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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORO <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough <br />Service Meter /^\ <br />FINAL il"h-)7 V,Vll-rt) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />OlINER BUI LD'R DEII'ARAI'IOI\ <br />I ,116 udd Fu,ry oa Fjury rhd I m aant)r tm r& ( otudoE lie lj$ for dE folhm8 @n (S<t'l|5 <br />BBin6! $d Pr.ft*rhn (-od.) Any (-il) or ( ounly s hth ..qutre ! Frnil lo conrrucl. !lls. inFovq &mli.h or qu &t <br />nrudu., pmr to il] isudc.. ale r<und rhc rpplicdr for ruch lo 61. !!!hd $ar & or {E i! licd!.d pue!.r <br />ro rh. FovisioB of E ( o.t*ro.s t-i.mrd hw (Chrprd 9, ('om.ncin8 *nh S6rhr ?000 of Divilhn I of lhc BuliB hd <br />Frof*ions Cod.) o. th.r lr .r !h. t .rdpr rhs.tom . rh. b.r! tu rt dks.d .rdFiti AnFioLrao! 701 I 5 try dy <br />rr?hc&r tor , FEn &br6r3 rh. .9pl(!nr ro . d\ rl pnElt of mr tur. rh& i!. hun&cd .r.lks { t5m} r - <br />t. s otrE ol'h. FrF ty. or my orglo)€ unh "rg6 - 'h.t $L mnp6drn. rilldo dE Eai.n rE trr*rG n ml <br />inrdi.d oro,I6td fo sL (5{.704,1. BulilB od PrrldioN Co<L Th. Conrdoar l.t.E t wd.6norpplrroeo"coa <br />lh.!,!rdy *lr t{ild!or inlrnv6 Eoran*n dG u.h $l! nim.lf o, h.Elf or llrcuh hn d hs om mpror6. <br />providnl rhd su.h inFn\66b e @i idol.kd or otu n)r sL. lf. t \a6. tlr blildns or lrqsEE i! sk wnhin onc ra <br />olsrpLrior tlE (rc tloilb vill h.r r hrdn ofFD\i'B rhi lr o, CE dd Fr bui! o, rq.oE t FbF, 6r tlE FrF.. oa <br />l. a os6 otrh. FFry. d 6.h! srr(li,s *'llh hcdE d .otudm !o sdrud <br />'lE F.jd (S( ?0114, &!ir <br />.,rl t\otsin co&: Tt. Cont*roi! l-icd* bs' {h6 mr .ppl, <br />'o <br />d owr6 ot FoFly rho blild! or i6po\ 6 th6o.. <br />lnd who srnrel3 t( 3uch proj..l3 *irh . ( lr6.d pu6u.,n ro rh. C.nrebi3 tice k*) <br />I rn,ere'n tr Ll S&1kr, <br />lr.t. Om6 $onl(.iai(r$rPrns rror\ <br />D&CIASf,IIOE <br />I hs.b, lmmunds pdlliy oaFjury.n. olrhc follr*Ds dddrio6 <br />I h!\. and \r ill nm'nh'n ! ('.nificar. oI (i, 6r r. s.lf lnu. r,n $0116. .ohpdsrtun. a Eo\ id.J ntr h, sar ion 1700 of rh. <br />IiIDr ft&. for lh.F6lrr1m. of lh. tro* ror qii.h lh. Fn'l ! rsu.d <br />I h.r. lnd sill *ort6 cohrEB.rbn uMffi., B EquEdbr&clFnl7mofrh.t borC.&.turlEFfMol <br />rh. Nrt fd rtih thir FDn L isi.d Mr sort6 onlp.rBrrn iBulE .tE i,td, mmbr rc <br />I cd'ry rhrr in llr Frolrrl.E of rh. *orl tor liah rnn Fnn ir {x.d l.htll nor or$h, m, F$n in u} m&6 <br />r r ro bqoe $qei ro tlr *dr6 onpadsr l$! olcdrlimr sd +c lhd !, I isuld b6om lo lli <br />*. d's.rrEerir,r.ririoGofsanio.:t700ofth.l,to(od..ICEll.fdhwnhorplysnh r- ForEioB. <br />WARI\INC: r{ilurc l0 sue rvolksf conrrmsitn'tr covcdsc il uliNful- d 0ll irh)d d @plo}!r 1,, d,nin.l p.Bti6 and <br />cill lin.s up h .n( hrnllr.! rhoLrsJ i.lhrr (ll ,n arlll ({ k) rlR u( of.omFMrDn.!6 a Forid.d fo. tlE <br />I hdcbt amrn und6 ,.nrht o I Fjort rha'trnd.r t(,\rkD ofah.Il6') t.. nknc'ng \irh S.dtrn' 7000)olOtrN()n r <br />.r rh. acin*i Md Pn,l6iod ( od., drl hr. lttM i! in full nr.. drl .lTd <br />.6\c(brs c ^/0 <br />"." lo/LolL4 <br />e4Vr( ( <br />Ulou,LUiWFt, c <br />I halsy .rm un& Fn ny ot Frury thr llE <br />isu.d (sc. 1097. cil ( ) <br />lnli.s asocy aor rk Fforlljm. .i r h. *ort for whkh rhis pdmr it <br />affu{:all.D!(]dB^flad <br />I hairy.rm u.da F ltr of Fjur_t oe or rlE folhq in8 d.(hrrl hu <br />Ddmlnm. PmirlAih6rM tJorifrdhn Fald.l Rc*lhrrB ( rnl..r0. Pd6) <br />vale. nompplt.blc ro tn pmjdr <br />. infonnii,n ie coF..l I rsrc lo conply *nh .ll Cty od Codt <br />.lrlnriz. r.riMnntr 6 .t fin Cn j lrn a6u\ ro dr6 qbn rlE <br />R.qun.d IirdDlMtacdDo <br />,to fTol 1t1 <br />Air Conditioners