<br />I lErhy frD u l.r p.Mny ol D.rpry rhd I m .r.npi tEm rL (blkl6 litM uw for lL follorin3 E&n (Sd.7oll.t
<br />BoraErr !d Pmtcs.. Cod.i: A.y C y.r Cou y *tah EquiB. Fnt to sn{M( dr. m0NE d.mlirh.r EFr ay
<br />studw, Frtrb is rsu!R:. als Equns rn ll','ltrr (ormhFmrr to 6t !x,sftdrr@rd rldtrorcritlt.nsrl pu$.rl
<br />ro rh. F)vii.ni of lh. c.nu-k r l,i..n&rl be (Cnipl..9. c.mmEin8 qirh s.clhn 7flJo ol Divilhr I ol lh. Burinc$ ud
<br />P.DLBioB Cur.) o. rhrr lr or slE ir .r.n{r {Ete.h lrl rh. b.rn tur r llh3.d .rnlFhtr ny vnbli,! of S.cli,n .701 I 5 by u,
<br />.tplicanr ror s Fmt lubFrs ttE lpol'(mt ro ..ir,l p.M[ y or mt mE lh.. fiv. hudci doller (sJu)].
<br />_1. .r o*ncr ol $. Forrny, G my .mthyrs wnh *r8.s .i rh.n $k c.rrFndhn, * l ih rh. k,t rrl t tu4 s n{
<br />,nr. al or .iLcd ror $L (sc tui.l, Burirs ard Ph,f6ft,$ CGLi TIE (t t.du l-r.ne k* JiEr no! 0pply ro u owrcr ol
<br />rh. lrtr,Fnt wL, hnild! or m$.8 rlrtu,( ad pln *d rkt *)rt hin$.lfor lu(lr.r rla'ughhn or &r o*o.n{'loyfrs,
<br />pnril(d thrr such iqnEm s z. mr ur.id.d fl nllcr.n nr sb ll. lF{.E, dE lnildhS o, rrrnEmd ( $ld wi}a or Jwordxpltal,EorE. Buiua *'ll h.c rlr hrnln o, Fovin8 th. h.or slr drl d hi! M irgD( 0E F.iF,, rlr IlrFEo,
<br />_1. nx .*hd oI rh. pn,tkdt, rn.r.lurir.ly cotu,fin8 *irh lic.nsd codreroRro.un(r!crrh. p(rr.lr (Sd.7O,]. B(u.s
<br />nl li,l.sd Cod. Th. Conrhcttr l Lr.tr€ b* d(*\ tur ipDly b rn uwM ol ltr.Fny rho buil& or ioprov.r rh.r.or
<br />.nd vho cotuds Lx luhFrjrk unh.Cdr tun:)lt trcd t'{^ud r.rh.Grddd i txco{ L.*)
<br />I lor.r.nDr ud.r Sar
<br />woLxrras' coMPr\saTloN
<br />PEcJrrf,Allg!
<br />I h.rchy rfiirm undcr p.u!y ul pqju.r oE oa rlE rolb* u8 d&ld{rB
<br />_l hrv. nt will nDir rnu(tnrillr.of(i'ns [) S.ll.lNuE li, *orkq' snrp.Ndi,n, !s rmvi!.d lor by S.cr (D ]7m of dE
<br />blu Gn., n (hc Ff,trrlu. oI rh. rod ir trhEh tlr n nnir ir isu.d
<br />I hlE ltn wnl mrrrM sort.n riEJ ty Scr.n 37m olrlE trhd ((i., tor llE rEllJtrrIe! of
<br />rtrru'0(rrxr ! F,|rc)nunlt' dr
<br />Pot 'Nn{.q 12 a 5.., dtz\ EtpG'
<br />-l
<br />ccniti rh{ ir lhl rE fornItr. oi rlu *o,l for wluh nu n.mr t iiu.d, I $rll Nr
<br />'+ l7\tzt.*lI;{*,*
<br />s A h hcNm ruhjcd lo rhc *Ml6 cotrr.nsdi{n, tw\ ofc.lifohir. atrd r8u rh! rfl sh.uu h.cdr $hrd b tlE
<br />Bo di (otrD.nuh{ pn,rsrN ol sdln l?00 ot rh. l:&tr coa.. I JEll. Ionh*ih.onply wih tls* pDv6orl!.
<br />ltALNlNG: FriluE ro s.u. srtol Nrp.ndi,n FEn3. is dl.rful {ld '!i.ll iubtat .n .trploy.r to
<br />cNrl tuE\ up rd (rE hurllr.d rlx)nEDJ Jollrn (tloo,i)oo), iD rdd i)n tu rlE.oi ol (rn
<br />s..riJf, lr)76 0Irh. t htr(dc,i.r.r.{$d
<br />,.,., - [0 t14/1n
<br />llt.('r \RA I r)N
<br />I h.r.hy illtrnrundc' FndrvofFrjurt rlhr I dr l(.rsd utulq pbvs$n of Ch!!t( 9lconnrEnri4 virhSr.irn 7uJ0).fDirirrn 1
<br />ol ih. Busirss and l,hfrinor CoJ.. fll my l(.n{ s tn llllntr( !d.llcr
<br />tL
<br />Ar&[: ]!LIIEI!4-8!L!QB
<br />I nailry dlif,n urtLr F-nilryottcrjur) or ol rhc lolk'*'ng d&lnrdi('
<br />Dorl x,n Pcrtuihi\h({nr Nlrlrrdkrn lalc.rl R{ubti,ns 1T(|c.fi,. Pa6)
<br />Rcquncn lrtu ol N,irtu,rn
<br />I.cnily rh, rhc Ldc.rl.cgulasnos ic8ddirg,sbcnos rcdv'le sn +tli.abk !, rhh ll.ilr
<br />Ukd,r, 'rd r ru* E,r,r,..,.r.d
<br />V{tim.r !d Su. LA ( rr&rd, k! tli
<br />n,n i.cqr.d ! larroa'q'|, *nl,.I Cny.nl Cou y
<br />'ri4 rclrc*drwt of dur Cn y rtl Cou.ry lo .ntd uFa Lri
<br />ubovc rhtr0oE! nNr.ny itr inF-ri
<br />.{ppli. r o' .rxolSa*nnrlr.\ to /r (/ ?()--7----'1-
<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountarns
<br />Siqns (monument)
<br />Lile Safety /Low Voltaqe
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bondino / Groundinq / UFER
<br />Transformers
<br />Torqueino
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Faclory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rouqh)
<br />Ceilings (Hard & Solf it Rough
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouqh)
<br />Itrleter Release
<br />Rough
<br />Service IVleter tl
<br />// /oi rzFINAL r?O z*rrLt ,/
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />-)
<br />Rev. 08-07 2015
<br />tn
<br />coNsllucrlol{ LFi\mr\G acF\lcY
<br />I hcrcb, ifllrm und.r FMliy ol p.rrury rhd thft s r con(ocrion Lndin! ,g.ey r.r ft Fr'm. or tlE tnt 6r whah $a Fnd i.
<br />nruai (sd, l()97- (iv c,),t Dld!Nr...
<br />-