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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWN'.R ATIII,DiJR DEL('ARATION <br />I h6cby omm undd rcnahy of rtrju!- lh l d.r@pl &ofr lhc Contt.tos l-icds L^v forlhc [ollo$inr E!rn,1s(701|t <br />,rlNn6 dd trerdx'n Co&) An! Cn) or (tudv $hih r.qun6. Fni ro Nd'!d. !hs. imFori ddmlirh or ntst t., <br />jtuduq rir to ir. r*ru .., dBo r.qut6 rh. applrcd nr such Fmn lo fik ! 3isned (amol rhi' h. or sh€ 6 li.dFd puNer <br />b rh. Fr6nrnr ol trE r l-i.6*rt t \ (ch,Fd 9. ( omntrin8 nnh Sdlhn 7(({r of lrrinrn 1 of rh. Busin* .id <br />lhJf6i,N Cot!., or rh,! h.or rh. ir.rdpl rhrciiom E rh. bntF lor rh. all.s.d crdr,rtun Anf r iolation of Sdr'. r0l I i t, .rv <br />qDlicut tor r rEnir lobjarsrhc 4l',li.r ro rcnillloBxvofnrr hor. rhe fi\. hu.dr.rt dolls (tsur) <br />l. s owF otuh. Fnp6rr, or my .mploy!6 wnh s.g6 B rhcir s,k compmrdion. sill & $. \on dd dE nfldm n n.l <br />iddld.d G ord.d for eL lSE 7OrJ, B6i,E od ElaBitN Co&'Tr'.(bnr.l(i I r.e lr* rbd d lrly lo u orF or <br />rh. FoFny yhr hlil(b n. inFn6 fido. dd *h6 do6 Mh *nrt hinrlf or r or rhmutfi his or h6 osn mplot6. <br />p.$ i&l lhd ruch imrNtdErl3 @ ml i{drLd ot orsd ,o. sL lf. hou6E.llr biu!'s or i'ryrc@' n r,ld *nhin on. !d <br />olarpkknl. rlE olE &rilid $ill h.E t E hdar ofF.fl{ rri h. or tE dd rul hild or ,pran tir FFr, ft, rh. F,B!r .r <br />l. s o*nr olrh. FIEly, m .rcknrly .onr*tinS snh LcaFd conrrloRro coGnrud rh. pNjd (sd 7or4, $Bm6 <br />Ud hotsi, (hd. I h. Conrrrroa. Lru' (h6 n!p',lvrouosnsofF.Fr!$hobuildiorinpiordlh6on-mt $ho oddr ld s(h Foj.<r $nn. colneldlr lt.rn puBoai ro rh.Coiocro.! l.t.e trs) <br />l0.rm unda s<1Fn <br />D.l. orrd <br />$oRKi RS;( OttPEltSATtON <br />D.tsg,laarla! <br />I h6ct^ rrlm undF FahJ of Fiu^ oR ol !h. follo{ i.* tlcrdd i'6 <br />I h!\. !d siU minrM r ( diarll. oa(ilhr b s.,a-l6ur. fn s.d6' (omrqu.l ion. s lrovidoj f., by sdr iod r 71ru oarh. <br />l:tor aode for rlE Ffotlrffi. otllE ID& n' unth lh. Frnil . 6ucd <br />I n^r &d tr rll m.inrrr $olld .o'rFMion i,Eillm., 6 Equird b.! S<lFn !?0o of lh.l,tor (id.. n, rh. Ffolllffi. ol <br />rh. *ort tor uhich $n psnn B slqt My sort6 .omF6aion 6uru(. caic ad tDlty.!mb( a.: <br />l.orirylh.r in rh. p..loruNcolrh.rork r..rtihrhisFnn i. is.n l sl],llmr mplor D! Fsn in uymmE <br />$ 6 !o ltcom $ttr ro rh. *' Nnpqdion h*. of ( .lifomi{ r,n .sE lht if I rh.urd &.on. rbrd ro tlE <br />$o 6'comFnslionpmvisnrNofScclionu00oflh.lrta,rCodc.lrhlll.tonh*irh.on9lr*irhih.spmvlsnrs. <br />wARl\lNG F.ilurc r. su. trortd or.{Edhn Nrds. s u.h*tu!. ed $dl !uh,.d d dpt}q r. ainiDl Frlar Md <br />civil linti up r. on. hun&cd rh.Mnd dolls (tlt{r,ooo}. i. rdJnion b rh. c.s oI.ohFnlnion. dah+6 d ttro\id.n for rh. <br />sarioo 1076 of rhc likrCodc ima< and dblB's lG <br />/- tt-t ? <br />DECIA8^IAT <br />I h(.by llIm und6 lqrty ol paju.y r h, I m [ca!.d !*L F!\ tio. of( t.pls I I cooffi'ns trih sdnn 70(x)) of Dn is6n I <br />of th. F$hd rd ProfdioN Co<L. ad my ltcM i! <br />'n <br />tull lorcc tn.lYd <br />r(rnscons O C-/ o <br />D.,. 6- LJ =t ? (orrr..,or <br />t-a 6 2 <br />-.aZ--.--l(aB a!(uaNll;lDrMil(irrcr <br />I h*.J .llm undd F.ah! of Fjur,\ lhar lhs. is ! cotr9rucl ion Lndins srdcy nr rh. rdfonnmc. of thc *orl fo, shich rhis tEhir is <br />isucd (sa ! ( ) <br />AITU(ANLDISABAI]A! <br />I hd6v lrm un& po.h ! ot rqjur] oE of rlE iolhtrTr .kchnr nd <br />Dcn nitun Pmn3-A3t6'd Noriliclrion l-.dcr.l Rqulsrirnr (Til. 40. P.n6) <br />R.<tur.d l.tro of f*riftdm <br />I cdiar rh.t rh. a.dall ,c8!ld'o6 rcltdra dtE{$ , @\ al r. nn b rht FiFl <br />I c6rrf, thal I hs€ rad lha lpplhrn\n a'd J't.rhr rh..tnri rnf('ldnrn is cotrdl I rsra lo conply *nh ,ll Cnr'indCounrv <br />ord,Etr6 !d Slrr. lru'r Ekuu ro b{'ldinr c.M.r nlr lrd rurhoii,. r.F.5in 6 of thi Cdy ad (nu t ro d'( otFn rlr <br />ahr. 'nmri,,nal m,nd! i{ in\ndi',n <br />epprr-nr o. r*-r shna,* t'- <br />Prnnirturrr(frinlr Eo,l.,tr+,eA i4 <br />6- /3-,7 <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenUlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathing Ln\1h+',TJ,llS il) <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />ln s ulation/E nerg y <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif . <br />FINAL '7tE tt+ <br />"ltlLllCertificate of Occupancy t- I <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />r( <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I