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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />Rev. 08-07-201{ <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/S!G.COMMENTS 0WNIIR B I.] I I,I)F,R T)I.;I,CA KA.I'I(,N <br />I lrcreby affirru urrder penalty of pr.iury that I arn exenryt fmnr the C:ontracloni' License law for the following reason (Set'.7031.5 <br />Busincss arxl Prol'cssion Crxlc): Any City or County which rcquircs a p-rrnit to construct, altcr. improve. dcrrxrlish or rcpair any <br />struclure. prior to ils issuance. also requires tlre applicarrt tirr such pennil to fih a sigrrcd slatemenl that lr or she is liccnsed pursuanl <br />to thc provisions ol'tht' Contractor's l,iccnsed l:w (Chaptcr 9. C'omrncncing with Section 7fi)0 of Division 3 ol'thc Business and <br />Pnrl'essions Crxle ) or that lrc or she is exenrpl therefronr anrl tlrc basis ftrr the alleged exenption. Any violation of Section 703I .5 by any <br />applicant ftrr u perrnit subjects tlre applicant to il civil penalty oI not rnore than five hundred dollars ($5tXtt. <br />_1. as owncr ol'tlrc proli*rty. or rny crnplovccs with wagcs as thcir solc cornpcnsation, will do thc work and the structurc is not <br />intendetl or olTeretl frrr sale (Sec.7O44. Business antl Professiorrs Ctxle: 'I'lrc Corrtractor's License Law tloes not apply lo an owner oI <br />tlrc prlpefly wlxr builds or irt4rrovc's lhereon, and whr does suclr work hinrself rlr herself or tluough his or her owrt enrpkryees, <br />prol'idcd that such irnprovr'rncnts arc mrt intcndcd or olfcrc'd lirr salc. ll. howcver. tlrc building or irnproverncnt is sold within onc yr'ar <br />o[ conrpletion, tlrc Owrrcr Builder will have the burden o[ provirrg that he or she did not build or improve tlrc pruperty for the purprse of <br />s"tle). <br />_1. asownerof the pnrpeily, amexclusilelycontracting with licen.setl conlraclorstoconstruct tlrc project (Sec.7(X4. Business <br />arxJ Prulc'ssiorr CorJe: Tlre Contructor's License Law drles not apply to an owrrcr of proJrerty who builds or inrproves lhereon. <br />and who conlracts frrr such pr<r.ic'cts with a Contractor(s) liccn*-d pursuant to thc Contraclor's Licensc kw). <br />-IantexemptultderSectitllt-,B.&P.C.lbrthisreason. <br />WORKERS' C0Nt I'DNSA'rI0N <br />DECLARATION <br />I hcrcby afl'irnr unrlcr pcnalty of pcrjury onc of the tirllowing dccluations: <br />_llraveantlwill rtnintainaCerlil'icateofCon.senttoSell-hrsurelirrworkers'conlpensation,as providedfirrbySection3T00oftlrc <br />Labor Codc, for thc Jrcrlorrruncc of thc work lbr which thc pcrnrit is issucd. <br />_l have and will nuintuin workers' conrpensation insurarrce. as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, frrr lhe Jrrfonrurrce of <br />thc work for wlrich this prnrit is issucd. My workcrs' conrpcnsation insurancc carricr uxl Jxrlicy numbcr are: <br />S r) I-(+Na(\ !c(d <br />Policy L ltLl"t/ro, o <br />_l ccrtify that in tlrc ;^.^rtornuncc of thc work f<rr which tlris pcrnrit is issucd, I shall mrt enrploy any pcrson in any nranncr <br />s() as to bccomc subjcct to thc workers' cornpen.sation laws of California. and agrec that if I should bccomc subjcct to thc <br />workers' corrrlrcnsatiorr provisiorrs of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I slurll, forthwith conrply with those provisions.. <br />WARNING: Failure lo secure workers'compensation coverage is unlaw[ul, and shal! subject an employer to crirninal penalties and <br />Sectkrn 3076 of thc l,atxrr (ixlc, intt'rcst and atlorncv's l'ccs. <br />o <br />I hercby affirnr under pnalty of perjury that I anr licensctl under pruvision of Chapter 9 (conrnrncing with Section 7firu) of Division 3 <br />of the and Pmfessions Code. anj mv license is in full forcc and effect. <br />Licerxe lD Nunrber:o <br />D <br />CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY <br />I hcrcby al'lirrn undcr 1^-nalty of pcrjury that thcre is a construction lcnding agcncy for thc pcrlbrmance of the work ltrr which this pcrmit is <br />issued (Sec. 3097. Civ. C.). <br />lrnder's Nanre: <br />l-cnder's Address: <br />APPI,ICAN'T DECI,ARATION <br />I lrrcby aflirnr unclcr pnalty of Jrcrjury onc of thc lirlkrwing dcclarations: <br />Denxrlition Pcrnrits-Ash,t'stos Notification Fetlcral Rcgulations ('titlc 4O, Part6) <br />_Rcquircd L,cttcr of Notification <br />_l ccrtily that thc I'cdcralrcgulalions rcgarding a.sbestos rcrrrrval arc nol applicablc' to this project. <br />ordinanccs and Statc l,aws rclatirrg to building construction. tnd hcrchy authorizc rcprcscntativcs of this City and County to cntcr up)n thc <br />atxx'e rrrcntioned pr()t)c't'ty ft)r pur[x)ses. <br />Applicant or Agurt <br />Itcrnritec nonrc ( urirrt ):rtlrt hia-m Gc p( <br />Ort", <br />Site-Work <br />Underqround <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor -?- <br />Bondins I Groundinq I UFER (\-?la D,ffi,-/ <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough)I <br />[Meter Release t(1 I DWt 7 <br />I , <br />Rough ,I <br />Service N/eter t t17 lz e trytF 7 <br />FINAL L('17lz CI Dftq I <br />Notgs, Bemarks, Etc.t I /x <br />Oul DI -m <br />I I J <br />a <br />D