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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE rD/slG.COMMENTS Ow-Builda Delrntion <br />I .frtrm urdg Fslty o{ psiury lh.t I u qGEpi foo rtu Conrocotr' Liar. trw toi lh. followirg roon G.c?o! I 5 Buin4 <br />.!d Pof6 oD Cod.): Any cily or County etlict rclund . psmil to c.n*ru.! .lld, imP.oE d.molith or uy tlruclu., Fior l! i6 <br />, rLo r.q!n6 tu .rf liafi fo ud' ,Emn lo fi!. r Ismn tl.rd.nt tlut lE or th. it !cce! pu4unr lo rh. ,rovLiod .f th. <br />Coinrcror'r Li@ed rrw (Ch!pl6 9, Connfui.E sit S.aioh 7000 ol Divitioo 1 oa rh. Balnar .nd Profat ha CodO or thrt h. or <br />rh. i! @mpt thB.lion rnl tlE h.!n 60r dE .lLt.d dmption .Ary violnioi ot S..rb, 7031. t by .ny .Pplioit fo, r Pmn tubjeE th. <br />.ppliq ro . .ivil p. hy of rc( er. rh. fiv. hundr.d dolLtr (1J00) <br />_1, E oqq of th. p,op.ny. or 6y cfrrloyq eirh Mg. rr thir el. cohp..olio4 pill do tl'. work rnd thc tkucrqo i. nol intcd.d <br />or fo. dl. ( S.c7044, ..d Prodtiod Codo: It! C.rhcrdr't Lic.N. L.w do6 no[,Ply ro & oMq of th. ,rop.B, <br />who buildr or iht,o6 rtE 6r\ r who do6 ruh m* him.lf or h&lf ot lkouSn hL or na oq .hrloyd, ttov!.d i}.truch <br />inprorcno$ .rc rc! iDl.ndd or oEs.d for ila I( howvs, dE buildiq ot ir told *iIlin onc F of@mPl.r6( th. <br />Om..Blildd will n w d'. bud6 of provint d.l t o, !h. mt blild or ihprow for ,'. pu.po$ ol !h) <br />_L u ow 6f rt propdty, rn dcluiwl, @nE di,g wnh liclMn odncroE lo @d[!.r rh. Foj.d ( S.e 7044, Buinat . <br />Prctdbn cod.: Tno Conl .croar U@n . Lw doo mr .pply lo u o*g of p.opaty who hild. .r iBprovd $aan , .nd who <br />confict fo, .fti p6jd wnh . co ddo(r li@!.d puEunr to th. Conu.ciort Li4o. L.w ). <br />_l m q6pt u.da S@liotr <br />-8. <br />& P.C for lhit qotr <br />EOBtrEBIIO!4!!!4IION.DIC!A8AEA8 <br />I rrrn undd p.rhy of pdjury on. of Lh. folbvin8 d@l.dio.r: <br />_l hrvc .nd will rtiillin . c.rdi{r! of CoN.nt to S.UJEur. for srkdr' 6mp.Bttio!! s providld fot by S..rion ,r0o of lllc <br />Lbor Cod., for rlE D.rformn* 6f lh. *ork fo, which th. pdDt ! L!!u.d. <br />_l h.v. .nd will h.innin workar' @n .Mtion isurft.. .t r.qliEd by Sc.liotr J70o oa tn. !.60r Co& lot th. p.rfomne of th. <br />vork for ehi.i rhi. Fnil ir isucd My wortdr' 66p.di6n itulme qid &d polic, nuabq .r.l <br />A,l<.ez<{ [(.,<* i o,.. - I <br />Nuftbq: TAoco.) / ?,o31I i <br />Or'i',-rio" n orffiE -,'pt"iFrr'S*irliE a"tt-iiiioot * t".O <br />_l 6riry tut in thc p.rform.@ of lhc rcrt for which thi, paoh k imo4 I .hrll oor .npLy .iy! in .ny 'mid !o a !o <br />b...m. !ubj..t l! t6. e*s. ' @hp.turtion hB .f C.lif6rhn, ed 18.6 thrt ifl lbould b.em lubjet io 1tu worls, <br />onpntltion proviriod ofS.dioi lr00oftho trbo. Cod.,l !h.ll, fonnwnh 6mply with thos provitioi. <br />t--c-. s , )q/k <br />WAaNING: Ptillr. to cor. mrld' @epcMrior @wt8! n uoLetul. ed rlrllrbj.a u qiplort( to dihinrl p.rlllti. .od civil <br />li,6 up !o oE hldr.d thoulid dolhr (ll0o,0o0),in .ddtioi ro th. @n of@np.utioG d.m8.. r p.oudql b, ri. Setior 3076 of <br />th. bb.r Cod., inLr6! rd ttromy . f€. <br />UCENIED.CONISACIABiDICIAAAIIAE <br />I hq.5y rdim undq p. hy orpdjury$ l.m lienr.d uds piovirlf ofch|pts 9(@mh.icin8 wi$ Sc.tion 70oo).fDiviion I of <br />th. Buri.dr.nd Profdrios Cod., rnd 6, li@ac n in toll toe.nd 6fal <br />1S2jl) <br />2 <br />q9ITIEUqUAEI.ENDNCSCENCI <br />I h.raby r(irm unds p.rhy of pajury $!t dE. ir r l.ndiD8 rg.tuy for thc p.rforhln@ ol thr worl for whth rhir p.lnit it <br />isu.d (Sa ,097, Civ. C.). <br />AltI.rcANI5I.D&qdEATAS <br />D.mlilion Pcfttu-Art tto. Notiliodoi r.d.d Rarhtioi, (Till. 40, lrrt 5) <br />_ R.quir.d t4na ofNotifiorion <br />_I enrry rhrl rh. f.ds.l r.SuLrio.r r.3udiry sb€tor r6Ml !.. not .ppu6bl. ro lhn p6j.d. <br />_ I c.n,ry lh.t I h|vc rad tnir rppli.trio. sd ltrr. lhll dE rbov. irlom ion ir corca I i8r.o lo cohpv ,itl' .ll City rnd County <br />ordiatB .nd Sn& L.u rcbtirg ro buildirE @dtruclio[ .nd h.rcby rcpracnuriwr of thir City rftl County ro old lpon thc <br />.borc hcntion d prcp..ty for .) <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Framing 3'/-tz-/'Z ry4 tl <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall 9 6-r?-'r>!-.0 <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />i) <br />FINAL 4/za/n-4,Nrt ,/\ <br />GerffiCate of Occupancy (l I -'l'\((-/ <br />Notes,z- t, - <br />Remarks, Etc. <br />la*9 2-o.1 z <br />z-1-t-/au <br />1.06 <br />SubfloorA/enUlnsul. <br />Shear Wall <br />I <br />)J, <br />Drb: Off <br />a,*,^t R,>iAenSl* (c,te-<t 4l!) <br />I <br />--l <br />------T-----