<br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS r)$tER afrLDtR Dtl,(,IRAT|()'{ lI hs.b afirn und6 porahr- ol Frjury lhir I d .xdpr rmm rh. (irdrtcr.R' I trd. L.{ anr rh. rolbtrnlalltiarn (srtTnrt 5
<br />Bums &n hotGon Cod.) An!. aily or (oudy trh(h r.qur6. rEni! to codrucl,.116. inrro\r. &mlirh.r .gytr u'
<br />lrrudue Fu lo r isue.,,I5 r.qutr6 rh.4'dkd ror erh Fmn !o fik.risElj $dml rhd rtor !h. ir lr.,E l tlutud
<br />rr rh. ForEioB or rh. Conrdors l-ic..!.d ljw (( h!rl6 $. ComntritrE sirh salion Tooo of Dnision I ol lh. Buln*j lnd
<br />P(fcsionsC.dclorlhalh.orshciscrenprrh.r.nom&rdlh€bcritLrrh.tll.lcdcldnplion.Anyvnlolionof$.rlir70:llll,]_tny
<br />.r{,hc!.r lorrFn eubjcbrhc.p?li.!nrro.<irilp..rlrr'.fnormi.rhefivchundEd&lldrllSln)
<br />l- s oeEolrn rorEny. or mv ftd)16 trnh *is6 E rh.r r,k onFnerirn, $ill do iE \nt d llE.rure i! mr
<br />iddnkd orolId.n lor sL (sd 7{l.l4, auriRr Md Pr.laioB cod. lfu(o.nracloisl.icdcl.a\v&d.or@Pl,loMotrnFof
<br />th. r,.Fty u hr tlil& or utr,ot6 rh@r. dd rh. &E $ch urrl h'd.lf or h.*lf or lhmtBh ni! or hd o$n cm,'loy.6.
<br />FU\ d.d rhd sud mF.rffi. n mr hrdrld or olfd.d for gb l( hN6q. th. hIUi'E or irp.or.lld n 5U \ irhd oR \w
<br />ot.oq,krnr iE ()qF Exilrq ril h.\i rrr hdd of rhv t rtl, lE d.lE Lid d tri! or rp.or. rh. r'FFrv ft, rrE F4or ot
<br />l. s ow66 ol ih. F.F!y. dn .(lwi!.lr contrd irs { i h licn!.d co rlcloa lr Brs'rurl
<br />'h. rni&1(st 7or.r. BG!.ar
<br />rn lttrksix ( odc: Tn. Co"rrEro.s Lto* l,* d(B Fr q?l! i. o a|nd ofForEdy $to borldr or inrnorB rh(on-
<br />.nd sho .odat ld kh F,,cG lnh . (-odmo(r, lE.Ed p{Bldr ro rh. ( odrrroi! Lrce tr$ I
<br />T nn r\cn,tr trf(lU Sr!lrrr
<br />D{. on..r
<br />11{Llit tas c() lt-f s.t [t()i\
<br />Dl:(lS.BAlt0tt
<br />I hdrh\ rflntritrfl(l.rfoalryfltrruryf .olrh.fdhstr'! crlealo s
<br />Itv.r,'d*'fr!l..tconsrrosdrlns(lor$!116'omFdi,tr6Ftr\dqjforqqS<rnnlTtrjolrh.
<br />t bor code for th. Ffolrffi. ortlE *o* tor *tich llE Fn ir s.d
<br />I hs\. and *ill $ orl6s- .orFnr.r ion iBur..c., &1 r.qon.{ hy Sdn'n t 7(x) of lhc I {tq (t d.. lot rhc Ffonnon . o I
<br />!h. *orl for shf,h rhaFmi hlsl Mt f,orld comr<ndio. i6lrffi. c&ri' rlj Flkt nunlf,r a.:
<br />I cdiry thd in lh. Flolr]lsc of rh. uorr for uhth rhlr Fnn n &o.rt l slEll ntr mplo! lnl Fer in uy d&M
<br />$ Glo tee.ut cr lo llE *0116'.omFmrio. l.$! or( aliaomh.6nd 4r ltlll 'tI $ould t<oft subi<r t) rlr
<br />rolr6 comFM( ion pmlilioN of s.clion 1700 ofrh. l,hlr Code I .lull. fo'lh{ilh cnmply *ilh ll,,s
<br />W RNINC l.iluE to Fe erl6' .oFrEGalion s\6as. i3 unh*tu|.,nd 3h!ll subirl D mphq io aimiMl aEsllii Md
<br />(nil 6n6 up r' oE hu.dr.d ltns.d &llu ltl0o.00o). m t{tdnion ro rh. c.r a.ohp.N'i.n, &m.aB 8 Foriltd ft, rh.
<br />isqr r. 1076 of rh. l:bor ('o,j.. hr6e( rnd rlLnE)'s 16 t>*m,/l,". 6-13-lr-)
<br />- ^*,
<br />I hnErr\ amm uid< p@ y.lFrnryrhd I m h.isl !i&r Fo\so. ot(-luFs 9 tcoolrll*hs trnh 7r[D,olDtrrmn !
<br />of th. Buin6 rnd Pot*nBCod.,dd nyl'cds. Li in full ro(. dd cli(l
<br />6-\b \f) ,,.,."",". X E>
<br />I hdt y lllm un& F6ll} o f Frjut thd thd. i r mdturbtr larlhg +dy tor llE Ffmtuc ol llr *irt tor strh lht Fnl it
<br />irw.d {s6 1097, ( iv c.}.
<br />Alfu(AlfDl(ldxaltQ!
<br />I hddry .trnn umld pa.hy of Dqjuy otr of rh. rolhNnr &(hr!l ionr
<br />I).'n,lnbn P.mi. A.b6t6 Norin.dion ti.d6.l R.8oh irN {Inl. ,r0, P[l6)
<br />Rdtut d lilrdolNorin.dtun
<br />I rdrb rhr th. f.&r.l iqoLlh6 r*rdhs 6lEt . rm\ .l s. fr,i qrlrtbl. to lhL F.i{
<br />l.6rifyrhai I h!\.r.adrhi!rptl'.arionMdrdcrhar rh. dh,r. in lDflM nn iscotr(l I a3reloco llly w h dll( [, tnd ( otrnr]
<br />.rdin{nc6 dd*s rldins n) hoildin8 (onsrudion. dd hacbr luihn,izc rcrrForariv6 oarhis (\ty Md ( omryro d 6 trFrrh.
<br />!hn. ,Mrirn d ForEiy lor 'qBrion FrrrB
<br />,\ or,lg6rl siCa.lure KiZ L'\u1
<br />Set Backs
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns
<br />Erection Pads
<br />UFER Ground
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />Subf loor/VenUl nsulation
<br />Roof Sheathing
<br />Y.Y{h
<br />Framinq w)qx,
<br />ln s u la tion/Energ y R-l'f -7 9.Yrti)
<br />Drywall _X.\lN'
<br />Ext./d6[ GG)e 4:M,Z vl(a)
<br />Brown-C-oat /
<br />Masonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handicap Req
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />Engineer Final Report
<br />Flood Zone Certif
<br />FINAL nn REiu tl
<br />Certificate of Occupancy
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc-2 17;t,4,b
<br />Shear Wall
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />Volit'>