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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWIIER BUILDEN OETTCATATIO'{ <br />I .rm undd p6.ty of Frury fin I o sm/ nDd ln Col,,rtro6 Lic@ t!* aor lh. f.Uowini @!on (S6.70.i 15 <br />BsilB !d P.o&sion Co&). tuy Cny or Cody lhth Equiq . panr to stu. g. hlFwq (lwbn ot l+., t, <br />JlrumEc Fn lo ir! rLo rcqlr6 rh. rp?l'.d for rdh pann lo frlc. rigEd rldtul lhd lE o,3lE a licaE d PrB.n <br />ro rhc ,iovirD of 0r Codr-roat Liccnr.d t w (CtrF6 o, Collffiin8 *irh Serio. 70m of Divition I otllr tlulii ed <br />Frcadi,N Cod.) or d h.n dE i'dqq( rlEifroh-d tl! td! &r rlE.lLS.d adDprion. Ary viohnn olsdio. 7011.5 bt dy <br />qDlicet lor . Fon ,ubj*r th. .rplhst to . .ivil p@fty of nol morc l!& fiy. hun&.d &llm (t5()O). <br />L e o*n6 of rhc F$Fry. or m, dplorB eith qrs6 6 rhcr sl. comrEMio( sll {to th. *dt rn [E rMW i ml <br />idci.d or o6s.d fd rL {s6 7041. Euig ed PrDftsilB Cod.r TIE ( o ndoat tiae l^.bd nol gly lo d o}G ol <br />tlEFlFry $tb hitid irp.o€ E@.n wb &E st Eit hieltot tE*lfd filuen hit d lE ost otplo)B <br />lrovidal th, Mh i6p.eEGt c Dl illad.d or.llE d lbr BL ll rbw.. tlE hrildi'B ot ltsrord,si ir $ld wihin.N !a <br />ofoqldir rlE Orr lt, k vin hE dE hlrl.a olForiB ll- lE d iE dd d hritl r i'rsoE dE FlFry h. tlE FI,FE or <br />l. !.rE .f rlE FnFi,, m dcluiEl, co.rIIllrs wnh lEcd odrd6 to Nlfu tll F*n (SE. 7004. 46rB <br />lrd Eotu is Cod.: -l h. Conr6toar t-i.6i. Lw &6 nor +pl, k) mown6 of prcpdy *ho build! or imProv6 thdarn. <br />..d $lb @drrr! tG $t Foj.rr! *nl. Corrr-to(!) lio$al Fdd b rlE Colfxrtr r ti@ ll*} <br />I m.rmO udq SetFn <br />Drr.: O*n.r: <br />$oR(t'R\. coMPF,\is rroN <br />EE(|JAAIIO! <br />I .mm u.d6 r,alny of lsjury oru oflhc fouoqintr delqalioBl <br />I lrv. nd sill roinr.h. CqrifErc orcoMll ro Sdl-l6ua rd wtd onFEihn. s Forii.d aor by strion l7m orth. <br />l.hor CodG. fs tlE FflM. of l& wn fm *tth tlE FBn ir ir.u.d. <br />.l h.* ed will *0116 comFs.tio. iBurm.., s r.qutcd by S*lio! ]700 of lh. Lrbor Ct'!., aor ifi. Ffotud.. of <br />rh. sorl for lih thn Fon ir iEld M, wrtd onpadion ierre 6ir .d polay nunbo c: <br />c,,r. (\l eraL I,.,', tz <br />,.,,.,"",.* !{l(I}4 6aY1-rr,16 \-\-\L <br />I.drfyrhr in th. Flolffi of llE *ori for *tict lh6 Fdn B is.d. l3h.ll mr alpb, oy FDr i! !y nmE <br />$ Blo tE@e sbixt ro th. w 6'omFeion hw! or(.liaomi{ !d {d lhr if l tbuld beotr rubj.d to ltE <br />u'ild' @oF!.rn. ForiliJBolsdb. lTm of rlE L.tor Codq l Jrll fqlhnhoEdt rnhfio*FoitbE.. <br />\lARltING: F.jhd. b cw wt6' @n$qErbn or6rs. ir uLr,tuL ri rldl & drpbF lo cioid Ff,rb !d <br />c il nc !p ro oc hurd thou!&.| r,ollE (1100.000), in .ddilio. h dE co, of ..nFdioi, &r.36 6 Frid.d aor <br />'lESdrn 1076 ofrh. trtor Codc Elqd .rd rlodt} r 16 <br />h-11-n ^,,,.*,X C V\.--- <br />L(rNSvp coNTI.^r'ron <br />alcllaArla! <br />I hn by rrm ldjd Frhy of Fjury lh.r I m lica!.d u.ds Foviibn ot ctu9ls I {offiiq vnh Sdbn 70m) ol Divisin 1 <br />ol rh. ttBit6 rd rhl6ioB Co&, rd mr ltoE i in tull roN & .r <br />r)111 t t, t, <br />.-,."-X cCs.L1-q <br />COIISTRT,ICNON LENOIII(: A(:ENCY <br />I tE l,.Ifm un& FJly of Fjuryln rhd n. oirtu.rbn lrdi.8 !8@r fot tlE pqfoll@a of lh.m tu stih thn pcinn i <br />i&.d (Se 1097, Ci C.). <br />L.n<ld r Nft <br />AIIIJCAtrIDf{IASTIIAI <br />I ha!b, rfm o.d6 Fulty ol Fjury oE of lhc folLwin3 d6lrdlh$: <br />Darc&irn P@ne^.b.rd NotiaEdbn f.dqil R.*!h6N (Tnb 40, Par6) <br />,Rcqun.d kud otNoifrdioD <br />I cdiry rhd rhc t ds.l ,csuldtuN EBedms ab6rG rtuval @ not .pPlrlbk lo lhi! rmJ..l <br />I cdify thd I t*r €d iti! 4diarillrd .1. lhi lhc .trE inlo dio. a .68! I .8c ro .orqt wilh ![ Cn] t ! Gmry <br />ordiMco rad sut. Lru EldDg to boilding .ordEciior! rd lEGt, lurhori4 EF6!,ndiv6 of thit Cily &d Co6ly ro 6ra upon rlE <br />lloE tdDncd qDrdly fd a.cion FrFr6- . <br />^,,orAta,sr.dr.n <br />-l Ly D.,.. G-lat' <br />,,tro: Cho> flo.LaalL <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor /--2-,, /. <br />7//4/tX ///t/fq <br />transTormers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />Meter Release <br />Rouqh a//0//)wt?/7 <br />Service Meter 7/tq//4 Yt//t, <br />FINAL U/'n/^)rlvl17// <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I I <br />I I <br />I