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. EXPEDITED PERMIT PROCESS FOR SMALL-SCALE PV SYSTEMS <br />STANDARD STRINC SYSTEM <br />The informalion in this guideline is inrended to help local Jurisdicrions and conrractors identify when PV system installations <br />are simple. needing only a basic review and when an insGllation is more complex. It is likely that 50%-75% of all residenrial <br />systems will comply with these simple criteria. For projects that fail to meet the simple criteria, resolution steps have been <br />suggested to provide as a path to permu approval <br />Required Information Jor Perrnit: <br />I Site plan showing location of major components on the properry. This drawing need nor be exacrly to scale. bur it <br />should represent relative location of components at sire (see supplied example site plan). PV arrays on dwellings <br />with a S perimeter space at ridge and sides may not need separate nre service review. <br />2. Electrical diagram showing PV array configuration. wiring system, overcurrenr prorection. rnvertet disconnects, <br />required signs, and ac connection to building (see supplied srandard electrical diagram). <br />3. Specihcation sheets and installation manuals (if available) for all manufacrured componenrs including, bur not <br />limired ro, PV modules, inver|er(s). combiner box. disconnects, and mounring sysrem. <br />Step 1: Structural Review oI PV Array Mounting System <br />Is the array to be mounted on a dehned, permitted roof structure? Ey"s Eno <br />U No due to non-compliant rooJ or a ground mount, submit completed worhsheet.for the structurc WKSI . <br />Roof Information: <br />l. ls the roofrng type lighrweight (Yes = composition. lightweight masonry, metal. etc )Yes <br />II No. submit completed worhsheet lor rooJ structure Wi(S/ (No = heavy masonry. slate, etc.. ) <br />2. Doestheroof haveasingleroof coveringl Eyes Ef,lo <br />lf No. submit completed worhsheet Ior roof stucture WRS I . <br />3. Provide method and type of weatherproohng roof penerrations (e.g. nashing, caulk)Flashrngs <br />Itl ount in g Sy st eln I nformat ion <br />I Is the mountjng structure an en neered product desiEned to mount PV modules with no more than an IS gap <br />beneath the module frames?Yes E r'lo <br />If No, provide detqils of structurq.l o.ttachment certifed W a design ptofessionaL <br />2 For manufactured mounting systems, hll our inFormation on the mounting sysrem below <br />a. Mounring Sysrem Manufacrurer Unirac Product Name and Model# Flat Flasuing <br />ht of PV t\4odules 3n6 3s115 824 bs <br />c Total Number of Attachment Point 24 <br />d Weighr per Arrachmenr Poinr (b + c) I lbs (if grearer rhan 45 lbs. see WKS I ) <br />e. Maximum Spacing Berween Anachment Points on a Rat 72 inches (see product manual for <br />maximum spacing allowed based on maximum design wind speed) <br />I Total Surface Area of PV Modules (square leet)325 <br />b. Total Weig <br />tu <br />g. Distributed Weight of PV Module on Roof (b - lt 2.54 lbsi tu: <br />I! dktrlbuted weight oI the PV system is grcater than 5 lbstf , see WKS I . <br />Step 2 ' Electrical Review of PV System (Calculations lor Electrical Diagram) <br />In order for a PV system to be considered for an expedited permit process, the following must apply: <br />l. PV modules, utility-interactive inverters, and combiner boxes are identified for use in PV sysrems. <br />2. The PV array is composed of 4 series strings or less per inverrer. <br />l. The rotal inverter capacity has a conrinuous ac power output 15,440 Watts or less <br />4. The ac inrerconnecrion poinr is on the load side of service disconnecting means (690.64(B)). <br />5. One ofthe srandard electrical diagrams (El.l, ELla,, or can be used ro accurarely represenr the PV <br />system. Interactive PDF diagrams are available a( <br />Fill out the standard, electricql diagram complerely. A guide to the electrical diagram ts provided to help the opplicqnt <br />understand each blunk to fiIl in lf the eli ctricd system is more complex th,xn the standdrd (lefiriarl diagram can cfJectively <br />communicate. provide an alternatiye diagram with appropriate detail. <br />2 ExtEDrrrL) p[Rurr I'Roctss [or{ pv sysrrrlrs