<br />APPROVALS DATE tD/srG.COMMENTS Om.(-Build6 D.clrrlli@
<br />I h6rty rffim o.ta p.n!t, ot pqjury rh.l I e d6pr fdn (nc Cet!d@' Liccttc L.s ro. d'c folto*in8 r€ldl (re70! 1.5 BuilB
<br />rtd trDfqid) Codr): &, Ci9 6 Cooty *nic! r.quiB . Fnir lo 6Err!.4 .lrd, in!.ov.r (b!olir! d Ep.ir a, tlru.b.., Fid to ilr
<br />n 6c., alo Gqlic t!. .!?li@t fd .@h Fnit to filc r riSn d n tanarr tt.l hc d Jt6 t liHrcd p6@r !o thc F.@i!i@ of d!.
<br />C@rr&rct l-ic@.d Lr (ChrF6 9, GhllMcinS sih s.ciro ?000 of Divi.i6 I of ri. Bui.Br sd P,of.lliou @.) s lhlr lE d
<br />.hc i! d.,npt lnd8on xd ll). baL fd thc dl.8d a@ptim ,A.y viol.,li@ ol S.dioi 7031.J !y ey lpplidt fq . Fni! ilbjd. tt.
<br />.ppll@t to . civil padty or nor lle ilra fiv. hud doll6 (t500).
<br />I, a oM4 of $c FoFrty,6 ny 6n 1016 *nh st!6 u lh.ir rol. cmF rtiffr. will do th. sdk &d lh. ![!c@ it.ot i.riqxlcd
<br />d 6fa.d fa r.lc ( S6.70a4, B6ind ad Pof@iod Cldcr Th. CoE&td 3 U@s Le do6 Do.
<br />'pPly
<br />ro D osa of tlF prclc.ry
<br />who boil& s ihFDva th@d, &d who d.6 lcch qs* hitudf d h@lf d tl,B8n hii 6 h{ oan f,pioyq, Fqid.d lh.1 r.d
<br />imp,DlocrE Ercri dd.d d orlr.d fo. rd. Ir, hdffi, dE hildinS d inpovffir i! eld *ithi.6c y.s of ffipl.rio, r!.
<br />OwtsBuikLr will n ec ih. b{r.Ih of pein8 thn h. d.h. tur bdild s io!.oE fq th. purp* o{ r.l.).
<br />_!, d ffi of dr F.pGq, 6 qclBiv.l, @r&n!8 ,irh li@tBc.l c.aE .tar !o o.tur d:c F.j.ct ( se- ,oaa, Bqins m.l
<br />Prcfs.id Clder TIE C6l'.1dt Li.c. Ls do6 not.pply lo r omd ofFlpat, who buil.ts d ihFtrt $.t@ , hd who
<br />@td! fd .@h pdjdt' with ! Contidq(t) li.a!.d pduml to 6c C@Er.ts,3 Uc.@ t&.).
<br />_I 6 daryr ud!. Scdion
<br />I n!db, lf,im uid6Ft lt, of pcrjuy dc olrh. foll*ins dccl!.di@:
<br />_l hrE &d wiu t dnD.in. C.niroto of C{.Lnt lo sdfleE fotr*dtua'@n?a!..iq! ! pr@id.tl for by S.dio 3700 of th.
<br />rrbcQ&, fdu. FIdDE orrtu wL for wtich th. p6mI i isu.d.
<br />lzfhe &d uill DinrdI r(rtati drp.Ed6 n!uir..!.. EqliEd bI Setin !70o ofth. t bd C.d., t6lhc Ffro oflt
<br />adt fd rtidr rii! Fbil i! it'o.d My ral6!' qipa{d6 iBullrt crd6 rd Pdic, iumb.t c
<br />t4( , At,co. oF 0a+e14\
<br />C- LI Ll+A
<br />b. corpl.Ed irrk p6frn t rq On. h6.lr.d dolld {ll0o, a l<)
<br />_I ..rtify lh.t in |l]. Ffl)lfu@ of rh. mrk for
<br />ba:ri. $bjel to rh. dt6 @,nFr6@ hw
<br />which lnil p@ft i! isu.4 I 3ndl tu{ @ploy &y FBo In ay man.r s a ro
<br />of Crlifma& dd .g!. lhal if I rtould h6tu
<br />,700 ofth. L.t r cod.,I shdl, fdrhvirh
<br />6 a
<br />\YAnNING: Fsilurc ro leE workd' cong.BArion cov@B. i! unl.vful, dd ro cinind !@.1r,6 ed civil
<br />6nd up !o @ hundnd thduud ddlrr (t loo.ooo)i! !.Blti6 io ln. @t of
<br />lh. trlor cod., IniaBl 6d !trm.y! fq.
<br />.hrn.ga B prcvi&d fd li. Sctior 3076 of
<br />I hddry .flim ud6 p6dty of Fdu.y th.l I d li@*d m.la prcvisio of Ch.lrq e (co|lllBci.B wirh sEtid 7000) of Divki@ 3 of
<br />dE DsiDa. ed Prof6i@ Crd., hd hy li.d. i. in tult lo@ d .ffd!a o
<br />,/4vz4KI
<br />Il(r by.fim un ta Fl.ty of pdjuly thd th@ i..6tucri6l6iu.i r!nG, fa lh. Ffo|lme ot $. Et fd whid ttri. !6ir t
<br />isu.d(S€. 3097, Cir C.).
<br />D.nblirio Pmis-Alb6rs Noritc.no r.d.r.l R.Eirl..i@ CIi{. 10, Pu 6)
<br />_ Rc$drcd lrld ofNorifieti@
<br />-l
<br />gitlfill 0i. fo&i EsuL,j@ E8r,6nt rsb.nd ,fu.l e mt .ppl'.rbl. @ Utir Foj.c.
<br />/*ry * , t* * *!.pplicrrid sd i& $.r d!. &oE idqDrio i! conrd- I lgl! 6 6,pl, *iU dlCiq..d caory
<br />d.li.E@ ad Stdc L*r Elril3 ro building @D3tuctid, ed h@by
<br />sbovc mc.riood prcpaty for
<br />cpr.sl! v6 of thit Ciry &d Codty to 6rd
<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Life Safety /Low Voltage
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER
<br />Transformers
<br />Torquing
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rough)
<br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough)5/J4/ol, a .Aefr'
<br />Meter Release
<br />Rough
<br />FINAL {lsA/ct :fl,M 't,(to)
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.I tl
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Service Meter
<br />tt
<br />f------r-----