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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUII,DTT Df, LCAfiAIIOiI <br />I hd.b .frm ueld Fuht of Fiuq lhi I e.r6F fro'r rh. ( odr(l6 lk.clr*$qr@.lsdn)rl5 <br />Il6ins lid Prof6$n ('od.l Any (''ry or ( ou.t) whi.h r.qur6 ! rEmir Io.oNrrud,.hd, inFo\.. &nolnh or EIqn dy <br />$tu.luc. Fior 'o,rs i$ rbo ..qun6 rh. applicer for surh Frfrir h lil. r si8n.d i.lmot lhar & ur .h. i! [.c.d p uuanr <br />to lh. FovisioN otin (o ractor's liw ichdDrd 9, (bmm.ncing $nh seiion 7000 ofDirishn:r ollhc trusin6\ ind <br />Prndrion. cod.) .r rhd h. or sh. n .rm rhd.fmm md !h. h.!n f.r rlE alksdj.r6rl'hon Any\iru{x,n.lsdi1n70]lah.nt <br />qrh...r aor. Frnr tlhlds th. llflica lo.dfrlp.Mh\ot 'r,nn.rhd 61. hund,cd dullmitloo) <br />**o*Foarh. Flrxd\,.r m!" mpLr€ *nh *aX6a rh6r $L$mFnsdbr. { drrlE*ntEdrh.rndmnft! <br />or olrd.d for sl.lsc 7orr. Boins and ProfNirN ( o,j.r lhc Cotrlrxltr 3l.rle l.!* do6 ior E[,lr ro M osK or <br />rh( Ix.tsiy rh. hil& or im[r.r6 th.rdn, Md trbdcsuch*o* hif,r.lf or h6sl t or lhrourh hb or h( o\n .mpl,').6. <br />ttrov idc'l lhal such irqr.vtrls E mr 'd6ddt or oIH for sl. lf, ho$Rd. (h. hildinx or ifrrio\ dmr i! 3,ld ( ilhin nn. )tr <br />oa(omrtlhn.llEotrE Buitb qrll tu.lg' orFosns dn h.orrrEddmr hl'ld.r 'i4nr tu FlFrt f rtE pu4rsoa <br />l, s o$F olrh. rmpsry. m dclatrdt .o'nr*! inr. virh l'.d6.d codr..t6 ro.odnd rlE Ftrirl (Sr ?Orl. t}6tr6 <br />.Jrl ftntsio Crt.: 1 h. contkioi! l-'c6r ur d6 mr ipply b oo$ndotroFn! trho brilds or mrrt\6 rhdon. <br />dnd sho contruds n rn Eoj.cls vrlhs (ontEclons)t0rsuMr k,rh.( rnrra.u s I (dic I itr) <br />I n.rmpl und6 seri('n <br />%",r/ ts aol ft* <br />I hd.b ifiirfl !n {\.fpslun rn.flrh. nnL\rin! ddlsr <br />I h.\ c a.d $ill nrinllh a (-.nificalc o I CoBol to Sclfinru,( ntr $or[s- ..nrp.nd nrn, a Foid.d lor ht s(lion 1700 of rh. <br />I rhr ('.ni aor <br />'h. Frfolimc. of lh. tr o* ror shich rh. Fhi ir nrudl <br />I h.r. !d u'ill m!id.( *ortd' .6nFGdFn iMft.. 6 r.1uE.d <br />"rL <br />Sdhn l7(xr orrlE L.bor Co&. for rh. Froll1m. of <br />!h. sort fu *nih lh. Fnnn ar ib.d M, *.{td' 6mFd ir. rE$e <dir tn Flkr_ numb.r ft <br />.of lh. trorl f.r trtichlhB Fn'l s i$u.(L I sLll tun drlo) e) F$n in tn! mt.E <br />t*$ ro llE trrltd omFnd rn Ltr3 of crl'L6e rd +m rhr il I .lirull tEom {bar lo r& <br />tr .16' comp.dr o. proruioN ol s..r rn l7(xj.lrh. t bd( <br />WARNINC: F ilur. r. <u. *od6'comFMnn cor6.{. <br />.ivrl nn6 up r. oi. htrndr.n thouend rlollas (1100,000), in <br />S(hon 1076 of rh. lrbr Cod.. i.r6d .nd .trorrEy s fc. <br />{rL- I +rll. fonh\nh[ {nhrlFrpm!$or <br />t9.d lhall snhjcr b flpl.)d ro mmml FmhE 6nd <br />cosr ol comp.Nno.. drmxd ir prorid.d tu th. <br />"",,c1 12 <br />I hs.t) lttm unds Follry ofFjur.! ih.r I d h.6a.rl un.ld Frntun.f E 9{commins $ h S.<!r,n 7000} olD$irion I <br />of rh. Busi.d md I'lof*nrB Cod.. d nry l'(ds. is in fullnn..E .fr(l <br />(l)! f,lcllotl,luutctc[!(I <br />I hrchy amrm unds r.nnh\ of p6jui rhar rhd. ir a conntudn n kndins.*dc! fo! thc pcn)mrancc oflh. $ork itr $hth rhis Fnrir n <br />isu.n (S( 1097. ( n (-) <br />APPLICAN DT('I AXATION <br />I hdltt allnn u.da ,oil y of tdjury on. o{ th. folL*i.B dd ldd n'ns: <br />l).molitFn Pmirs-ArlErrot Norifi cal'on }ndil R.sulari.n! (Iirl..l0, Pd6| <br />R.qur.d tdla ol N{,ri[rdn <br />I rdriry rhn rh. fuLr'l r.EularioG r+rdinE alEror rl ,. .or qDlicohL nr t hir pnjcl <br />I hr\. 'r nlrh'\ itplirx(str xtr,l,ln'n,,in'n's.on(r liBrehcon,nl\\irh,ll( rrid(ortrr\ <br />ir.l i\r,.l i',Snr hu,lJtru a'd h-chr atrrhrn.rcfltsrdi\6 flrnt ( ilr and (in,nrr ro drc trF rh. <br />.h\. morirn.n proFnr tu iBrEdion <br />'\tDli.rnl nr,\rrnl Sirn{trrr <br />/,/4 <=// er-..' <br />4go zo,t <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground t <br />SLAB Floor <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drpvall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />1 <br />FINAL 7/,,/t1 <ufl-ab <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />) <br />Subf loor/VenUl nsulation <br />''4--- <br />Lic.M NumLq <br />'2'r --J