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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OTf,'NEN BI]II-I)':N DTITARATION <br />I hd.try .mm ona.r Frhr_ ol Fjury lhd I o crmr* nom rrE ( omn<r.a l-td. trw lor $. tollowiry r.Mn (sa 7011 J <br />BBins exl Pn,Esnn Cd., A.r- cn) or Coudt whrh r.qui6. pdnn h NldM,.lla. inF.lq.l6hlnh o, Epdr M) <br />srru(@. rior lo ir asMc., .ko E{un6 rhc rpplicor ior 3u.h Fmit lo liL. sisrcd r ddl iha lE or.h. L li.dsd putuMt <br />ro lhc FovlnB of rlE ( o rrlc.! l-(o!.d tr\ lcluFo 9, (-omtri.s *nn Sdio. 7000 of Dirsion I of rh. BuI.d &d <br />P6ldionr ( o&) dr rhr ,E or rtc ir .r.mpr rhd€lion &d thc l8i! for ll,. rlkg.d .raphn. ny vi.l.tion oi Sdion ?01 I t br lny <br />.prncur for !Forl $tr6r! E q?lkmrh.6rrlF hr.fmr mr.the lir. huidd dolla (1t00, <br />LcosEofrh.FoFny.orm!.oph,€wrrh*!s66llfrel.6n$.Mio($ill&tlr*aIrd{ <br />inrdd.d or ordcd fo, $lc (S< 7044, Bxli.d ed Profsion! ( o&, 11E Corlr.clois Uc.@ l& <to6 mr ,Prly r. M oqK ol <br />llE st[aly ulD hilt inqtrG $d@ td db &6ut sir hiElf ot lE*lf ot ll'lud hit d lE o*{ mplotc. <br />p6v'd.d thd i(h imFo\ffitnd i drd.d d orsd fn. slc l[t *6q.rlEtailliBdinp.sffiL$Brnhir@]6 <br />of$q'Lrbq d. (xG tldilla wil h.* th. hdd! olF.viB rhi lE or tE dil ml t ld or itrFot llt FnFlt 6r tlE FrFx oa <br />r. c.$E of rh. D.qEr), d.r.lEnch comrrlnls trnh licdu.d coddd ro 6dM lE (s< r(l1., BGi6 <br />and l\$&sn. codc Th. contr.doir l,ic.N. L.* &6 no! .rply to & own6 o rDrer.ny *ho ttoild! or improv€r lhssn. <br />lnd \lt conrd3 fM iu.hF.j<r! rih. Colrrrldlr ltor.d FRd hllE(tl'ltu,r'r tr@ I&l <br />I s cr6pr !nd< S€rEn <br />^ 'J627247 <br />.B &P( lor rhi! r.Mn <br />I h6.b .mrm u.dd Fah ol F! r_ .m or rh. lolhr i.g rkl L.dhN <br />t (dr,ryth,r in rh. pdforukc.l th. $nrt fm whkh lht Fnn ! *E( I Cull.or orhr.., F$n in lny meF <br />e s !o be.E rubEl to tlE mrld ompnBaioi la*! ofcilif.m[ md +E thd if I rlFuld h(om. obFr to !h.qrlt6 rcmFutEn Fovi!i!6 of sarion lTm of rh. l.tu (i)da l tdl. tfilhu'nh @nCr *'nh rhoi Fsr irm6 <br />\lALtlli(; r.,tu'. kr scc tr.rl(l <br />.ivil fin6 tp ro... hoRt d rhousnd <br />sdkr 1076 of rh.l.t$ Cqie mlscr <br />^,..-/o!L1-2oe LICEdSEDIONIf,ACIIA <br />oPclJaalla! <br />t hq!6, lm und.r Frt,6f Fjury rlE I ffi [(ee.d urdcr Flvtnn of Ch4i6 9 (osmfting wnh Sdhn 7qn) ot Dn iri.. r <br />ol rh. turilB.ri PreiBi.B Co&, dn my lk@ ir in full f..e rn.fial <br />colllalJ(llo!.LEliDlxc-6cEdcr <br />I hdch,.m,n undd p.ndt, of Fjxrr lh,l Ihsc i!. coNruclhn Lndins army lor lh. Ffome.. olth. *otk lor *hich lhB pFn( 6 <br />is.d{sa 109'7, civ ( } <br />AfTLI(ANLDIICI.6MI]A! <br />I hdrt\ rrm n.d.r Fn.h! olFju4 orc ofr& nnku inS d.cl6rdi..r <br />ocmolirFn Pd s Ash6tos No' ifi.d n. F.ndrl R.nuh' nrm (r nl. .10. Pan6l <br />R<utr.{ Id6 of Norilicd$n <br />I.drlrrhd !h. f.n( r.suhrFB r.asdra stEl.r rmrr!,. nor,il,lr.bk t! thB p.oid <br />I (dit rhd I h,\. 6d rhis qrlk.lsn d ,r. lhi lh. !h.\r infomrF. . .dr..r I t*G <br />'o <br />6mdy r nh .[ Cil) tnd (\unh <br />orJin...d.nd srar. tis Ehti.s ro boildins .onitu.l ion. rd h6chy outhoriz r.F6drdiv6 ofrhis Cilyed (iruly k, ot( uFn rh. <br />.h\. nnrk,n.ll Ix tq\ n{ irul7no" r* <br />\ppllonr or Aadr sEdru( / -/p.mi,Fr.n.{prr.,,: U'-'l'LO.rl t^ (h nl os <br />,^-lo-27-2.D <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough <br />FINAL <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />*ill@i 6. Cdifrd. of c.dd ro s.lf.ldu. fd $ml6 comFEnior . Flyilcd tor bt SdFn l7o0 of llJ <br />titor Co<L. ltr rh. Ff(fu. of tl'. erl f.r s,tlich th. FDn a is.d. <br />Ih.1.lndwrllnr.umit6-con$6.rEr!ffiq6r.qui.dtys.dirnrToOofrh.lrbor(-od.-fo,lliprfolr,e.o? <br />rh. *otk for $,hi.h thn F,rit ir islu.d My Mrkd ompddion ialrc. @ir !d polky nuhb6 t.: <br />La(ll* NuhtE <br />Service [/eter