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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Set BaCKS <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation <br />Rool Sheathinq <br />Framinq <br />lnsulation/Eneroy <br />Drywall <br />Ext.i lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />It/asonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif . <br />I I <br />Certif icate of Occu anc <br />FINAL <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />OIVNI'R BUILDEI' I}ELCARATION <br />I h.r.hy llltm lnJcr p.mlry oi p.rjury rhar I rm .rcnpr liom rhc Cotrtrdtrs Lic..t lrw n rhc tull.wm! t .s'0.(S.( 7011 5 <br />Bunnc$ nnJ Pn,fc$r,n Grlr): ny Ciry or Counry wh'(h rcqufts r li.rnnr n) con(n'.t. allc.. inrpolc. 'lcB,lrh or nlun any <br />(ru(run. pnor k' irs islutr.c, !l!' rcqun.s rhc lmliunr ntr \urh F-.rmr r, hlc a s+n.d i.rcmtrr rlrrlEor rhc n liccnsc! lrur{r r <br />t, rh. ln,vannA ol rhc Cotrkrrr, \ Li.cis.J Liq (chaflcr 9. onrm.Nr! wxh Sc.lbn 1x)0 .1 Dirnio' .l ol rhc Businc$ and <br />l,firasir$ Conc) orrh0rhc.rshc isc\cny rlrrli{muJ rhc b islorrhcdlcgc!crcmrrn,n. yvi(,hridofsccridrT0ll5hya.y <br />i,rfli.r lnr ! pcr nil Urc anplM.r l,' i .iv il ltrn.lly ol nor mt rhxn livc hrndr.d dollr( ( 5u). <br />_.1. as o*rer or rhc ptr,pcay, in my.nploy&J virh qas.s as (h.n sb comrctrsllion. *ill Jo lh. wdl rlrh. dturEisml <br />nnc cJ orofic,.'l ttr sal. (Sr,7Oa4. Buxies r.J P&tcssn,E Cod.: Th. ConrodDr's Lic.n$ L.w dNs not rprly lo.nowncrol <br />rhc !)n{Eny pt$ bo di or in\mrc. rhcR)n..nJ wh) tnB sah w* himsclior hcmllor rhrcush his or h.r.qn.nPloycc\, <br />povincl rhir su.h iry,rokEnc m ret i cdcJ or.rtRl ft)r qh If. louw. th. builling dr in{hrcmnr N $! *irhr oN y.a <br />ot.drrLh,, rhcown$ aoirJ.r will hirc thc ho cnofEoviry thar lrcorshclil tror huiu or in{,nrvc dr prrdy L, rh. nuqr)(oI <br />_1, {\ own.rolrhc Pl lrnr. xn .r.hrsivcly $turdnrt wnh liccnscJ rontilrns rr.oinnr.l rhc F}lcul (Scc.?O14, Rllncs <br />rnd l,\.Lssrn Codc:1hc Cunkrcntr's Liccrsc Law docr nor ltiplyl(' M.sncr otnoF(y who huild\ or m,Iruvcs rh.r.on. <br />!trJ who .onta.h n)r su.h 0n+.( u h a Conkach(n hcnscJ pursoa n,rhcGfilcktr'r Lf,cnsc Lrw) <br />I rm.rcnpr rDJ.r Scrtotr <br />tloa(E&t:eolENl^llo! <br />DEsl^Bt!rul! <br />I h.rchy rfltn trnJ.r Jf,trnlry ol fcrjry oDc.Irlr Lnl!)wnr! dc!lrr.lior\l <br />_l hrvc Jii sill mainrain rC.n,ficdtcolCo srnr h SclLlnsurc for workc^ omnctrsdn)n. as Foridc! t)! ty Saii,)n .1700 ol rhc <br />lihr C&L. tur rhc I'- i'rtunc. ot thc work tor ehich rh. f'.rnir s isrucd. <br />_l hav. !tuj will m,lntain workcrs coh!.hsioon insuran.c. ds rcqurcJ by SeI bn lTO0 ol rh. Llhor Ci,J., ntr rhc tdnrmra. t <br />rhc sor* brw[.hrhN,s iskd. Myqorkcrr Lompcns0tion insuah-.c.aricr aB] Ix,lE, nh( d.: <br />:a,(cn,lyrhrl ,rl*nrl,rrmnL(,,1rhcw,rl|,trwhrhrhNpcnnil i! is\ucJ. I \hrll tror cmploy a y P.r$n tn nny mrnrcr- ,,r\L,hcr,m ,hEJnrrh.q! cr d,mFcn\r n,n ldws ol Calinrtr'a, d,rd r3e rhdl rt l shouU suhF l r,, rhc <br />woAd! compcnsari'r l)n'v6ons of Sccrion l70o.l lhc ljhr Oic,I shrll. bnh,ilh comply wnh rll,s rov'sonr. <br />WARNING: F,ilurc r) srrrc workcE .onrt trqhon ..v.fl!c is xnl.qtul. and shrll rblc.r .n cmlloycr ro uininll rnallts md <br />dvrl liflcr !p i, onc hurlrcJ ihotrvtrJ Jollrn (11(Xr.(XXr) <br />S.cuon 1016.l rhc LrhtrC,ic. irrcrcsr atrl ar(irEy s lc.\ <br />n) rl[ (o\ or (.mrn\irur <br />IECLAEAIION <br />I hcEhy alftrn undcr lcMlly oi p.rj!ry $,r I an lien$J untlcr lrnrnlln,n or Chaflct I (.ln1mncine with Scd ion ?0001 of Division l <br />ol thc Ausirc$ !n! Pn,lc$irns Co!c, and m, hcnse is in tull nx.r rJrl cracr <br />/.'',",,"r,,,", ZclC )<'i-,-^" ",**,(o^1t,t,o* <br />CONSTRUCTION LFITDINC A(;ONCY <br />I hcrcby .flnm utuls Fnalry ol ,rcdlry rlur lh€rc h a conntudhn lcndins asc*", aor (h. p.Jro*-c dl th. wo.k l'or whth lhn lcmil is <br />ssu.d 1So. 3097, Civ. C.) <br />IIIIIC NLOECL/ISAIIAN <br />I lc$yrnmund* pctr.lty.llcrj'try onc ollhc folloqnr8 ncebations: <br />Dcmolirn'n Permir$A\trsros Nolilic{ioo F.J.rrl Rcsxk nnr (IirL 40. P,n6) <br />_R.qutcd trncr o, Noliedsn <br />,.-+-cc,rili i)[ I hrvc rcid this iptlicanon arkl <br />orJiMne.s and Siarcl,oss rcllriryi) huildinsc <br />i$ r\ (or..r. I rgrs r) (on{ly wrh rll C , dd Cou y <br />trc r.F.{ntalivcs ol isCilyar Coutrly t,, cntcr uBr tlE <br />P"nrtrrbncd F),'cdy lnr insrs--.rbn <br />\ Pen ir.r n fu rp.ino:----cvry7\ <br />aL1 -o$.y 1 <br />lE/,TllllllAz.i6, <br />Shear Wall <br />*"'o'i-oC 'z I <br />l. rl. .AJJ.'.. <br />l..nrlyrhri rfu lincnn rc8trldi,,trs rcguJing r\\ rcn^,3l rn mr q'th(rhL r,rhs pnr.( r