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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS o\!Ntit{ Br.rlt_Dt:t( D!:l,c RAT()N <br />I lErchy .llrm lndcr rcnrlly ol ncriury rhar I am cicmd iiod rhc Conrh.tls' Ltcn* tjw tit lhc n'l!,*in8 rc&,n lscr.70ll 5 <br />Irminc$ r Prna$n n Cclc): Any Ciry or C.lnty *hich rcquircs. l.m lo conslru.l. rlicr, imtft vc. rhnolish r Elutr.ny <br />irucruc. t ior ro ns i\suatur, also rcqutcslhc lpplicanr tut sochtcimir kr ilc, siSncd stltcmc lhat hcor snc i! liccnvd pestanr <br />ro rh. provisions ol rlE G,rrr!cr$\ l,icn\cJ lis (Chdfl.i 9. C.mmncin-! wilh Sccrirn 7UX) ol Divirion I ofrhc ausrcs atul <br />Prnt$n,ns O,Jcl or rhar rE (, \h. L( crcmpr rhc.rtum atrd rhc hasis tu lhc alhscd crcm/oo. Any viol.rion or S(rion r03l .5 by tny <br />dtpli.anl fur n lcmir srbj$rs rlr aDpliunr b a rilil ocmhy of nor mn rhi6 livc hu.lrcd dolldr ($500) <br />-1, <br />!r own r ur tl[ prop.n y, or ny cmployces vi h vsscs us lhct soL omp.nsar 'o.. w dol}rwolk.ndlh. stmlEc i3 rcr <br />inrenlcd or offcicd tur salc (S.c.?O44, Busi,rcs.n! hrlcssnns CGic:Thc Cohracu\ I-L.n* tiq docs nol !!tly nr !n o*nerol <br />rhc D$ncny who luil(!{r ml)n)ws rhcN,n, arrl sll, dfts \kh w.rk hrms.llor h.r$lfor throufinn or hc. own.6tb]cc!. <br />pn,vidL{ rhat slch iml,o$mnrs dc nor ir .d.d r .ftq.{ tu eL. lt. howctr, rtf, blitlins ol rririn,tmnt is old wirhin onc }et <br />ol comp!:ri,,tr. rlE Owncr Bu ].ruil hnr Uc builcn of pn)v[8 lhd h. orshe dil Bn huill ot nn{rov. rhc JtrotEr, lnr rh. N4Ds ol <br />Lrsowkr.flhcpn'F-ny.lar.r.htrrvcly.o.rdirfwirhlir.rdlc.nki(nsbcon{rucrrhcF+cr(S&.?,Ausrs <br />! hni$irn Co'lc: l hc Contacttr \ I-r.nsc Lf,w JNs trol ipfly b o*ncrolprupcrlywh,)buiusortntn,vcslh.rcon, <br />and wh. 16! su.h pr{Iccls * h a \ ) ltc.s.'l tui\udr r, rh. Cdnktktr's LEn}c Lf,w) <br />I Mrc\cmpt undcr Sc.l <br />!aB.[EBlCa!!EE!l rloN <br />DECLANATION <br />I hcrchyull,rmunJcr pcndry ol p.rjury otu o, rh.,(nbwrg d(-ldah trs <br />_Ih,!c.ndwillmn a u C.niticarc oio) xr Scl,:lNurc tur workcN'conrcnsali(,n, is ln'viJei,tr hySc.rnh 1700orrhc <br />tihor Cdc, i.r rhc nc.,i)rumc oi rhc *ork for wli.h rhc ncmn ir irsucd <br />'ffiIIlc lill mrinhin sorkch conFn*rn,n i'sura,u., as rcqutcn by Sc(rion 37OO ol rhc Lhor Cill., r,tr rhc Pcftnmtuc ol <br />rlNw lli{U1L'hrl'\n"mr'\'{u.dM}w,{rd.'lonrtcnsJrr.nrnsrmntc,dnh,u'JF,li rndf,h.r dc'91.^\ < f-t nt\ <br />p,,ricyNumhc -- g c ?- €'\t1 er""-, Ia-\ -Ll <br />._l ccdlly ihar nr rhc Frtoirnrncc olthc work ltr v[i.h rhis pclNr is i!su.d, I shru nor cmrLy uny lcnon in any manncr <br />$) A to hceom suhFll ro rlr ao,kc* coq.nsarioh l,wr.rcalbrni., akl.8rc rlDr ilI shrt!]bc$ft subi.( ro rh. <br />wo.6'.omp.nsdronpovrsonsorseLon.l?(rjofrhcLnbrCo<lc,Irtull.Lnhqirhrohfl,wilhtl$$I'n)vnions. <br />WARNING Fdlurc to Bulc mrkcr' .ompcnsarii,n rolcBac N unhwtnl. and shrll suhjel .n cmploycr n, .riminal ,cmlri\ 3ft1 <br />.ivii ,lncs up ro otrc hunJrcd lhous.rl Jdllas (Sl(x),Un). in aJdir l k) rh.o( ol.ompcns{rion, d,n!3cs as !n,vi.l.,l I 'r'.s(!r!r) rr)?..r rlr ljihtrc.dd. nn..r{,nl rr <br />l-:Lo -'t L,C<;,( <br />DEE! A{MX <br />IhcmhydfttnLndcrpcmhyollcrNiyrharIanrliccn*dnDdcrprovrsi.nolChrtrn9(corn*nc,ngqdhScclNn7000).lOrvi\n,nl <br />ol rhc Br{nc$ and Pnn.snor\ CoJc, mylicctrsc is h'llli)(r an'lcllc(l <br />. f,r c ,,".-,,,,*. -t-1(Bs1 <br />{-Lc -a \ con J AJ <br />CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGANCY <br />I hcrby af|rd und$ Fnixy ol pcrlury lhal thsc is a ronnoclion ,endhc ascncy tur rh. I.rfomNc of lnc wrk lor vhicn $i Fd n <br />issEd (Scc. 1097, Ci!, C,). <br />APPL!CANT DECLARATION <br />IlIEby t-mn!nicrpcnrhyotp.rjuryoncorlhctu,rwnr!dccldarn,ns: <br />Dcd,l nJn P.rfrreAsh.sos Nolifi.atiotr lcicral Rc8uhrn,ns Gnk 40. P,n6) <br />Rcqutrcd kttcr oi Ndinu{li,,n <br />[lcnr,yrhrr,hcrcdcrdlr.iuLrrn\rsdJ,nE,.k{urr.mvald(n\I'nFI <br />_l c.niti ih.t I lulc rc rhn applnarn,n lBr narc rh,t rlr ubvc hlnmBion ir.oncl.l asre t, comply wirh,u Cilyahd Connry <br />odirort.s nnd Srarc tf,ws El,tmS ro bui[in8 custnElion. {nt hcrchyaurhtrd. r.Ircrnrarivcs ofthn Cilyand Colnryk, cor€r o[r,n rlt <br />rrr)v. nrnrk,rlllrl,p!ny ntr nAIt. <br />,\prli.anl or Asenl Si!trslu ,,'* \-?r. -jL L <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />lnsulation/Enerqy <br />Drywall <br />Exl./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />II rl <br />FINAL 7 l{l"t D/t+r{t// <br />Certif icate oI Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />Erection Pads <br />Flood Zone Certif . <br />l)rre _ <br />LcnJo's A.l,jlc}: <br />--------r------