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20172180 - Permit
Rosewood Ave
1414 S Rosewood Ave
20172180 - Permit
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Last modified
1/19/2023 4:19:20 PM
Creation date
1/19/2023 4:19:19 PM
Permit Number
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1414 S Rosewood Ave
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Miscellaneous Counter1 Permit
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Resid-1 unit
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Description of Work
Install solar panels. Fees pd on 101105068.
Nature of Work
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ELECTRICAL.! NSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Liqht Standards <br />Spas. Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm I Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildins <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondinq I Groundinq / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough <br />Service Meter I .\ <br />/Z/,b/zaFINAL ,t/ / <br />Notes, Rernarks, Etc./a <br />OWNER BUILDER DEI,CARATION <br />I hscby alfm undo pmalty of pcrjury that I m exmpt ftom thc Contmclon' Licme Law for rhc following Itmn (Sc.7031.5 <br />Buines and Profsion Code): Any City or County which rcquirs a pomh to construcl, alto, improvc, dmolish or rcpair my <br />strucluq prior to its isumcc, also rcquirc thc applicilt for such pcnnit to filc I signcd stslmmt that he or sltc is licoscd plllsmt <br />to thc provisioru of thc Contractor's Licqscd ttw (Chapt6 9. Comacing with Sction 7000 of Division 3 of thc Buins ild <br />Prcfsions Codc) or that hc or shc is umpt thscfrom ed thc basis for thc allcgcd qmBion. Any violation of Setion 7031.5 by my <br />applicet for a pcrmit subjcts thc applicant to a civil pcmlty ofnot morc tha five hundrcd dollm ($500). <br />_1, s om6 of the pIopsty. or my cmployG with wag6 6 their mlc compemation, will do thc work ad thc stnrctw is rot <br />intodcd or oflqcd for ele (56.7(x4, Buitre ud Profsiom Code Thc Cootractor's Licffi tlw do6 not apply to u omo of <br />thepropqty whotuildsorimpovctluoo.ddwhodo6swhwd(himsclforhmlforthrcughhisuh6omcmploycc, <br />providcd that such imptomts rc rct intodcd or offsod for slc. lf. how6. thc buiHing or imprcmt is $H within onc )E <br />of mmplction, ttr Owns Buiklr will harc thc btrda of proving thd lrc or shc did mt tuild or impovc rhc popcty for thc ptrpo* of <br />sle). <br />_1. as owner of the property. arn exclusively contracting with licensed contraclors to construct the project (Sec. 7M4. Business <br />and hofcssion Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon. <br />and who contracts for such projects with a Contracto(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License l,aw). <br />-larnexcmptunderSection-'B.&P'C.forthisreason. <br />Date: <br />WO RKER.S' COMPEN SATION <br />DF'CLARATION <br />I hercby affrm under penalty of pojury one of thc following declarations: <br />-l <br />have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to Self-lnsure for workcrs' compensation. as provided for by Section 3700 of the <br />I-abor Code for the performance of the work for which the pcrrnit b issued. <br />have and will maintain workers' compensation insurancc, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of <br />the work fq which this pennit is issued. <br />rwYvlt(An <br />My workers'insurance carrier and policy number are:?v luPolicy\\I \ <br />Lf ."rti5, that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I shall not emptoy any person in any manner <br />so as to become subject to the workers' cornpensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the <br />workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code. I shall, forthwith comply with those provisions.. <br />WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an to criminal penalties and <br />civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars in addition to the cost of as provided for the <br />Section 307Q of the Labor Code. interest <br />o 121 ILO <br />and <br />t <br />I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I arn licensed provision of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 <br />of the Business and Professions Code, and rny license is in full force and effect. <br />License <br />C\D <br />Nurnber:1b151z <br />oate' \D V ar <br />W <br />I h6cby amm und6 pcnalty of pcrjury thrr thqc is 8 @Ntruction landing agocy for thc pqfomucc of thc mrk for which this pqmil b <br />issued (S€. 3097, Civ. C.). <br />Lender's Name: <br />Lender's Address: <br />APPLTCANT DECLARATION <br />I hereb,, affinn under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: <br />Demolition Permits-Asbcstos Notification Federal Regulations (Title 40. Pan6) <br />-Requ <br />ired Later of Notification <br />cotify that the federal regulations regarding asbestos rernoval are not applicable to this project. <br />certify that I have read this and state that the above information is correcl. I agrec to comply with all City and County <br />ordinances and State laws relating to representatives of this City and <br />above rnentioned property for <br />Applicant or Agent <br />Permitee name <br />construction. and <br />^-.^. <br />\t <br />County to eptcr upon thc <br />ir:. lzu <br />Rev. 08-07-2015 <br />Licerue
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