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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE tD/stG.COMMENTS O\TNER BIJILDER DElI'ARATI(,N <br />I ha*t.rm u.dd trXy olp6ru,y lhd I u a@fl &om llE Collr..lor' l,t6e LlF lor rh. fo,lowint la$n (li< 7011.5 <br />BuinB nd Profaion co&) A.t Cily or Coony f,tth nquiE . Fir lo otEo.1 .hc, nrg.ore &mlah r qta mr <br />rn(l6q Firro i. i!Ie.. .!o EquiB lL +pltdl 6r *h Fnn $ 6t i 3iSr.d dril llir lE or tlt i! lkd.d FlrsEr' <br />to rh. F.vnio6 ofrh. (onrr.dof! Lrd*t lrw (O!F6 9, ComGinB *nh Sdthn 7000 of Divi.ion I orlh. Buir6 .nd. <br />Pmfei)c Cod.) or rhd lr n r!. i! .r@rr lfi66on .,i tlE for tlE .tLscd .tcqiaon Aly iolniod oas€lion 701 LJ b, ey <br />TPl'ctnt for. F6n $hidr tb. .!tli.d lo . ciril pa yotml !mlh- li!. htnd &,lla (lt00). <br />L s ow6 of in. p.orEry. or my dplo,6 wnh w!96 s rtd el. comFnsion, wru do t E wt dld th. rME b nn <br />itnsd.d or ofid.d lo, d. (Sc 7044. Brios &d PmidioE Cod.: Tl! Coit r1o, t l-ic@ L& &'6 nol +ply lo e otG ol <br />ltE F.pq\.* *tb huil& M inFDE tlEd td wlb dG 8t uo.t ii@llot ta*lf or lhrcld nit m hd oqn arplot!4 <br />Forilcd rhr Eh iiFsllEB e d ii6&l notu tr rb.l( ho*-s- dE Urildrg d ir!.@d it mE rinb E ){ <br />of@rpkria iro'^G Buildd v lI.E lt. tordd! olFDt!{ rL lEd!& dn Br buUd or n4..8 fi. FDFry for ltE prqx'sot <br />l, s o*E ofth. FDFr: m qrtunrl} adrn1i.s trnh lkoEd colIr86 to ffi <br />'lE Foitl (Sd 7or.t. &a!B <br />!n PDtsih Cod.: Th. Conitroar Lw d.6 m! .!'plt to e o*E ot proFry wh. bond. or inProE lh6on. <br />md wh. conllr(r for so.t Flia1r pnh ! Co Ecro(r)laoa.d p@@n ro 6c(.ntGloir tjc* Ls*) <br />I m crnF u'id sdhn B & P (' for rh! rlMn <br />D.t.: Orn-: <br />WORKEP.q' .OMPE'ISAT!ON <br />DTSJIAIIA! <br />I hd.6, .mm un&r F.!hl of Fiur) oE of0t folbvi.s ilelttrioB <br />I hav. dd wiu tui.riin . C.nili. c olco.ql b S.ll-lBurc for "vrd con{audn'i.6 Frvid.d for t'ySelion l7(xr oflh. <br />llbG Codc ftr llE Ffrffi. of 0E rlrt lor *hah llE Fnn it i!u.n <br />Sdrion l7m ofrn bh.r ('od., tor llt Ff(nrltlN of <br />@id e{ Flicy numb.r @: <br />Alur+ <br />I ccrity rld ir ttE Flotu. of rh. *orl lor rtth lhi! FDn L is.4 I tlull ml dploy ..y F$n in uy naF <br />- B ro baoft tuti..r ro rh. sqr6 @trpdErhn Ls! of( diromi. rtd .*E lhi if I rlDlld teor $li6l lo ll! <br />mlid compqs.ton Foviliod oasElior l rm orih. ( odc. I Jdl, fonh*ith onply whfi tlbs Flltioc . <br />llARltlNG: Fiilur. ro sE *!*o' NrFtrD. cordrs. s @h*6r1. md sldl sbjcl e a,phlq r. .rinind Fdir ad <br />.nil Iin6 oI' ro oE huldr.d rio@d dotl,r, i. .ddnhn ro rlE con oa conFldioi. d.ol36 a ProtiLd lor lh. <br />S.clion 1076 ofrh.litnr Cod., idod rd dbdEy'r <br />DI.( I TR \I IQ\ <br />I hd$t a,Im uidd p.n n, ofp6jury lh, I e licoBcd undd p.!vi!6n of(1'aPls 9 (mmacin8 with S.clio.7000) ofDivirion r <br />ot E Bai6 ald Prof.sbB co&. rd by liug t h tull for rn .lIrl. <br />ul.p, <br />*- a(ultl b N <br />(otirf,rJcualrlltutrclcEltt <br />I hdh, drm $& Frlly otFlury llli ti4 b . odtudbi ladiry .8*y 6t ltE Ffol]rre of llE Frt 6r *tth lhi Fni . <br />Be.d (sa 109?, cir ( ) <br />AIIII$II.DECIJSAIIO! <br />I hs6, ttrm uidd Fnlhy ofFjuy on. of rh. folh*irg ddld.tioN: <br />Dsml'r6n Pmis^ibdor Ndi6.dhn Fcdqrl RquLrioB (l nk 40. Pu6) <br />R.qu'Gl ldtaolNorifr<air <br />I cd'ry rhn rh. Ld6.l r.sulni,E Es&nos BtEro. r.m!J e nor @ltlbk lo thi pNF <br />ion d r.r. rhd $. ft.!. inlornnNn ir c(lful l dlraro.o'n lrentlllCny..d('oun!! <br />hrv.r.penhn6of rir ( yud(i,untyut rLru|Bnlh. <br />appladnr or,\dr slsnrt <br />t <br />,,.," vtutl? <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouoh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />ltrleter Release <br />Rough b/tt /t4 tl,tl 144/ <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL rz/rz/t"ttr//sl <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />I I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />Transformers I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />l