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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS Omcr_Buildd Deldi6 <br />I hrcby rftim mdd Fnalty of pdjury $sl I u .xdPl fm rhc Cdlr&r6 Licmc L.e lor $. aollowinB rcen (sc 703 I 5 rl'n'fld <br />ed P.ofsim Codc). An, Cny or County qhich ,cqui6 . to @nsa*q !ira, imPrcv., d.nothh or rcpak av slncrur.' F !{ ro ns <br />issudcc. also r.quiE $c appli@r for tuch lo fi1. a sign.d $al h. or shc is licdscd puBudt !o $c provisio.t oa rh. <br />CoiL-acld! Licdrd Law (Chapls 9, Com.ncirg *i$ Sccljon 7000 of DtsioD 3 of ltu Bsin6 dd Pofqsiois Codc) or thil h. or <br />sh. is cxdfl rh.Elrom ed lnc bsis fd $c tll.8.d.xmplie .Any eiolaion oa Sction 701! 5 bv v a9Plic&l fa a Fmit suhidu th. <br />rrpli6r ro a civil pcnalty of iot norc rhe fiv. huidrcd dollu ($500) <br />-1, <br />6 o*n.r oa lh. Fopsty, or m, .mployc wilh vaAB s l,lcir solc @mP.,sslion, will do th. wol ed thc stsuc1m is nor inr.nd.d <br />;;ftd.d ad sd. ( Se ?014, Bsind sd Profd.iffi Cod.: Ttc Cont@tM'3 Licos. Law dG.o{ aPply b o*nd of th. ploFrv <br />who buil& tr imFovB lhcfun. Md *ho dG such work him.lf d d droush his o hd own mPlov.6, Forid.d ifi such <br />inprovdoB uc nor iitcndcd or oiLr.d for salc. Il how.vr, $c buildinS or ihprovcmc.r is sold witlin on. vcd ol @mplcdon' lh. <br />Ownd-Buildcr will havc ln. bud6 ol pIovine dr hc or 5h. not buildor irprov. io $. PurPs€ olsalc) <br />-1, <br />s ovnd of lhc prcr.ny, s qcluivcly @t dting *ith uEado6 lo @nsrruc( thc Pojct I S* 70at, BBind md <br />Prcfsion Cod. T1. Cdlractc s Licflsc t v dB no{ a?ply ro b os6 of pr@dy who buil<G s ioFolB rh.@n , dd who <br />conr.cts for such prcjcl. witn ! CotEclo(, lic.nscd p6!di ro thc Cer&ld s Li@ns. Law ) <br />I o.ropl rnddse on ,8. & P.C. l66t raon <br />WORl(ENS COMPENSATION DECLARATION <br />I h.rcby af,im undd Fnalry or !.rjuty M. of lhc following d.cldario.s <br />I h.!. dd rill mlinllin a Ccnific{. of Conml bS€lf-lcurc fd wd*6 @mFnsati@.6 lfovidld fn by Scdion 1?00 or$c <br />L.hor Codc. fo lh. p.rfmdc. of thc wot ld ehich th. Fnn is i$ucd <br />_l h!v. &d will Mjnt ii wnt6' comp.Na$o. insurec., s rcquir.d by S4ti@ 1700 of lh. Inbo Codc. for rh. PcfomMc. of lhc <br />*dt aor which this Fnir is i$n d My wo*6 cMFnta!@ iniufua 6id sd policy nlmbd d. <br />Poli.v Nuhb6: <br />-ExPt* <br />(This ctio. ncd nor b. omplclcd il O. pqmn i5 fn On. nundr.d dollm {l l00l d 16) <br />_l cdiry lhar in ilc pdfmdcc of lh. qork for which this pcmn is isucd- I shall nol mdoy my lsson in y mundso 6lo <br />subjcd ro th. wtrlGs compcisaim ofCalifmia d osr4lhd if I tholld trkconp.Balio. provisim of Sdtion 1700 of thr Labq\^B <br />WARNING railwo s.curc wolk.R comp.Batio, <br />6n6 up !o on€ hundrcd lhoGdd dolln (t l00,o0o),in <br />th. Labor Codc, inter6t ud .nom.yl fd <br />I /. <br />cov@s. E ulaslul, od shillsubJ.d Edloyd @6mh.l p.nslu.s snd dql <br />addnid lo thc cd of compasalion. danEg6 a prctid.d fc lh. Scdion J0?6 of <br />ucllllDlotrr8^grsBs-alcc! 8 rotr <br />I affim undd paalty ofp.rjury th{ I m licaecdundrpovision olchspld 9 (cMrcDcing *ith Seid 70o())ofDivisid I of <br />lnc Bsin6s sd P@f6sios cod., ed m, li@. is in tull fd.. ud.,Idl. <br />-B <br />CONSTRUCIION LENDING AOENCY <br />I necby amm u.lcr F.6lty of pc.jry thd rhft ie a cosEuclion lc.ding .8dcy fc thc Frfomucc <br />isu.d (Se 1097, Civ. C) <br />$c worl fd which thi. p.mir is <br />allu.e^!!l-s!gtda4!9N <br />Dcnolition P@it -Asb€stos Norificado. Fcdd.l R.gulalions (Tnlc 40, P.n 6) <br />R€lir.d r4ta of Nolifi@lion <br />-I <br />cdify tnar fi. fcdml rcsularon, r.8rd;.8 sb6rc Enovd s. nor applic,bl. to rhis poict <br />_ I c.rtify tlar I hrv. Eld lhis lpplicalion 6d sl.rc $at rh. abov. inaomalio t cotuct I tEE. .o omPly wilh all City ud County <br />ordinMccs Md Slalc La*s rcprerrarivB ofrhi City dd C@nt, to dr6 upon dr <br />abolc odrion.d pror.ny <br />to brildinS conslruclim, ud h6cby <br />/^ t34y' <br />Site-Work <br />Undelground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Bu ilding <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torquing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough)l/t+lo*loirl <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough)2/a:/tv ,7lnu <br />Meter Release <br />Rough <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL 40/a/,?Jo@-&.,@) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />APPROVALS