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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE COMMENTS OWNER BUILDEI DELC.IMTII.)N <br />I ltEny rtId uid.r FAly 6f F.!r, rhd I d dcn+| lmm rrE Coffi6 LirE l,* lor th. folt m! ,Wn (Sd.?o]l J <br />alsinc* .,ld Protision Cd.): a.y Ciry or Coun'y qhth EtuiFs a Fnl nr conntod. drd, inwoE. dcmlirh nr EFn ry <br />rrtucrw. prir r. irr i$@.. rla r.nlirs tlr ror rx.h Fmir io liL . rBmd .l!r.Enr th.l lE or stE ! li..trrd pu$$l <br />x, llE rn'rarions ol dE Conrrru s Lianecd L.s lchfld 9, ConmEi.S *nh sftrb. ?m or Divirirn -l ol E auliEs ai <br />Pr,,csi,nt Cod.) o. rhli lE o. sh. is .rcnpr rlermn .nd rh. b.sir Lr E rlk8.d cr.mFx,n. Ary vilLlbn ol S..1ion 701 I .5 by .ny <br />lppliclnr tu r Frmi rubitB ttE rppliclnt lo ! civil p.mlty of ml EE lhq fivc hundEd dolk r lltlD) <br />L r .wF of rrE FoFny. r nr.q oF! *dh *!gd a En st,n. wil!drllE wat rn 0. rnxrE i! El <br />inl.ndsi or oiIcEd fi, Mh (Sd.7044. BlriE s and Pr.fBrionr Cod.: Th. Conoeror'3 Lic.nE Lv drEt nor tpply lo an owmt of <br />ft popsty who tlillt or irprs tltGn rnd *ho &E ui k& hireltor lE.Blror 0lDugh hir ls oen.rlpbysr. <br />pmvitdl rhr skh itr'Fow t e m' ddnd o offtld (jr .l l( bw. tlE hrildiB 6 inFEGlr i rU wrhin ft F, <br />o(oq,hhn. tlE O*ar BlitL! wil hlr rlE hrttn of FDvig t ur lEd nE dil br t{ild d inp,6E 0E FtFr, for E F,Fror <br />-1. <br />r\owE of rh. FoFny. Dcx.tu{kl, cod'ding wnh litndl cotudouro onrrud E FDr&1(Sc ?o,rt. Burcar <br />and PDIL$ihCodc: Thc Co rrrol s Lic.nsc Lr* dc, mr !!?ly to !n owlq ol prepcn y who builds or imtn,Es ltuR,n. <br />md *llo mlllBk fo,.kh Fqr'lr wirh r Conrdorlr) larrudl p <br />;|,"-"ffiq ,,""..>< <br />urrl. &[r]r <br />I h.nhy xllt'n unncr p.mlryofItrjuryoM ofrh. n'lL'sinS dc.llrarx,n\ <br />Rlll(: Fllur. n) rru,c rort.^ .r {^-i\rrtrnr .o\rrr$ r u lJ}suhJ..r 0n ml,loFr lo aimirul Ffllir dnd <br />!in.r up ro oft hu.dEd rhouend dollr* (Sl(x).ool)), in oddni Eneln n. d.m8.s !\ proli.Ld to, rh. <br />:::1"ryLry;q <br />I h@by .rtrm uftLr F.,lr, or Friuy rhd I m [en$d u..,.. Fovtbn or ClEI,ld I (onEtrins *irh S6rio, 7(m) of Di.nbn :] <br />.l th. Auiies &rd P6f.r!i.N Codr, r,n mt lt.oe is in tull r6E rn .ffd <br />crJlsrBlg[lN.ualt tcl{illgr <br />I lrEby rirm unl.r Fu!, or Fri4 rh.r rhdr i! . @oinatDn hdb! .3.Ey ld dE FlolrlEm ol llE rui lor *hin ltit Fmt ir <br />kru.d Iss. 109r, civ. c.) <br />AIII.ICAI{LDE{JIAAIIO! <br />I ha&y rrm undcr trMhy or FrrJry oE of tlE folh*in8 dc. Lnli'ni <br />Dcmlirion P.rn r+Asb.sos Norifrdnrn ltdcdl R.8uLrirff tTirL rlo. PDn6) <br />-R.quird <br />L.rr.r oa tlorifr.ri{ <br />?,ffi iffi;;ilffi ;/###ffi;r,y;:".x'.:,'ii.*::'#"* <br />H::Hffi <rL%hr,*' f/ z ft".' <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Lioht Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Sions (monument) <br />Lile Salety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor ( <br />Bondinq / Groundino / UFER .{?7h.(rMn <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soflit Rouqh <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouqh)lt <br />lvleter Release tl ulvL vrq*, <br />Rough It <br />Service Meter t+1rl7l bktE, <br />FINAL 4 tzlz,t bA]P&4 I <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc I <br />ID/SIG. <br />_l h!!. rn $illminrrin. Cdif.rr. o,Ci,n{nr ro lnsrE ror k,.kn dnFns,b...! FsvrLd for b, S<lior lrmo,dr <br />L5bor Co{c, aor th. nsformtc ofrlE *ort for whih rlE Frmit i! krocd <br />-, <br />h.E ldi siu Ninrrin eori6 coritEN.rh. iN6Ec. r rcqlieti b, Sera.n l7@ orrh. trbor Cod.. for rlE Fndrrc of <br />rlE h n, whi.h rtu! Fmir ir is$cd M, worl6 6np.nsrio. iniom cfir rn polay nunb.r rc: <br />PoLicyNumbq- Erpiair.- <br />-I <br />d,ry lhr in rlI pdforrE or tlE so ror vnih thi Fshn n ircd- I th.ll tul ctrt)l6, Dy F$n in my NE <br />b G ro bc.!r tubjEr ro 'lr <br />uoll6 on{Ens.rhn hsx ofc.lifoBa., !d rlrE rhrl ifl th.uld heoB subFl lo llE <br />worl6.oqrerionprevirioB6fSBrionSTmofrlrUhrCod..lrhllro.$wnh6nplywnhthosFovirioN.. <br />l.nddl .{.1&Es. <br />- <br />I