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EXPEDITEL) [)IRTvIIT I,RL)CISS FOti SNlAI I.SCI'LI I,V SYSTEiVIS <br />AC ML)DUil. <br />The informarion in rhis guideline is inter'rded ro help local jurisdict ions :lnd conrraciors rd,rn(ifi, \\,hen PV system installalrons <br />are simple, needing oniy a basic revie\^,, and when an installarion is more complex. lt is l:Lely that 50%-75% o[ all residen(ial <br />systems will comply rvith these srmple criteria For projects that fail to meet the sin'rple crireria. resc'lulron steps have been <br />suggested tc provrde as a p:rih to permit approyal. <br />Reqtired InJormation Jor Permit: <br />l. Site plan showing locarion of major compcnents on rhe property This drawing need nor be exaclly to scale, bur i( <br />should represent relative Iocarion ol components at sitc (see supplied example sire plan). PV arrars on dwelhngs <br />wirh a J'perimeter space at ridge and sides ma}r nol need separate firc service revie!\' <br />2. Electrical diagram showing PV array conflguration. winng sysiem. overcLlrrenr proteclron. tnverlct disconnecrs. <br />required signs. and ac connecrion to building (see supplied srandard elecrrical diagram) <br />3 Specificarion sheers and insrallarion manuals (if available) for all manufac(rred componenrs including. bur not <br />limi(ed to. PV modules. invener(s). combiner box, disconnects, and mounring system. <br />Step '1 : Structural Reuiew o[ pV Array Mounting System <br />Is the array to be mounted on a de6ned, p€rmitted roof structure? Eyes ENo <br />I No due to non-compLian( roo! or a grcund mount, subtntt completed worhsheet Jar the structure wKs I . <br />RooJ lnJonnation: <br />l. ls rhe roofrng type lighrweighr iYes = composirion.lightweight masonrl,. Inetal, erc .)Yes, asphall shingle <br />U lio, submit compleled worhsheet lor tooJ sn'uc ture wKS I (No = lrcavy nlqsonry. slate. e tc. . ) <br />2. Does rhe roof have a single roof coveringz Eyes Er'to <br />Il No, submit completed worksheet Jor rooJ sttucture wKSl . <br />l. Provide merhod and type of vvearherproohng roof penerralions (e.g fldsning. caulk) <br />M onnt[ng Sy s t em Intormat ion : <br />I ls the mounting structure an ejgrneered product designcd lo mount PV modules with no more than an IS gap <br />benearh rhe module framesT llJ Yes L-.,ltto <br />Ij No, provide det,lils of structLtol attachme'nt certilcd b)' d design pro.fassional. <br />2. For manufactured mounting systems. hll our informarion on the mountng s),stem below: <br />a [4ounrrng SV stem N4anufacturer Sunpower p,.o,1,.,,-t Nalne an(i rio6a11 lnvisimount <br />b. Ioral Utigh r of pV MoCulr:s and 11111.; 888.53 ths <br />flashrng and caulk <br />c. Total Number o[ Attachment Poinrs42 -d Weighr per Atrachment Poinr (b + c)21.16 bs (il gr".ater than 45 lbs. see wKSl) <br />e. Maxrmum Spacing Betweerl Attachment Pornrs on a nail 48 <br />-i.ches <br />(sce proiucl manuJl for <br />maximum spacrng allowed based on maxrmum design wind speed) <br />f. Total Surface Area oF PV i\.{odules lsrluare feer)315.70 <br />g. Disrribuied V./eisht of PV iuodule on Roor rb + i)2.81 lbsi ft <br />U distributed weight oJ the PV system is greatel. rhen 5 lbs[t.. see !/t'KSt . <br />Step ? Elect,ical Revievr oi PV Sytt"* (Calculat,ons for Electricai Diograo,) <br />In order for a PV system to be considered for an expedited permit process. the following rnusr apply: <br />L PV modules. uttltty.interactrve in!erIers. and conih:ner hoxps are i(1( ior PV s\strrrts <br />2. The PV arrnv is composed oF 4 se.ies siflngs or less [)e, inve er <br />I The total inve er capacily has a cot'r:tnLlous ac oo\\ir .,urpul ll.-1.10 \'rhtis or lcss <br />4 The ac interconnecrion pornt ts oi't rhe load side oi sr.vicr dlsconnecillle ,ieans (690 a,.l(Bt) <br />5 Onc of lhe slaudard electircal diagr3ms (El.l. Er 1b, or cin I)e used ro a.curatel\ reprcserrt ihe pV <br />system Interactive PDF dlagrams.lre avitlable il v.\t'\.. :,1)lar.lbi s ()rg/r),rn-rltlllrr{ <br />aorrnitrticarle pir;i rtie an nJtr,rn,;ti,.,e,li.(lr nt,AiIh q\ -oi)i-iu;c ilt!4:i <br />2 i \l'rl)ititr i't ll\1lt I'Rr',( t., f():l l)\ it'\Jt \1\