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l'\l'l l)l I I t) l'llr.\1ll l'li()( [\\ I()li \\1 \l | \( \l I I'\' \\ \l I \1\ <br />\ I \\l)\lil) \ lll.l\(, \\ \ Il\\ <br />The information in this guideline is inlended to help local jurisdictions and contractors identify when Pv system installations <br />are simple. needing only a basic review and when an installation is more complex. It is likely that 50%-75% of all residential <br />systems will comply with these simple criteria. For projects that fail to meel the simple criteria, resolution steps have been <br />suggested to provide as a path (o permil approval. <br />Rcrlrriri'tl lnfor'n,tt iotl lor Pertnit: <br />l. Site plan showing location of major components on the property This drawing need nol be exactly to scale. but it <br />should represent relative location oI components at sire (see supplied example site plan). PV arrays on dwellings <br />with a 3' perimeter space at ridge and sides may not need separare hre service review. <br />2 Electrical diagram showing PV array configuration, wiring system, overcurrent protection, invener. disconnects, <br />required signs, and ac connection to building (see supplied standard electrical diagram). <br />3. Specihcation sheets and insElladon manuals (ii available) for all manufactured components including, but not <br />limited to, PV modules, inverter(s), combiner box, disconnects. and mounting system. <br />Stcp '1 Structural Re..,c,., oI PV Arrav f,'lountrng Systcm <br />ls the aray to be mounted on a de0ned, perrnitted roof structu.e? E y". E no <br />U No due to non-compliant rool or a ground mount. submit completed worhsheet Jor the structure wRSl . <br />Roof lttforrnariort; <br />I ls the roohng rype lightweight (Yes = composition, Iighrweight masonry, metal, etc Yes; comp. shingle <br />lf No, submit completed worksheet Jor rooJ structure WKSI (No = heaty masonry, slate, etc...) <br />2. Does the roof have a single roof coveringZ Eyes !tlo <br />If No, submit completed worhsheet lor rooJ structure WKSI. <br />3 Provide method and type of weatherproohng roof penetrations (e.g. flashing, caulk)Flashed LJoot <br />Mountinq System InJormation <br />l. Is the mounting structure an erl ineered product designed ro mount PV modules wirh no more than an IS gap <br />beneath the module frames?ves D r,,to <br />f No, proide details oJ structural attachment certiled W a design professionqL <br />2 For manufactured mounting systems, hll out informarion on the mounting system below <br />a l\4ounting Systern lnlanufacrurer SNAPNMCK product Name and MOdel# SNAPNRACK SERIRES 100 UL: FLASHED L FOOI <br />b. Total Weigh ( of PV Modules and Rails 1'104.2 lbs <br />c. Total Number ol Altachment Po ints 32 <br />d. werghr per Arrachmenr Poinr (b + c) .5 lbs (if greater than 45 lbs. see wKS I ) <br />e Maximum Spacing Between Attachment Points on a Rail 72 inches (see product manual for <br />maximum spacing allowed based on maximum design wind speed) <br />L <br />g <br />Total Surface Area of PV Modules (square feet 287.6 frl <br />Disrribured Weight of PV Module on Roof (b + 0 3.84 lbs/ftr <br />I disttibuted weight oJ the PV system is greatet than 5 lbsff , see wRSl. <br />Step 9, Electr,cal Review oI PV System (Calculatlons lor Electrical D,aSram) <br />ln order for a Pv slEtem to t e considered for an expedited p€rmit process, the following must apply: <br />L Pv modules, utility-interactive inverters, and combiner boxes are identified for use in Pv systems. <br />2. The PV array is composed of 4 series strings or less per inverter. <br />3. The rotal inverter capacity has a continuous ac power output 13,440 watts or less <br />4 The ac interconnection point is on the load side of service disconnecting means (690.64(8)). <br />5. One of the standard electrical diagrams (E l I , E l I a, E L I b, or E L I c) can be used to accurately represent the PV <br />system. Interactive PDF diagrams are available a( ,.vrvrvsrrl.rrabcs org/p.r'lnruing <br />understand each blank to lll in. I! the electrical iystefl is more complex than the standord electricol djagram co.n ellectively <br />aorll,rlr/Irir'rtrt /x-,r'lriL {i)r,lila,')r{rIrlfdrrr4,,rrn rr'iaft irIrrro}r rill( (ir-llr/ <br />2 l:\t't Dt Ilj) l't t(\tlt l'R()et\\ t()ti l'\/ \\\tF\l\