<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water-Under floor
<br />Buildinq Sewer 9Lc-lz\(-{,/,rl
<br />Area/Storm Drain l
<br />lnterceptor/ Clarifier I
<br />TOP OUT
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water Piping
<br />Gas Pipinq
<br />Roof Drain
<br />Tub/Shower Test
<br />Rough Water Heater
<br />POOL/SPA
<br />P{raplDrain Line
<br />Main Drain/Pool Pipinq
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />Miscellaneous
<br />Water Service
<br />Lawn Sprinkler
<br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap
<br />Back Flow Device
<br />Rough Plumbing
<br />Meter Release I
<br />aFINAL
<br />o*nEn Buurran DllcanaTloit
<br />t h6ctr .rm ue 06.!y of Fj'ry lh. I & qa9| tld dE Co!tr-6 lic l, b' $. folwi| 146 (!lj
<br />BuilE &.1 Pro&! Cod.)r Ary Ciy c Cauny snth E$i6 . FEr to oirtua, dE. iltDrovq &sl!t d qd ey
<br />6uduE Fior t! ir! isu,... .ho 'qui6 lh. +di!n ft. rdt Fbr lo fL . rSrd raaid ltr lE o. .lE i li.rtd Frun
<br />to 0E FovitD ot tE Cool'rrol Li{at d Lry (Clqr6 9, Co't@ins vtl sclbtr 70o of Divnb. I of ih. e!i6 &d
<br />PF&.b6 Co&) q tt Itd& i.a.oO r[r.tD6EdllEtGn tu rdLrrd daqiE A!, ofs.dir ?oll.t by&y
<br />Tltidr tu r Frh ebj..r. rlr qli6r lo..iril of er @ttb& nlc hdH doUE ($00).
<br />l. D orE oflh. FoFly, or nt dp&46 wni e.eq E th.i Dk @EFlrbq siU& r[. wi !d tlE rrnie. br
<br />iloiLd n otr6cd fd EL lse.7oaa. a6i6 ed Profeiod codc ttc Coeia r l-icqs try &6 @t .pcly !o u ow ofth.FlFy who hillL d r+!E ilEEa od who &- rdr wt ti@lf d hadf d rltud! bL a h. os.rybr...
<br />p.ovid.d $. *b iqo€Elt der dadd sotfld 6r rL.l[ ln*tc, dE hildil ( lryo!ffi ir $ld *thb c rdof.qerna! ll' o!^c Buildi,i! hE [E hrdo! ofFlvi,g tL lE d tr did dI hild d iryw I'. FEFry 6. rh. F po..qf
<br />-t.
<br />a ole of rhc FDDdty, & c.h!iEl, .od..r!B eih lt@.d oolr.d@ io @drcl th. FjEl (s6. 7oaa. EEiE
<br />Id PlDktd C6&: Tt. Codr-rolr Lk.r L.w &q 6r ryly ro o o*c of FoFry wto boil& d i6Fov6 rlEoi.
<br />.d eho @dr!d! 6r sct p.oi6r. wil. conriq{r lac!..|F r}d to lt Codr-ld! U.EE t s).
<br />I m.roF urdq Sdrn_ ,B aPC.for$i!tm
<br />IhG Ou6:
<br />llqBrEaf'.cqMlEuarlq!
<br />I h6.tly rlIm undd Frty of Frrry oE of tlE folloeu{ &.!.ntioE:
<br />I h& lxl witl . CaifEdc ofcoEn Io S.lf-l'!@ fs roto @rpaEabn, d FlviLd 6r b, Sdbi lm ofdr
<br />Llor coda fd u.'aE orrlE wt fo. *tih lt. FDi i hr,.4
<br />-l h.v. .d will Mirr.i! wo[. 6t fd *tth ftj. pcan
<br />itd conpdlnion iMc. ! 'quiEd by Sarbn 1700 of tlE Lrbor Co& for rh. rEfoltle. of
<br />.-, l..tbg \
<br />.*, n,,o., (.JN
<br />!(r My*drd 6qde EecE-dFr.,p'b6&
<br />"(30ttv863L
<br />0 /o lo-t-r,
<br />I cdily th.I i! tlE p6f(n1lrc of tu srr fo. stii tnb Frn it iBr4 I ir! Dl srploy ey Fin ir ey ffi
<br />b ! ro bdoc rn*n ro dE srrdj @Ep@r.iD L$ of C.li6oi. -d eG Ur itl4ouL! heo@ Ntix. lo rb
<br />srtd @@ddbnl,lvniodofscli-lTooofdEL&.Codcl.ttft.ttwiho@rwiltttGDrlviriB,.
<br />llAR ilc FliluE b ffi * t6 otrFdior ovgt. i! uLetul. .!d drll rubF,r D .lptoF to dirirl Frlb.d
<br />civil fuE up ro oi. hu.H $oBsd &'116 (tlm,ooo), h.ddibn lo rh...r ol@dr6!di.l! de.8!. d protild tu t
<br />Sarion 1076 ofth. Ldor C.& int6d dd ntorEy
<br />ALo-z)nMfi.dr'--
<br />ucrNrrrr cofficror
<br />I tqtty dfiE @da r@Iy oIFjry tr I lD li€..d s!.k Flviio! otc[.F6 9 (66cit ent S.cir 7@O) of Divth I
<br />of lt. A6tE Ed ?rcltatE Cod., d ay Lc i i' tuU foE rd.ff.d.
<br />e-34 7 ri 5-5-t/-4,
<br />cotslelrcTro l plltlflc aGEtcY
<br />I h€.b, .rf6 u"da Frty of Fio., rhi ttac i. . Ldia .ecy fti dE Fft.m of th. wt 5r *nii lhit FEil i
<br />krEd (sE. 1097. Civ. C ).
<br />I hdrt'y!tr tiruidqpsllttyotFJuyoEotrh.6lbu,r!,& :
<br />Ddmlnio. PmillAlbdot lroiifdior F.dc.l R.8uhi(E Onl. ,O. Pir6)
<br />R.qui,rd t ald ottJolift.ri,
<br />I .ariry $n th. fcdq.l !t8drb6 cerdi.g d.ror @v.l a n l +!li.!bh lo fib FoFl
<br />,-lalEalt thd I hr. Ed rh6 .p?t<dm !n rrc rhr d,. thow hfoiDrbo t .o.r6t. t rrc ro @erb *ii .ll Ciy .!d CordtodMli Sd. tN Ekilts to h'ldins cotuDl\ !n hdb irnornt ft?reriiG ofthir Cn, dd Coufiy to 616 t4o! th.
<br />.hoB Enb..d Flpql, aor iapclio. F F.a
<br />Appll.rl or Aroi Slgulur.:
<br />c ar b.i x
<br />cDf,/Iiat wt
<br />,,.," 4-ac <)
<br />Gas-Underfloor
<br />Gas Service
<br />Final Gas Test
<br />Wcf,/h)" ilt /
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.