<br />I hd!t, fd u.d- Frh, olFr'ry rnr I n a6q, 6on E Cot 1-16 Ii.@ t w ro. tlE toll'wins lgoD (s.c.7o!lj
<br />asiB .rd Protiih co&): Any CU o c.rdy *tri.h ,!quG . FDi ro @.rruc! .!a. id+.otq daourh d qrn ry
<br />rr!du!, Fsro ilr irllc,.bo E+ia 0E lplicd tustFhnb 6k. rist6d rrd.d $,li.ottt iltd Fnln
<br />ro lh FoviirE of {E Cod-rdr Lia.d tB (cl!416 9. Co@ina ein S..lir. 7000 of Dilnb. I of 6. Bdi6 nd
<br />ItDfaioB Co&) d $r lE r& ir ad!f, thadon id tlE t i' fortLdks.d a@Fion A.y vioLro.ofs.dbo ?031., !t uy
<br />.ppli.d ft,r. F6l rbjcr! rh. rgpli@r ro t, of ml DE $e livc bu!.H &[&. (t500).
<br />-1. - orc of th. Fopary. a o, aqrota wirtr *.a6 . ftir -t 6a9.!rion vil & lt wl ed dt rndG i @l
<br />i ai,.d G otu d fr rl. {S...roaa. &riE .!d A!&.bd CodG ltt C.di6 r Lj@ Lrw &€ E( @1, ro a olE of
<br />ln. F!Ft, slo hiLl a iqo€ tlEa. d wb .t6 Ei wt hielf or hadt6 lhD!3t lit d lla oE .qlor!.r,
<br />FoviLd tb.r $[ tqov6 & 6t ird aoftnd 6..L 1[, tow.lh. bn&t d iryuEd ir.E eili6 G rE
<br />of.oqLri,c UEO.c hrilda *i! bElbhrbofFBirL t rd. d! d briE a kt@ lic FoFry hr ltr',po.or
<br />l. s ow ollh. FlFry, a aduiEly @dt-ra.s *{h lta..d odrd6 lo coduc dE Fj.n (Sa ?0,14. BuiE
<br />&l h!13i6 Co&: Tt! Codr!.to. r Licag &e &6.or +ply to ll olE ofF.Fly *lb boil& d irFod lb66o.
<br />Dd slp orlrdr 6r su.t FEin! wnh. co 'a1o(3) lta!.d FrMr b d!. Conr-ld! Li.G L*).
<br />I o .t@or '!xla Scrion . B. & P.C. 6r tlE |qon.
<br />y!8f,E8l:CAMr4llru0!
<br />DEC!4TAIIO!
<br />I hqdy llrm ur& Frty of Fjury oa onn blb-iE &Lri(E:
<br />I hlw rd will uidd). CarifE.l. of Codar !o Sdf-l@r ft. wla @p6rir'\ ! FDviLd fd byselix lzD of lb
<br />Llbor C6&. ftr rh. FfollM of rb. *dI 6r wttl $. p6!nn a i!!.d
<br />-I h&G.d will ui.t.i. mrt6 coDFE rh!illllllecs Equnld by Sdi6 3700 01lb. rr&or C.<h [,ln F{qllre of
<br />UE $qt td *nih tbjr Fbi i' irld My *o*d odFr..lbi idlrc *i, d rolt, Dub.t Rl
<br />I cdify $r i! dr D66lr1!d of {E $.t *t.n $n pdnir n iqa( I drdl @t alploy uy FDn in &y fr&G
<br />D slo b@@ alirl lod. Eir6'@Epqrion Ls ofcrlitdn nd tG fir irt dolll b@B abel ro tlE
<br />ert6' @!q!,n Flvirbd of ScriiD ]700 of d. Lrld c.d.. I filL b.lteit @pt vit tlc FoEb6.,
<br />\{ tnnc: tni$ to tu wldr' Mraldon @lqrsc b ulrstuL dd tlull lubid E siphF ro annirl pdtir.rd
<br />cirrl 66 up to .rc luxttd llburd &llJ! ltl@.000,,F6cion. d![g6 d pro{d.d for llE
<br />Sdion 1076 ofrh.l:l'or Co<la dod
<br />D,E, - )-lw )*\l-?
<br />t h6!b, .lI@ uodq pa.!y of Fju.y di I @ li@!.d uodt Fviit of ct?G 9 (@*i8 *in scdbr n 00) of Diviin r
<br />of lh. BuriB &d Prctcliod Cod.. d E, la@ i it fi li'rt d.ft i
<br />T?-^-'t | .-,."-
<br />I h6.b, .Irm r.d6 pa.t, ofpaiury th, lta. i r olltldiE Lrdir .a6.y 6' rllc Ft!r!@ ofdE rqt ft| *lttl tit Fui i'
<br />I tcrtt.trno {.dd pa.lty of Frury oa oftlE fouoFira .lEl-rrbBl
<br />DoElti,! PrrDne^r,tdd t{.rifr.rbn F.danl RcAuha6 (Tnk 40. Pat6)
<br />-R.quiEd
<br />L.nrof Nol!fr.n1-
<br />r
<br />-l.sri8rld
<br />lh ftdE llBuldb Gsitnlg !!d6 @rd rc a. tpli.tL lo rti FDlt1
<br />_l cq,rit thd t lrrc ad ltb r@lErn n od !rrl. rhd rb. .hoE i!6rDrbn i crr*r I .rrc ro o@1, wili .! Ci, -d Coqny
<br />ddi!l.t6 md Sti. t $ ElrES lo hrilding rq&rdi6 af$i{nr !d coui, ro dE rpo. lh.
<br />rhn. lMl$n d rrondly f
<br />Applkur or Alar Shdrun:,.,., 7 -tt-l-{
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Gas-Underfloor
<br />Buildinq Sewer
<br />Area/Slorm Drain
<br />lnterceplor/ Clarifier
<br />TOP OUT
<br />Waste & Vent 14 bkw 7
<br />Water Piping 7
<br />Gas Piping
<br />Roof Drain
<br />Tub/Shower Test ")?L M<$e?
<br />Rouoh Water Heater
<br />P{raplDrain Line
<br />Main Drain/Pool Pipinq
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />Miscellaneous
<br />Gas Service
<br />Water Service
<br />Lawn Sprinkler
<br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap
<br />Back Flow Device
<br />Rough Plumbing
<br />Final Gas Test
<br />Meter Release t I b,
<br />FINAL
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />Water-Under floor
<br />,7*
<br />u 'Y)LI b0&1 nl
<br />l