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M ECHANICAL-I NSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS Onns-BuildrDcclsntion . . . <br />I hercby aflirm undcr pcmhy of pcrjury that I .m cxcmpt form thc Contnclon' Licemc lrw for thc following remn (sc.7031,5 Buincs <br />ud Profqsion Codc): Any City or Couty uhich rcquiro a pcmit to satruct. rltff. improvc. dmlish or rcpsit my strucrm. prior to its <br />isuamc, rlso rcquire thc lppliqnt for such pcmit to filc r ligncd strtcmnt thst hc or lhc is licered puBurDt to thc prcvbioE of thc <br />Contrtclor'r Liamcd hw (Ch8ptcr 9. Commcncing with S@tior 7000 ofDivbbn 3 ofthc Busines and Profcssions Codc) or that hc or <br />lhc h dmpr thqcfrom snd lhc basb for thc rllcScd rxcmprion .Any violrtion of Sction 7031.5 by my lpplicrnt for ! pcmh tubjcct3 thc <br />spplicsnt to r civil pcmhy ofmt morc thso 6vc hundrcd dollan (t50O). <br />_1. I owtrs of thc prcpmy. or my cmployG with we86 B thcir slc compcNtion, will do thc work md thc structuc is not iotmdcd <br />or off.r?d for slc ( 5@.7044. B$in6! rnd Profcrsions Codc: Thc Contrrctoi's Liere Lrw dm not apply to u oms of thc prcpcrty <br />who buildt or imprcv6 th@on. md who dG !rch wort him$lf or h6clf or thrcugh hir or h6 own cmployc. prcvidcd rhrt iuch <br />improvcmcots rc not htcndcd or offcrcd for !sh. lf. howcvs, thc building or imprcvmat i! sold withir orc y6 of complction. thc <br />Ouna-Buildcr will havc thc bwdcn ofproving thlt hc or rhc not build or imprcvc for thc purpolc ofslc). <br />_1. as owner of the property. am exclusively contraoing with liccnscd contractors to construcl the project ( Sec. 7044, Busincss and <br />Profession Code: The Contractor's Licensc Law docs not apply to an owner of propcrty who builds or improves thereon . and who <br />contracts for such projects with a Contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Conlractor's License Law.). <br />_l am excmpt under Section & P.C. for this reason. <br />Date: <br />I hqcby allirtn unds r.*n, orO"r1rry onffi <br />lhavcandwillmaintainaCcnificatcofComcnltoSclf-lnsurcforworkcrs' providedforbySstion3Tooofthc <br />Lsbor Codc. for thc p€rfomncc of thc work for which lhc pcnnit is issucd. <br />(lhaveandwillmaintainworkers'compenstioninsurance..s requiredbysection3T00ofthetaborcode,forthcperformnccofthc <br />work for which this permil is issucd. My workcrs' compcnstion insurance qrrier and policy numbcr arc: <br />c,nx,,flCf Ata?ricrq,, 9n 5 <br />poricy *"^*, Rtr)ccl^gll ti bo) Expires: a' I ' I 1 <br />(This secrion need not be completd if the pcrmit is for One hundred dollars l$1001 or less) <br />_l certi$ that in the performance of thc work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to <br />became subject to the workers'compensstion hws of California, and agroe that if I should become subject to the workers' <br />cotnpensation provisions of Section 3700 of the labor Code. I shall.rvith those provisions. <br />WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation is and shall subject an enrployer to crinrinal penalties and civil <br />fincs up lo one hundrcd thousand dollaE ($100.m0).in trddilion to lhc cost ofcornpcnsalion. damages as prol,idcd for thc Scction 1076 of <br />the tibor ('ode. rnterest and atornay's fees. <br />LICENSED CONTRAC ORS DECLARATION <br />I hercby aflirm undcr penalty ofpcrjury that I an liccnscd unds prevision ofChapter I (coormcncing lvith Sedion 7000) of Division -l of <br />lhe Business and Professions Code. and my license is in full force and '/Liccnse Clacc.Cu License <br />orr",/0,21 'l(2 <br />conrracror: <br />I hcrcby aflinn undcr pcnalty of psjury thst lherc is a coNtruction lcnding agcncy for thc p€rfomncc of thc work for uhich this pcrmit is <br />issucd (Scc. 3097. Civ. C.). <br />Lender's Nanre: <br />[-ender's Address: <br />APPLICANT'S DECLARATION <br />Demolition Permits-Asbestos Notification Federal Regulations (Title 40. Part 6) <br />_ Required Letter of Notifrcation <br />__-l certify that the federal regulations regarding asbestos removal are not applicable to this project. <br />_ I ceniry that I havc rod this rpplicrtion rnd statc that thc sbovc infomation is conect. I s$e to comply wilh rll City rnd County <br />ordinances and State Laws relating to building and hereby authorize representatives of this City and County to enter upon the <br />abovc mentioned property for inspection <br />Applicant or agent <br />Perrnittce narne (print):9L <br />lo'2-l ' / b <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evap Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-!nsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Range <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />Installation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release AI J <br />FINAL It'I ,Y lJfdwt V/t/ fl <br />Record.doc 03.31.06 <br />Applicant: <br />io