<br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS 0r\'lH{ Bt [,t)t k t,ut,( ]\ ra^'l t()\
<br />I lErctry rrrm u q Fully ol F|Jry rh.' I u .kr{i 6Dm rlr Co,r.rnn Lx.nk Lr l,n rh. ftm'*s8 (S.{ 7t})1.5
<br />Bunn.s anl Prot rsx)n Cai.r Any Ciry or Coxnr, rh(h r.itums . Flrlr io otr{Ed. rlrd, tr!!n't. &mn!h or F EU .ny
<br />sltoeruc, Iriri, ilr ii\u.tur, ilto Eqlir! rt .mlid n, such Fmir r, [k r siSmd n.tcmnr lhr tE or $r n l(cnsd Fru.nt
<br />b rtr Fovtrx,ns or th ctfu-u'r L(nrrl riq (C\{d 9. C nmB63 v'lh S(r,n n J Dt D'vNxt I or rlr Bo!'Ms u,
<br />P$r.*Mr C{!.) n lh.l lE u slE !.rcnpr llE fnrm.d llE h.$ tu rlr nkFd .r.,{rDn A.y v$LrkD ol S.drtn ?Ul I J by.ny
<br />.pphu.l for! suhjeB lhc r0 icrnl k' u .ivil F.nrhy of mt mrc rh{.Iiv. huohddollh l$m).
<br />_1. .! ow. uf rlE rtuFny, d mr.nproF. sirh s.8d a rlEE sk.uFr.rli,n. rt! do tlE *qi rir r,E lBrE ! Er
<br />lr.nJaj or olT.rd lo. r& (Sd,7lx4, BusiE* od PDr.$oB CuL: TIE Conlr*!tr\ l&nF Uw &E! nor rlply ro d oqtu, of
<br />in F'rrny *bln lr q lrprsE! oFe.,1*hr rlE rEhuxt hiD*I,or l*r(Uor rtuDu8h td o.tE oM.6l'kty..s,
<br />Fovr.lal rh.! ,Eh lr{Ntrrds e d ddrld dotud how, th. h{rrht n uFErd !$ll*ahrc Fr
<br />oflrr{,Lri.c rl!O*Er Aullt *'! h.r ttE tlrLn of ,rtrvos $r lr6dEdrl d lldl * rtnrE tlr FtEly fn rlE FqEoI
<br />l, .r owr ol irE FIEny. .n.r!tu Ely! dr*rDs w hlf,.n{n.o Bror ro()tr{d rlt FrFr ls.r 7044, BBfts
<br />lnti lt,hssi'n Cqlc: Thc Conkrdn r l-rcnrc l.iw Jo.s nn aftly t, r. oe6 or pn,Fny whd hunds or ml'flrvc! rhcr.on.
<br />.nd who (o E.rsi, ru.h F'j(l r udh . Conlrut'nl) lilnsal I'u^u!x n, rh. C.,ureroir l-rcn{ tle)
<br />I rncrcmpr urhr S(non ,tr &PC ntrrhRrrv'n
<br />]!0a6Eai:g,ltEErta.ll0rllElldSalla!
<br />I hcr.hy r!ftni un,lcr Fulryol l.,tury o ot rh. n'lh*,h! d(hrrrk'nr
<br />I ul wrll ruoLu . Ccn rl i dc ot C..rnr b S.lun\ur. ntr *.rk.^' ! omFnu nn, as F)vnai rat hy S(r bn :r7ur or rh.
<br />trtrn Colc, n'r rh. pc nrmr.c ol rh. *on( ntr *hRh rh. ldn Fa\ucd.
<br />_l hrk anJ *,ll enrr'n wortdr orfcnilx,r 'r$r.tu.. .s r.rtultri by Sali- :l?u, ol ilE lilin C{x]., l,r rlE |i.r,{{mN. or
<br />tlt ro.k foi vhsn rhirFm B L\sur]. My eorkdr comt nsrti,n ,Nur.Nc (6rEr ul r ity numb.r e:
<br />l ..nrly rhrr h rh. F'lormrc ol rlE *ork ntr *hrh rh,i |trn tr rskLl. I rhall ft{ cftq'hy .ny IER)n h rn} mnrcr
<br />r, n' thom $biu n' rh. *)lk.6 u.n{Enrdl Dn hu. ol Clhlornr, .n! drN ltur f I slFuld tr$ft hl.dbrrt
<br />qrt.n' .onwnr(nr Dnrvisirnx o, Sarhn .t?(10 of rrE uhr C,rl.. I {ull. lDdhwfh con'{'ly wrrh I ho$ F,vnbns
<br />wARftlNC: tlluE n, Burc *rt.r' d,nlrnrrDn !r,@8.
<br />.r lln.\ up h om hunltul rh,u$ I dous (ll0o,lxll), 6
<br />a u.Luli)l. .hl ihrll ruhF.r r..rilol,}tl n' (rul IEEIF.d
<br />ZAY:'.*'^ ""'*
<br />*,, t/tq(u
<br />(iric, trrlcrcs ind irl,rry\ t cr
<br />I lrrhy llim uBlcr Fn l y .l rsnrt lh.r I r. lEtrEl uulr F'vuxm or chll{d 0 ('nnlmu3 *ilh S-rn. 7XD) oa Dtrm l
<br />oa rh. Burmn &! Ptr(inni C.iL. 'il my lr..r ( 6 tuI turd .rJ .lLLr
<br />c49 71s t/o
<br />z4
<br />I h.Eby.fftrmu d FBrry .f F ,ury lh.t lls. ssotrdtuli)n L insls.tuyturtrFrfirmB.oIlh.udnn*h.hrhfFrni!
<br />rlud rS\-' lrP7. C,r C r
<br />LLl6'( A&k s
<br />I hdr{, !trm unLr F..X, ol ,.UUry om ol rh. lolllwhf &.ls.i pnll
<br />D.B,LInn P.rn !-AxtI{or,'n F.Jorl R.slhronsrTrl. /{1, P1n6)
<br />_Rcqucd lr(.rof M{nt.Lx
<br />I.cnJylhrr rlr i.(ldrlrc3ul.,rtr'n\ r.3dJ[3 ash(n !r.n,vrlrr.norrPtl'!]hld!rrhAllnrlc(r
<br />-l
<br />.cnny lh2i I h.r &l rhr rtplrrr$n I .sF r',,.m{'l) rih.llctr} rnl c,,unD
<br />,llh!ri,6. drs "r,huc y c,run,y,d uF,n,ry
<br />^^?u."t.,^,.
<br />t/r+/zt
<br />rdn.B* and Sr . Li*\ ELruu L, r,u
<br />rbvc trrnn.NJ lr)pcny t(, nNn(ttr
<br /> or ,\!.nt SiEBluF Lapt3
<br />Set Backs
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns
<br />Erection Pads
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />tl
<br />Roof Sheathinq +ltzpt Ur&,(1 ,Jfr4{T
<br />Shear Wall
<br />Framinq
<br />lnsulalion/Energy
<br />Drywall
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />Brown Coat
<br />Masonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handicap Req
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />Engineer Final Report
<br />Flood Zone Certif .
<br />.l
<br />FINAL f/27/tu k{vt 'Mhffi
<br />Certif icate of Occupancy
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />-?(
<br />UFER Ground
<br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation