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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE tD/stG.COMMENTS OWNEf, BUII^DER DEI-(ARATION <br />I .rm un&r p6rn, of Fj',, lhr I o .rdnf, ftoo t& Corrr.do6' LioE l.* for rhc follof,i!8 lq). (s< 701 L <br />BN'IB d ProfBin Co&): Any Cn, or Cody rnth r.q!i6 . Fni ro odtu.r. tns. inpo\q .lamlilh m lq.n i, <br />rodda Fif, ro irs irllee .Eo r.qund rE +plrer for sh r6nn b 6k. r{rl.{ nr.E rtr h. or dE i licqs.d FErr <br />lo lh. Foririrc of E Coturl r l-tat d L.s {(trFa 9. Co@ins rnh s<rFn 1000 ol t)lv6io6 ! of rlE BciB &d <br />P'nt io6 Co<b)drh.r lEdllr ir sqtEr rh.r6!E!d rlE tGir for rlrdks.d dsrFh Atry rblrio. ofscrion 7011.5 br.ry <br />lppltul fot ! Fnn sbjd rlE +plicd ro'l t oh, of mt fn. hui(,({ d.lh (t5m) <br />l. B o*c of lhc Fop.rry. or hy..plold wirh r.s6 s rll.n $E 6mp.Mio.. qill& ltr $ql rn dE *urE b mr <br />inlddd or otrd.d fo. slc {s( 7Ix4, B6in ud P6l*ioc Cod.: Th. Conr-ld r l-i.d* l,* d!6 ful qrply ro d orE af <br />rhc F.Fry *rn hrikl or iryrcrEllEor rd sho &E kn qnn hinclf or h.ellor ttNu8h hir or hs orr mployc <br />lrovidcl lh.l iuch inproraEn E nol irtdicd or otu for st lf, hor6s, fi. brildtB or inF.\qE t sld dhn! oE ys <br />oacompldkln rh. O$m Buitta *iU h.t! th. hldot of Folins $d hc or sh. dri m| hild or i6Fow fic A$Fry tu, lhc pdlos of <br />,. a om6 olth. Fopcly.*1in3 *ilh licd.d ro codtud llE pmidl tse. 70,!1. t}!D6irt Ptotsi, Cod.: Th. Conr&ror t l-icd. l-!* d.d tut !rrl, b e ourd ot pmFny $ho build! or ieprovB rhtu,!dd *ho for $.h F.j.rl! $ nh r C.dd.(r) li(dE d pcuar ro $. Gdrard'r l-ade t w) <br />I m crdri un&r Sdhn <br />l).!. (rrrr <br />I!8IiIB5:CqU[[!IAIOI[lodtallu! <br />I h6..b!.mm rnds Inah! of FJ',rt orcolrh.fdlt'trmt d(tar.rioN <br />- l h.\r nn s,ill roi! lin ! CsrifHl. otconsr lo s.ll-lM. for $!116-onFri6n, B Flid.d lirr bt Sation lTm of rlE <br />l,hor Codc. for th. Ffol:ffi. of lh. mrl for {,t!i.h th. Fiil i isu.d. <br />if h!!c ..d will maintlin worl6 conp.N.tion G r.quir.d by SGtion t700 oalh. l,h.r ao.L. for lh. Ffotffi. of <br />rh. M'l lN rhrchrhBFn i{isudj MJ.+r.rtd omFn$lion irou c.cer6 dFhc, numb.r &,*"3* tr,^, <br />,"r,r, *,',,,t* 1OaL4 S {,",,,,, ll/ot /2 o <br />I cdify lh{ r. th. Ffol.lm. ofrh. *.rl f.r *h(h rhi. Fnn i! isucd- I rlill Nl 6rL'y 6y F&n in uI mac <br />ai a lo b.coft rt*< lo llE *oltc'omFdhn Lsr 6f Cdifomi ed +E rht ir I th.lld lE om ob.d h 'h.*0116' onFEsrion proruioN or Sal[n ! 7m of <br />'lE <br />Ltrf, Code I CEll. fonhs nfi onplt * nh rtn* tmrilbB <br />\TARNINC F ilurc ro sd. $.ltd tumFuirn 6rd+. n unh{rul. .nd ih.ll rt.n r dnpk16 r. ffiin l FDli! d<l <br />ctr'l firs !p ro oE hndr.d thounrd .bllc 11100,000,, in .rtdnirn b th. .on rf.ohp.adio.. drtrlsd a Forit d lor th. <br />s(xon 11076 ofrh. L.bor Cod., inr6d ud it,rEy ,"i*^ L;n v <br />I ( rlsuD ( oNrta( I(n <br />u[(:Ir1-8{!!J! <br />I amrm undq rEoahy otFsjury thlr I dn lic.ruo] und6 Fovision Dioupid 9 (.orn,mcins wilh S.dion ?000) ofDivirion.r <br />ol !h. Acin6 sd Pmf6ioN codc. dd myli.m. ii in lull tor. lnj.ncl <br />lkrs.('hsi 3 <br />"", l?-12f11 <br />ls{o 6 o <br />tJox.n e ,-.a79uiE,-5 <br />CAIiIBT&]IAUJNDIIGIGEICI <br />, hdr6t .rm otuld FEht ol Fj!, r. ln ha. ! r orunrlFi Is'dit{ isdy h, $. Ffo.lte. of r& }nI f6r *tth rhi! Fni . <br />is.u.r, {sd t097. cir. c ) <br />AISUCANLOICIJNAIIA! <br />I hod'y .Rim uid6 p.nrlt, of pdjury on. oa rh. follosinn drl&ai ions: <br />D.mohion P.mnlA3b6r Notifi..!ion F.ddll R.*uhtnrN {Titlc 40. P{16) <br />R.qun d LatdotNorifrcaon <br />I .diar rhd th. f.n6d r.sul,'h6 Gxrrtrns abdros rfrnal e @t rytrlrlbL to th! pmj{Tt <br />Icdr,fyrh.rr I ha\. ral thE rlrlr.lFo rn tr!r.lhd th. rr.rnfotureni.otrd l.grar o c.mpl! r nh .I Cny !.d Couni! <br />ltu ( n) .d Couly lo ons uFon llE <br />n rzlLl!1 <br />ddiMm6.nrt! E!r,B ro hrld'n8 ,n h.rcbr" .u'lF.u. rcF6dln B n t <br />iho\. nFrirncd FoDct) f <br />\ or .\96r Shn.r <br />u Upo+ <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER t@rb n t*W-rd<t 2y/ <br />Transformers I /)t <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment tlal'la 1 ?,<ty.,t.,,tot,'hh) <br />Factory Wired Unit t OI <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL tl4l'a> n 'la-at t .t u,ll .4r,-z <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.,<tI