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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OiI NER BUII,DEN DEL('ARATION <br />I lq.r^ .mrm unda pqEly of FJUD rhi I D clnl{ 6rB rh. ('{dr*16 Lt@ lru for lrE folh\rt rctn tS( -?0!l 5 <br />ttliine rd P a6nrn Cod.l Ai\ (-nr dr Cour) uh(h r.{ur6 r Fmn ro coorrucr. !hq. dfro( d.frnah d !.rBr fui! <br />eldduc. Fitr ro ns isudc.. rl.o Equtr6 ih. +dkd fo. ru.h ltrnr ro 6k r si!..d ndmd rhd lE or 3h. i! licmEd nlnumr <br />'o 'n. t'()fitioB of tlE Conhe(rr s l.i.dkd b\ {Ch!r 6 9. (i,imd.irs snh s<ri{in Ttroo of Div6io. I ol rh. ItNid. rnd <br />ProtB$otrs('odc)orlhat hcor3hc lhdcfio,ned rh. hai tu lh. au.8.d .!mpr ion AntviololionofS.dion'rtrll 5 hy any <br />afi'lice fix ipmil subjalllh. q,plic6 lo a civil p.mlly o I n.t morc tfie fivc hun&.d dollr! tJ50o) <br />l. a offi ofrh.FoFiy,dmrmpklc wnhwq6arlEn$L6n!.Mion. $illdo rll$r,t!dfi.rMWBm' <br />mdi.d d ofr6.d tor eL {56 7(x,i. BsiB sd Profsirs Cd. llE aomxlq r l.t@ l!* &E 6l @p} lo e 016 oa <br />rh. For6y u lF hil& d ins.o\€ rlEm !n ri$ &< sh s* hinklr or haslf .r <br />'lm!3h <br />hn o. h6 o$ opht€. <br />F.!id.d rhd sh inFlEEi! c t6l fldid qolI@d tu sl ll lincs, tlt hiur{ o, i.!F€d a $ld wahr.R t€ <br />ofcldr,ldn( 'b <br />()$E &rild- $ill h.E dE h,rh ofp. i,Erhr lE dEdAdbild int !\! d. FoFrl 6rllE F,FsoI <br />,. ri orr- of rhc prorrly. m ctclN'!.ly &ni8rin3 wn h licdrsJ (nradoR to consh(r lh. ro.rd (Sc 704t. lurina! <br />Md l\rlisir ( od.i Th.Q,ntrctr. Lic.ns.l-awdDG no( attlyh M osn6 of pi.Fd'" lvho huildsor nnprolcs lhoo,. <br />dnd $ho conrdcl3 for such Fqd3 \ h i Conira.lo(, lrcmkn puaud lo rh. Conr.adr s l icdrc lnsJ <br />I &.ionpr u sS<lhn <br />l).r. (rird <br />raaxl:a:i:(oufElsallott <br />|)IiST1aAIIO! <br />I h6.h! !firnr und( poalrr ntrEru^ otrc olthc follosin8 dahrr()ns <br />lhr\. $illnrinriina(din(d..1('.Nmrros.lll strr.tur\or[6s co'np.Biri,'n.ds,,ovn!.dfirbyS€dion17lx).lrl'c <br />l.h, (irl., forrh. Ffomrlhc. orrh. rork ntr $hrch rhr pcnril s isurJ <br />I hr\. rkl s <br />' <br />ll mlinrain \ o,tss ..a,FN k,n '6trr ec.$ NlLtrralh\ <br />ry \o,l nr \hKh rhx F n \sqkJ U\ \.rt6'comrEmnk,n strrrn!. <br />,/*," otJ h 6,-.ol Ls <br />/\,',., ",,,,,,- 4 li et t qt/loo <br />!l!{ ( ,{1.. li,r rh. rrl,rtr,.tr\.,n <br />.trn(Y Jkit\rtr\ ru n\r .!. <br />,u** lO'l-11 <br />I.c'!'l\ rhrr m(h.I).rln'n'rNcflih. \o'lt f(tr \hr(h rhn tEn' I <br />'s 'r\rcd.I shrll orrnll)l.v i',\ fs{nr n,i tr.' <br />$ d 10 lE(omc rubial to <br />'h. <br />woitqJ comDcnsion Lws oa( .lia.mi.. <br />\!116 .omFNliof, proviiioBoaS.d[n ]7@ of lfi. l,tsr (i,:k. I <br />Erhd iir sh.trld rE ont. subjal ro lhc <br />fonh$ trh co,rplr tr ilh rln* pn,risi.ns <br />l. ed shall sbi.rl m dDlolE lo s@,@l FBIIB Md <br />cnil lin6 up h orc hun&.d th,uuod &rllc (tloo.fixr). in rion. .Lm46 ss p.orilcd f.{ rh. <br />. 9i.n n,76,rr'h. llbd a.d.. ifld <br />\-*, "-6-/-t _ <br />I hd.h, imnn und6 tErlryolFjuryrh,r I m lioed undr Foristr,n or('h.prd I (.on rdcins trirh s<rio. 7000 ) ol l)\ i.ion 1 <br />or lh. lnB'ns ud Prof6lioN(bdc. rnd my hc6r i, in {ullfor... .,Id. <br />4:'6 <br />7-0-t 1 <br />grlt"tc <br />( , t-t t4l.t or l1 , <br />caxua!](ua!]llDldrilcErr} <br />I h@by tmd undr tHulty of psjury llial lh@ is a connrudion k ding i36.y for thc Ffomuc€ ot rh. *,ork fur s hi.h I hit p.nni t <br />issu.d(sE :100?. Civ C ). <br />APPI ICA''iI' DT('I IIA'I'ION <br />I h6{'}.lrmondd pduhy ofrstu,r- oft ofih. aollo*ins &<lf n.. <br />o.hdlii1. foir. Alt {$Nor,li.rru. F.da R.rular iotu I I <br />'rlc <br />.10, Prn6) <br />R.1ur.d lilrd of Notfi c'lion <br />I cdiar lhd <br />'h. <br />*!hln'6 EsadinS db.str\.e\il arc nor 4rlrabL ro rhn pmr.(r <br />I (dr[ thal I ha.@dihilpplrclr <br />ordruNB,.d sld. lju,s Ek,{ lo hl <br />3trr.n6rhn d FiFn! fDr iEFdhn <br />ih.rh\. irfomdr. i! cord I r*re h..nplr trnh rll Cn! lml (i[nl\ <br />.urrsliz. rc!..frdtr6 orrhB ( n\ r.d Counl,_ ro o16 uri'n rlE <br />/,tpprronr or a*ar stgmrrrt <br />\P.mllc"/t /; -,J.," l- <br />.-c-/1 <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erectron Pads <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenUlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />D rpvall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL 4lt='/'r >.'\t {L1ZM '6 iT-tCertificate of Occu pancy <br />Notes, Remarks Etc <br />I <br />UFER Ground <br />-t <br />I