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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE to/stG.COMMENTS <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenUlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathin <br />Shear Wall <br />Framin <br />lnsulation/Ene <br />ilD <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Mason <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handrca Re <br />Final ReDeU <br />rtEnineer Final Re <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL <br />Certificate of Occu n <br />Notes, Remarks Etc. <br />()\\Nt.I At ll Dl lt tI t( \ll \ tx)i\I k.6, .llm u"dd Frhy of Fjury ihi I e qmF ttn ttE Co r.<16. L-.e l.* ao, rtE ft)thrirg rdn (Sr rOI tBaiB on rtotetion (-od.) aly cny or (.oudy shich rqun6 ! Fni ro muttuct. .trE. inFov., dr.dtnfi or E U my <br />nrud@. FU ro h! suec., lLo rq!r@ th. +lk&t for 3wh rmil ro fik ! risn d niac thi tE o, tE it tc!.d qBrr <br />!o 0E Fo rioc ot dE Conudois Ltd!.d t * (Cll.pr6 9, comrtui.s qnh S6rio. TOOO of Divilio. I ot lh. BuBi &dPml*ion! Cod.) or lhal h.or$. b qop rhs.fiom ed lhc hdt for th..lks.d ddF6i. Any viirtnion.ascdb. 7O-LJ by jy <br />lpplrd aor ! Fnn $bj6r tlr tp?lk., to . ciril po!h, of mt m,. rh, Iir. hurH.hltet (t5@) <br />l. 6 o$mof rlEFoFnr.trmynt9br6rnnr!s6srlE! $komFMio..riu(h tlE$dtidllrlrrdEadidsrLd dor6.d for srL tS< 7(!14. Bqi.6 Dd lrnt<io6 Cod. rfuco r&loi! Licle t_!* do6 .ot .ppty to s om6 oa!h. FoFry *ho hriti or mF.6 rEtr rd $l'o dc sh s,t hilrtr o. tE*tf 6r Grcugh hn o lE om ;,ph!c <br />,toliLd rh{ *.h inp.ovnE{r e mr iraxt d orotErd ror d. Il ho*aq_ rtE hlitding dr in+.!ffir i sU;nhitr orc )@oacorpkre ft ()*nd hrlda y hlE llE hfttor ofFrvn8 rh. t o, a. a,a -r U,iU oi ingo,. dE FoFry 6. t,r F,F. of <br />l.-ao$Go lE FlFty. o sclBir.l, .onrrsllls u nh [.68.d conlrrd ro on ,u.t llE Fitt (S*. 7Oa{, &!in6.,x! PD(linCod.:'rh. Co r!c1oi! Lic.@ lr* rh6 el ap''ty ro u owG orFoFny *ho itiid! o. inpDra rhq@n.ed *'h. 6,rr-tr fu $d! tDir.r ynh. Conn ro(r) tt6!.d F:&!r lo ltE CodBl[ B Lida tl*) <br />I m.!dd u,r& SdiD _ .B.&pC torrna rs). <br />D.l.: otrrc <br />WORXT'LS' CONIPFNSATt{II\ <br />D9cLAR TtOn <br />I umld p.n.lrv olpsjury o!. ofrh. rouosint d<tardionr <br />I h!e. lrl vill roinlnn r ( qtifE.rc ot h S.lf- rNUr. tor s ortd. cohFdstion, B Forid.d to. t, Sdion 1700 o f C.d.. fo. rlr Ffirtle. of rh. *nt fd utrkt rtE Fhi i! i$cj <br />I hNr rnd *ill n.idlin rorld .ohp.Brk n ilM!ft.. 6 ,.qu!.d tD sRr[n l7(O of rh. tlbor (.o&. tor rtE Ef(fu of!h. trorl fn, nhtrh thirrffii i! 6o.d M) trn .6 mnpa!.d, n rEur c.@6 and D.rrcy nuhbd u.: <br />Erpic <br />ir lh. Fblrl.e ot rlr *ort td wtil lhn Fmil ii ia.d. I rlelt er dntkrr" loy Fe. in rn1- htuE <br />ro rh.qond'conFn dbn h$: olcrtrroDr. e'l +c rhd rfl ,mutd t!..e surFt;tlE <br />Fo\ !i'6 of sd hn l70o of th. llbor ( o&. I rlEI. tonhsiih compty unh rh.s$ARNIN(: l.Ailur. fu \(u. sorlrs .onrp.nsdnn corcralc rs uiti\,nt. and shrl sbld 6 aphrd r. .ero| rErhE lrtcnil fin6 up r. oE hrnd.d rlbolrd &tlrr lttm.mo_ h lddnhn l. rh. co, of comp.E rion. d&uta a Fo\id.d for rts(tion t076oflhc lrbr(.dc. ilrsd.nd rtrory rf6 Ltt(l VA <br />I ffir.,Im uidc Flny otFiury rhd t 6li6d uftb Flvibn of (1uF6 g tontlBi.s *nh kio. Tmr)ofDrubr lol rh. 8r6iB.nd Pmlsbd Co&. rd my tt.e i! in tul t6rc. Ed cfi..1 <br />X \! ,tJt n F Jotq y' <br />CONS RU('TION I r\DINC CEN('Y <br />t h.Eby .llm un&r F.hy of FJury rhr rhq. i! . .osru.ibn tdxthg r8tr, for rh. Fr.llm. ot th. w* ft,r $nkh rhir Fri itisu.d (sc toe?,(i| ( ) <br />A'PLI('AN'] NE('I ARATl('N <br />I hc.t, arEn undd, of pdrury on.of rh. t llowinS d<l{itKns <br />Dsnolhn. F(nns-kh.nd Notificaio. F.d6rt R+uhaE t lnt jo. p,n6) <br />R.g!n d k16of r*'tifrdion <br />I cdi! rha rh. f.ddrl r.luhhB rcBrdine stcslot r.m\ rl &. r{ qpla.bk h lh! <br />Icdrifyrhd I hac r.!d rhi!.pt lf,ari,. d'd i.r.rhd rfi. !hor. intor,$(ion 6 c@d I c.mpl! trnh all ( ir\ and (-o!nr\ <br />his ( ilv aid ('ounty kr old uFn rh.odii!ftd ond sld.l$!ELrh!lo hildins .oBlru.tio( itd hcr.t\.h\( r. r'.nd F,p<n! lilt mspcdNnptrrrss <br />npr,,""r, o. nr-,.,*n.,r* f, Wrl,ull t,Ittl4t <br />Pt-ilt-rt I