc TIE Cotxld t liu& t- &d ('l .rd} lo e ord dl <br />rh. FtrFry dr, hll&d nqmrs E6( tn r'b rIE rt F hilulfor lEElf or ltEugf fis ' hd os mpk'rq <br />,Gl rh.l .uct irFaEErr E ol ndi.d do&,!d lor el.. I[ rE\w. dt tuilditB or lpmldrd i mld pili! or ]d <br />of@n9kiol! rlE o$E BuiUE ril |IE rlE hrL! ofFlritB rl'r h.ddE dil El hru n ingov.0E FFry b. E Fn or.of <br />L si$mof rlE Fot6r'. md.luir.lyco rNhs wnh licdE d coiErlalo @,uru.r ttE Fld (s< 7(x,1. &!!6 <br />lrrl hDtsm Cod. Th. Conr&ror'! l-r.G tr* do6 mt .tpl, <br />'o <br />m rwn6 olFoFl y r ho h{ild! or inDmv6 thson. <br />Md *ho loffi3 for lch F$jd! w h ! Contrldo(t lt6s.d purird to th. Colf!.br'! Ltoe tt*) <br />I m.rdr, und6 Sdrhr <br />v.,. rt-to-t1 oir< <br />I hdcb, ifliiln undd rEnihy o I p6j!r, o!.otrhc aolloslng dcl,r.toN <br />I hav. d wiu mlitrtsin s ( .n iliclt. of Co6d $ S.lll6ur. lor worltG .omFMiion. a Foridcl for b, Sction 1700 o t th. <br />lrhJ c.rta for rh. Ffommc of th. s* lor which rh€ is isucd. <br />I hlvc&duillm.i .in uork6 conp.B'ln'n i@6nc.. s r.qun.d hy Sdiof, 1700 of thc L.bor (bd.. aor th. pcfotuG ot <br />lh. wrk tor whth th6 posi n is.d My wod6 comFdio. iMc. ffir &d polky nunbs a. <br />Ct(aLL.d,6 rh, <br />'n <br />rlE Ffoll:W of rh. r. for *hEh rhir Fhn L ie.{ I rh.ll mr anpby.ny F$a ir o, mdF <br />b G ro l\E m $t*rr ro rlt wtd'dlFd!.irn L*! 6ac.lifooi!. !d {E rnr it I ilDrtd b.rom at!.( to llE <br />$rtd oqqBrbn ,rovnb6 ofserion 1700 of lt. r,b6r Codc I JrlL n]dnwnt ol4ry wnh lh.- Fovi'bd. <br />wARNINC F.ihm b cw mlta mnpaErbn ovqls. n ulstuL rd ftll obir x ploF to aimind Frli. ri <br />cinl ftr6 l{ ro oE lM&sl rho6ld rl,tb! Iil0o,o00), t ..lditioi ro llE rcaol.onlFtdion. &n'+- 6 FlviLd tu{:I*# <br />I lEri'y .rTm und6 Fun, oa FJury rhd I 6 leFd orda FBio. ofcfi,p{a 9 (omffiiis w'lh Sdion 7000) of Dililbn l <br />of t,E Bui'B ed PlofdhE Co{t . ad hy ltoe i! h tull lorc .nd .ffcl <br />Lic.B.Nunb6 <br />COIIIBI(IIAN.LEIDAS.ACI!.q <br />I hcEly amrm und6 Frlrt ofrdjln rh,l rh6. ie r.odrudion lddins astry lor lfi. p6fonne. ofrh. *orl i,r shi.hrhn tEsir i! <br />isu.d lsc.1097, Civ. C.) <br />lr.ld'r Addd <br />AIIIJCANLDECIJSAIIA! <br />I h.6y !trrD un&t padty ot pcjury oE of dr folowi.g dalrdi,Nl <br />rXm,hion P@irt-Arldrd Norrlicaon F.d6d R.*uLrb (InF 40. Pdl6) <br />Rqu@d tarq of N, <br />I .d'i) rhr rh. lcidn r.roLrhN rcardi.s Bt6loi r6br.l e rl applatblc ro rhir FoF <br />al dirr thi I lI,. Ed rlB .rrl(rs <br />ordiffi6 md Slll. L.s Ehq ro hlild <br />odlrd.rht rh.!b.\.oaoldion ircffi I .nr to Nndy $ dh ill (]ly.nd (oul) <br />ha@r.r <br />'lnho.i& <br />EF6ddiv6 of thii Cilt Ed Couly lo ols l4on rh. <br />.torc MtpEd FoFny fo <br />l|l|,li(rnl or rrctrr sirmhrr <br />I(o Lu;1n.-i <br />o.r.,to-r'z- l( <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor^/enUl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framrng <br />lnsulation/Enerqy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />lvlasonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />lt <br />FINAL tzlzdllq ?ff{Yta L#r7 <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Notqs, Remarks, Etc. <br />lz v 4 c c ,H
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