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APPROVALS DATE COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equi <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />pment <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough <br />Service Meter tbttl'^'u'/"Tl"l IV7W <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc UI <br />0WNER BUILDEN Df,lI'ARA I'IoN <br />I hd.b, rrrh uflid Fut! of FFry thd I n .ratpr from rlE Codr.doE LilE l^ lor lh. folhtr it}8 r6rn (56 tu]I.1 <br />Ilurin6t od P16lBio. ( od.): Ary Cny or Coumy sh'ch r.qut6 . Fn'n to NBltud, .nd, imprcv.. d.inolnh or re.n o, <br />rn'd'rc Fi, b fu isua.. ito r.qun6 rh. +plicar for sld F.rn N 6k . .trcd mi thd lE o, tlE i licE!.d prl,'d <br />r. <br />'h. tm\iri8 ol rlE (-oddm ! l-k.G.d l,* ((]qio 9. CoMftmg wirh sdion 7000 ol Dnihn I of <br />'h. <br />BBiId d <br />t\of.sionr (,od.) or lh h. or shc{ tho.fton ud lh. btrln ror th. lll.8.d .rdnpl ion. AnyvddlionotSdNn7011.5by..y <br />,irhcr fi, r Fei' lh. ,r?lic6r h . ctr il p.uh) oa B't fr)a llu. l'i\ . hu6d.d doud (ttm) <br />l. a ownd o I rh., or mt dnplorG with *!*a E rh.n sl. .omr.ogl nr. will do th. wo* e'd tlE llrElre n no! <br />lrdxLd otorq.d fo.sL{Sa 7014,ltNitg6d Pmf*hB ('od.: nE(nd,.d 'rLr(elr*(i)6rcr{'iryroeoreof <br />rh. FDFnr * rb txild or inqo!6 dE6tr rn * b da s*t' *!rr hnMll or lEEllo. rl"o!!h hir or lE o*n dtlolc <br />l,hvidai rh.r such inF.vdEft e nor idqdci or olfqcd for el. lf, ho\B E lk taildinA or in Flmdl n $U * hhin oN )dor.on{,ldb( 1t ( )trc Briltq *'ill hr\. rh. hrdn ot Fvin* rhr lE or ih. dn mi hild onqmE ilE FDFiy ror Or FnFo- of <br />l. d oq E offi. IroDqty.. m rodrerhs $ ilh lics!.d conEloR to co'Erucr th. p6jar (Sc. 70.14, t\4uB <br />!n PrDler co&: ft. ( onrdor'. Lk.e h* d€ tui rpply ro x o* n6 ol F6Fry e h. bril& or inFo\6 'h6@&d who conrrxl! for rlch projcdi s hh , ( o,nE lo(t) licB!.d pu6uMr ro rh. ftrrddor'! Lictu l!*) <br />I nscbv 0finm unJd FBlty o I pdlun on.olrh. aolkJr inl d..lddrioB <br />I hdr. erl $ ill mi.rain. cdiar.!. or('oMr ro s.lf-lNr. fM trortn-omFMhr 6 Fm\id.d for by Sdnn uoo of rlE <br />llhrr Codc Lr . psfomd.. oarh. worl fd *hich rh. rEnn i! isu.d <br />I h!( rnd *ill *ortd &mF6!lnm iEureq a Equn.d bJ Sdb. l70o olrh. Lrh.. Co.L. fff rlE FfollE..t <br />rh. worl ior shkh rhit Fmir i3 istrcd My wor!6 .nmp.tuaioi ireu'6.. cdid ad rini.y nuBh6 @: <br />I c.nify lhlt in th. of lor ahi.h lhir psmil t i.rx.d.l shallnot orploy any Fson rn any Deoq <br />$ c ro lE&ft tubjdr ro rh. sn6' ..nj,our io, Irsr or c,lifoEir. !d +G rhd il I dbuld b..6ft olid b rlE <br />\ortd onFrshn Fu irio6 of S.di.. lU00 ol ilr l rhor ( .de I dill (dh$dh onply *hh rlb* For irioB.. <br />W RNIN(i Foluc ro su. \0116 snlEsdnn cowS. ir unlNtuL d null tubld d dphc ro aimind F6ra !d <br />.nir 6nd up ro oft hundr<i rhoend &ltd lloo.(U)). i( rddnbn lo rhc .o, of .omFsiio.. dmu36 a prc\iLd lor rhc <br />",,.*f >5 <br />DECIJXAIIII! <br />ui'& FD\irbn of (n!Fs c (offiirg rnt S<lnn 7000) ol Uv nirn ! <br />ol !h.lnrindsand Ptufdstr,ns(inl., ed mv I'cdsc r m rrllli,'c.dtlrfrer <br />s]-\!-l!rlr 1l!2\ Lt:uu. _!!.1_:!_r <br />I hd!!y lmm ud.r D6uny ol equ,y tlld thd. ! r oldrucrt lGdins rsdy t r rh. Flotuc. ol $. rnl li. *h(h rnt DqDi b <br />irlucn (Sc.1097, Civ. C.). <br />APPT (ANrDECINRATION <br />I hEdy .Ifm undd rHdlry of IEJU r- on. oa lh. follosirs delen ioc <br />D.nohirn Pm l Arh6los Nol ifi..l ior tcd.r.l R.*uldioB ( Int 40. Fal6) <br />R.qui,.rl L.rl6otNoxfi olb. <br />I cdiaylhd rh. r.d6dl rcBuldniN rct Jing 6b.rrolmo\.1 r. nor ipthaht lo lhL pNj6l <br />Iti lh.ftor. <br />'nfom'dnn <br />icor.n I .{,E l! ompb \ nh .ll Cn) tnd ( oor, <br />n, dxj hd.byaurb'u. rq'Eordn6 ofth'r (iry dd (i)unryb dr6 ulr,n rh. <br />ty'"/"' ' <br />ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />4/t ^+ (.-A.,-.-s <br />rD/srG. <br />FINAL <br />rm-.,fl/.J- s-r*. <br />,,.," t'L/L>/z-otr