<br />Appliances
<br />Metal Fire Place
<br />Evaporative Cooler
<br />Compressor
<br />Misc. Equipment
<br />Duct Work
<br />Pre-lnsulation
<br />lnsulation
<br />Rough Ductwork
<br />Vents
<br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer
<br />Residential Ranoe
<br />Other
<br />Hood
<br />Type I Hood
<br />Type ll Hood
<br />Grease Duct
<br />Fire Damper
<br />Openings
<br />lnstallalion
<br />F.D. Drop Test
<br />Above Hard Lid
<br />Above T-Bar
<br />Rough Mech.
<br />Final Test
<br />Meter Release
<br />FINAL 4€-lri,z-t)
<br />0 I
<br />o\rrNEt autLDEi DEr-c^tallolr
<br />I br.t, .i&6 uldd ,6.1, of Fiu,y drr I D aql noE tlE colr..ctn' LiqE L& 6. E followio8 lEr (s-,01I 5
<br />BuiE &d Prot .bn C.d.): Aly Cn, d Coudy shth EquiG . FDr lo oldru.l. .!a. ioFolc d@oEh d ,t ir oy ,
<br />rt'Icrm, Ft, m i, i!}e.. rto Etuid rlt rp?lic&t tur Mh Fnit lo frL . .tf,Gd nrordtl lhd lt ot rt i! li.a!.d Ferd
<br />lo fi. Eoviioo of ll! Conl*ld'r Lieni.d Lw (Ctor6 9, Coonftins wih Sclion ?000 of Divilion 3 oa th! Bdi,.3 &d
<br />PrefdbB cod.) d 6d h. d rlE b a@B thqdob t"d dr tcir ror u. dr{.d q.4iE Aly tbbbo ofs.dni mll.t b, &y
<br />@li..d lb.. FDi Dt*rlrt[. tpplird ro..ivil pdlr ornor tre lb, livc hlodld &[@ (t56].
<br />-l
<br />s orc of rb lloFrr. r o, qPbr€ win *ra...llEi -k,! wi[ & t wI -.!dE t'dG b 6l
<br />idcrld orofald 6r r.L (Sa.7044, BsiB &d P'otu bs Co&: n!. Codnddt kaB re &€ tol l?ly to o olc ot
<br />llE FlFty *bo bit& n i!4 € I,EEG rxl eto d.q $.n slt hii!.lfor h6*lfor ftolrh hi! he oM dpby6.
<br />,roriLd th.r roct inFvad! 6 or i.lod.d qorftld l( hogt6. dr toildirB 6 irrsDEd i eld *n]m oE t{
<br />of sipEi,o. rt O'*E BuiEawi[ hrEdrhrdiofFovnB lll l'drt <EDlhi!diryMrn FDFIy tt tL Fltc.l
<br />-1.
<br />E olc of rlE Fogdry. 6 add\d, ofrditr3 wit liq..d condd ro 6inud rt Firjr (sd.7oaa. aliE
<br />!r, AD*dn Co&r Tn Co ,..roar LkaE Llw &6 mr.pptyro -om6 of Fopqly*lD 6uikh s iiprDcthcoo,
<br />dd wlD olnn r Id.Gh Flirlr wnh ! conl&to(r) li.q!.d prEu6i lo th. co r.cld t LalE ln).
<br />I d cr6Dr udq s6rb. , B & P (' fnr rhn rrun
<br />D.r.: OrG:
<br />lnaSf,rt[grMfEsallil!olcuxaro!
<br />I .lIm ui(b ,. t, otDqlury .e otrh. ftllowin8 .k lutlnN:
<br />-l
<br />hrE -d will i, tiI ! Cdifrd. of Colgr to fo wiEJ onlp.noior\ s Flril6d 0or b, SEli.o l7m of lh.
<br />trbo. Coda fr tc Ffdttrc of $. *st 6r wnin dE Fnn a is.d
<br />-l h.c Dd will uifl.D wsro @ryaniE iElfuq E Eq'ird by sdbi !700 of tt L.Dor code 6. lh. F6@c. of
<br />'h.
<br />*vr tu *li.h rh6 Fnn i iEaI M,otrFoirbtr idlrc .riE .d poli.y llMb6 t
<br />-l
<br />crary dr i6 E Ffollt!.a of rc fq *tih lhir FDr it isad I {dl 6r .qby uy Fhn in dy .tnd
<br /> slt6 ffipa!.bo hs,ri od {c 0! if I ltNld b@G rtixr ro t[.
<br />s! 6' oEFrdiotr FovniE ofsdrbo 1700 ofth. t to Coda I fi]t ldlh,ih 6rPl, sth tot Flvitiro.
<br />i mls*tuI rld tdl 3ubjd E @ploF ro oidintl F!li. a!
<br />.ivil R!6 up ro oE hb(H ttoNd &,lln (ll,
<br />s.dir 1076 of rlr l-&. codo n6ti -d dq:r.y
<br />ot oDp@diot. dd,Sa a Fovd.d 60r llE
<br />Dlcll&\notr
<br />I lE$r.Ift' u,,& p(rltyorFj6y thr I D t d ur<b F!! orc!.9lc a ((.lnffiiat wih S.citr,m) orDivirioi I
<br />ot th. &,tiE rd Prltrd(E cdr., rd dy lac i b tu[ bc.n.Ed.
<br />.^J7z ,/ot/ fei-
<br />(-rb -, 7
<br />I btb,.f&E6.h DdlyofFi,y6. tdtl..o6lxrn Hi! tc, &.lt F6.ttE! oflt.\ll!.i 5tltittli Fui a
<br />iilld (s... !o97, Cn. C.).
<br />I 6r.eE o!& Da.f, of Firy d of tlE folowba &b.k6:
<br />DoEliir PmilArtrrd Noiif.abi Fabd f,.slbi6 (TiL aO. h6)
<br />-R.quircd
<br />Lalq of Noif.tbn
<br />-l
<br />cariry dld 0r tuda.l r! Esdilg a!.rd rmrd e lo lhit F.ilxl
<br />-l
<br />€dt 6r I lD!,rd O! tdttir -d r& rtr rE.borr inbi bn i.dnc.I {rE ro @oPt wii.I Ctt Dd Cottdy
<br />ordim6 -d Src. l:{ Eh4 riix..dri€ oft! Cry rd coury to .ds
<br />'4oo
<br />llE
<br />.!or Mrio!.d D.oFry f..
<br />^., /'rc', f
<br />€
<br />Furnace
<br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />^,.t__1 '! t_-r 7
<br />I