<br />I hd.6! .fiin untd Frnj of Fju,, rhr I d d.rqi from rlE condoB' Lile ll* for tlE ,.llori{ ll*n (i( mll i
<br />IiuinBs Md Prctdion Cod.): An, ant o. Counry whkh rcqur6 . Fnil io coddcl. .1t6. irt9rolq .knoliih Dr rqttr ey
<br />rndur.. rrd ro tu isle.. rL. GqliB lh. +lkmr f.r Mh Fni m 6h r sie,.d rioFt thd ll or tE a licdB.d limlr
<br />'o ltE ForirioB ol rlE Co rddt Lkd3.d t s (OuF( 9. Coffiins trnh Sdio. ?ffiJ of ,1 of rh. &Bi'B od
<br />Prof*io Codc) orrhll lEorrh. ir.xmpt thatnom ed lhc h6! tor th. illcs.d cidiion Anyvioldionofs.6ior70ll5hymy
<br />lrplicrii aor r F6ir uhjctt rhc @pli.ut ro ! ciril pdhy ot mr mE ih& li\ c hrn&.d &,lle (1500)
<br />l- a o"E ofrfic FrFny, or ny mpby6 snh vas6 6 thcn $k comFEnion. $ill do lh. wort drl $. nM@ 6 mr
<br />in6.Ld .r orld.d lor $L (S( 7014- BdiB Dd PmfdioE Cod. I1E Conr..roa! t.iEe Lrtr do6 nol eply to d osE.,
<br />rh.F.F t trlro hiill d i,qsr6 rna@ 3n wlb dc rxh \sI fi,etror haslf or rlmrah hit n lE .sn mplolG.
<br />rrovdld llul !!ch imFo\ffiJ G m! h6&l or oflEul tu sL l( ho*6s, th. t! dnB or irproffi u $ld $ ihn on ]u
<br />ot cotrlpldhf,, fi. ()uc B{ildd trnl h6v. thc t{,&n ofproiry Ihr h. or $. dil mr hild or imF.!. 6. FnFry for ttE puF& ol
<br />l. a o*rr of th. ,mpdy, m .r.luri!.ly conrr!(ins snh licd.d .onlracros ro sn rtud lh. F.j..r (S( 7044, It6insini hnfs6 Codc: I t Co.rrrloi! l.i(.G ll* rk'6 k{ rtplr r. e or nq o t Fopq! v s ho b{ild! or impror 6 rhao..dd \l$ @dM3torructFsir!"nh.(bn f,rod.) ltq!.d rrBd ro rlE Codrdoi! Li.elr*l
<br />I dn.\onF dJ( S(ltun
<br />Drl. ()rner
<br />\r ()Rxrt{!. aont Pr:Na^ I t0N
<br />I hsch! nm,o unJd thalr) (l'FrJu^.n. ofrh. n,lir\m! l(ltuarRfi
<br />I h,rc.n*il! ( srifEn..fco6dl ro Sclf,lnuc fc *r 6 omFdhr 6 Fvij <t for bySctir ITOOofltE
<br /> Co&, for lh. Ffolll:.E oatlE *dt ad *tah tlE rEnn i! irilcd
<br />I h,v. .nd i ill trinl.r q'ork6 comrr.Ntion iBurec. B ..rtu"rd bv Sdtion :u(D ofih. t,tFr codc. lo, th. pdfotuc of
<br />llE trorl for trhth tnn Fnn u eEd Mr {0*6 onp.tsrion inllllar. ffi6 rd Fltr numhd rc
<br />(nn,.. Oelc,c I
<br />ll,ltr\ Nuo,r{r Lt, t C
<br />vl I3L1zI t{ -L xfr lzo
<br />I c.nify lhd in lfiG Ffol m. of rh. *orr fq trhth thir Fn i3 ie.J. I .n I ml dtphy ey Fe. h e! mffir' 6 ro binn. eli.rr ro rh. srtrlG'c.mFdi.n hsr ot(.liaomu. dd.sR thr if I Jhuld b<oc $t!,(ii ro llso 6' (omFftd n . prcvilionr olsdlion l?0o ofrh. bhr Cod., I lrutt, fonhrnt comply wilh rhoF p$vilioN
<br />\IARNIN(; [dlu.. ro su. ${rL6 d]hFEi'on m16r*..nil fud up ro oE trn&.d lno6ei &lld trloo.0(x)t, 'nStr!.n 1076 ntrh.latrr Cod.. inrcd t*j dronrt s t6
<br />rrl c I lc-,rr'
<br />I hd.ta- ,lim ur&. Fndrt oa FJU! ! hd lm l'.6!.d u.d6 t.nn G'ry rnh SRlnn ruxr) of lhnrr:t
<br />of rh. |rui6 ani Prcfeio6 Co.k, &d my lkru i r rlll lorc
<br />B
<br />t\|5111 ,"",...,".(
<br />I hatt'y lllm un& F.hy o f Fju] thi
<br />'hd.
<br />i! . odtu.!i..
<br />isu.d (Sa 1097, ( rv C.)
<br />folmft. of rh. ssrl lor r hkh rhr Fm't ir
<br />I.dr'[ lhd lrE fRl.r.] r.*uldioB E*edi.r atBrN Gm\rl s. q]rlt.bL k! rhs
<br />l.o1[ rlr l hN.cndrhN itthcrrilr:tr rrar.r (orrar. I iSrE kr (ornply Nnh rll ( ilyrnd C.unr,
<br />ordmncB ud 516r. lar Ebins ro t ild'rr n6 oflhi (-ny 3nd (i'onrr'ro drd uFn th.
<br />.borr @tnt{ pi.rElr fN n
<br />ApplicrnrorA!01SlEn.turc
<br />$-i--r,r
<br />-/eu (K,1r f slrr
<br />Set Backs
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns
<br />Erection Pads
<br />UFER Ground
<br />SubfloorA/enUlnsulation
<br />Roof Sheathin
<br />Shear Wall a
<br />Frami ng tt tl la ailrlbl I
<br />ln s u la tion/E nerg y
<br />9rXwall t,,/7
<br />lnt. Lath l lol
<br />rown Coat lo- t5"ao
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handicap Req
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />En ineer Final Re rt
<br />I A - Z't
<br />t2 l-1 tl lct "sD
<br />Xnaed u" n%tf
<br />i
<br />Notes Remarks Etc
<br />tol pl71
<br /> pPLI(.,ttT nlct ^{artoNI h6dr anm! !nd6 Fn.h! oa FJUr' or ot lh. follos in8 .k<lrdiiri
<br />D.frniion P6miieA.hcro! Notifi.ation ljd6al R.Bulari.tu (Tnk40, Pan6)
<br />Rcqural tlrd oa rJotii.ibn
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />tuNNfll
<br />Oh4trill
<br />Masonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />Flpod Zone Certif.
<br />tV'L'wLlit
<br />FINAL ' 1,\ctrVt
<br />Certificate of Occupancv