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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS COMMENTS OrINEA AUIU)ER DEI' T IION <br />I n6cby dlm un& pqulry ol pdlory thd I m .rd9r noh lh. conlr-loE Ltoe Lry for dE lolh*i,, len ls(70ll J' <br />Builld rd ftoftsbn Cod.) Any Cny or Cdlry *ti.h r.quG . Fni' lo o'iM, .!., dFov.. d.ml6l! d EF ay <br />in!.!u.- Fin !o ir! is@.c d$ rcqun6llE dPplic&l for iuct Fnil lo nL. 3b.!n 3dmi lhd lE or !h. i licoa.d Blllal <br />lo 0E Fov.o6 of UE Cdr.rqr Li!.!.d L.* (Ct+rd 9, ColffinB wnh Salno 7000 ol DivLb. I ol llE BulilB ed <br />Pmfdiou Co&) or ltd h. d th. i! udfl rha.fros.nd rh. h.a f.r rhc.U.8cd .rmptim Any vioLrion otS.dtun 7011.5 by ey <br />plrsn fo. r Fnir !bid! rlt +9li.ri ro. ciril Fqty of mr mE thD lir. hu'xH &'116 (t50o) <br />l. s orE oltlr FlFry. m Ey .npb)G *nn *!s6 s 0&n bl o'ipdrb( *ill rb E f,at id llE trrEre ; ml <br />insr,.d ( otrdrd for * (Sc.7Oa4. BsilB ad PrDadb6 ( od.: TIE Co' ! l,i@ tlw &€ ftx 4Pl, io e orG ol <br />tlEFrFty $ho hili or srF!6 {EE,! id *ho dG *h sn hielf or taf,lf or ltuou,fi nn t lE oM dPlorG <br />FotrLd thn tu.h o$ irdrLddor*d 6.rl l[ hou-G. rlE hlild'e c,rytEcr i! $ld * !h o* Jd <br />of .onlplaD.! UE otrn6 BoiL'a wil Uw rlE hln.f, of Fwlg lhi L or !h. dil ml hild or triFot tlE FuFty f.r rlE PrFe.f <br />l. s oqE oarlE FlFly, o omxloS f,nh lkoE d otrtl6 to orE 'rd <br />!l.t F.r( (Sd 70.1.{. 8$i6 <br />ud hrkincod.: T1.Co r&roar Lno& L!* do6 mr !p9ly ro e o$c of FoFly who boil& or irFovdlnn@n, <br />dd wh! con ..ri tu $ch Foletr *tfi. Codrso(r) n Pttu n ro rh. aofflcroa. Lt64 trv) <br />I e cr.nrpl unld sdion ,ll &P( lorlhnra$tr <br />D.l.: Ontrrl <br />wOru(r[S', COmPts'rSA rX]N <br />DESAAAIIO! <br />I !fiinn unds pdllty o I Fjury o* o r lh. rouo* tru[d artu <br />I bv. ad will minllin a C.nifi.d. olconst ro S.lf't6ur tor *.rl(6 NmFldion. B pmvi{tcd lot by Scno. ]1700 of'h. <br />t,rrx Cod.. 6r tll Ffolll:tr. of llE wl tG d'th lll FEn . isuil. <br />Zih.r. rnd rill @drm {ort6'(onDdoion rM.,6 r.quiEd by S6lio! 17@of {st h.t Co&, for EFfolrr]d.of <br />tlE s* fd *han tnir Fhh ir is.d. My wdl6 onpqErr. itsl,fu 6it tn poky.mtq G: <br />,-. b>sL'r.x UNDLT&t A(c'.-tt <br />r.,.r, . ., ,r"' SRtr 30 n a €( f r.r".. 3- 16 -, C- <br />I cEri,y rhlt h rh. FtolrM. ofth. $orl tc $tn rh! Fdn i! &!.d.1null mt dpLy lry F&o i, uJiMH <br />$ 6 r baom $tid 16 tlE {r,16 Noradi,n L*s ofcd'romidd {E lhr if I 3lbuld haor.utiar ro rlE <br />Nlt6 ompcMiotr pbviliod of Sa:lion l?m oarnc lrbor Co&. l rtdl. fonh*nh onplr wnh tfi6s lrovLioN . <br />WARNUI(;: F.ilw 16 s@ worta comFE li'b.o!@er i! u.b*f!I. uil sh,ll subj.d e dpkri ro ainin l IEEhi6 d(n tur up ro nr hundr.i rthdnd &ll,! tllm.m(r <br />sdjFn IoTo of rh! Lrb.. co,L, inr.d Md nroirqJ rtdt/o,".- b-e-rl nppu4- <br />,, i, .dlni,n ro rhc colr aoi. dr{46 a Forii.d for rlE <br />I ba!6y.lIm uldd F)r&yofpqjurylt I E li.glr.d lrda Frvtin ofch.Fa 9 (coll1rllting wiu salbn ?000) of Divnion 3 <br />ol iE Bui,B !d Prof6io6 co&. !d ry lioE ! o tuI flre .n .lEd. <br />,."..4 <br />?.t>>c t <br />rlrr( (2-9.-t7 Z24 <br />I horty.rmu.& Fdyof Fiu.ythi llE! it. @drudno laii'C.sey 6r EFf(ffi.oatt enl fi,r *lththi. Fnil il <br />a!!.cd (sc. ,097, ctu. c.). <br />APPLI(' IIT DFCt,Af,A1'ION <br />I hcrby rfiin u.d6 Frh, or Fjury oE of [E roll)wi4 &.1a.' bB <br />Dsehhn PdirlAst6r6 Nori6.dion F.d-rl R.8uLtioc (Tnt 40. P.n6) <br />_ R.quu.d lnr6 ol Noriftdbn <br />od Cov yro 6td uF)n <br />I .ct ify rhd th. fcd.rn r.s!h1io6 Esddrns dbdor romvll ec nol epl(.bL ro rhi Fq.d <br />I .6rit rhd I h6 c Ed rha ,rpla{b. dld nri. rh. lh. .!o\. infoldb. ir corrEl I .ar lo comply <br />W:Wz4;ry*^:.:t-t-/ 7 <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL b / ttt/ t>-<FY en'-Z;S <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc t -t z VU Y-J <br />I DArE I rD/SrG. <br />c <br />I <br />I <br />Communications Cable I <br />L I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I