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MECHANICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER AUILOEi DEI' RATN'N <br />I hd!!, .frrD utdE of FjEy $.1 I a ddu iun dE Lt6. try to. rt fr'lbvna 6,n {S4.70i1.5 <br />Adiss n'd Prcftsb! Co&): Aly Ciry d Coudy [iih Eq!i6 . Fri lo @dru.r, IlE n4.ort <ttblirn or EFir -t <br />tl.xrE!. Fh( lo ir illl.E.lo 'quiE dE +ditlt tu sh FDi lo 6k ttisn dnrdnar rh borE h lt6.d FEd <br />to {r Fovibs ol UE Coirtro! Li(6.d Lre {Chcr6 9. CffiirS siri Scii- ,000 of Divib, I ol llE &!i.< .ad <br />Prefdio6 cod.) d tt r b d d!. b qqlpl lhatfoo od lh. t .q fd dE nkr.d sdrption. Any vbldb! ofsalb.701Lt b, dy <br />{pli.d 6r . Fbt $bd. dE b r civil otDr m( thi 0v. lMlt.d &ll. (15@) <br />-1. <br />! ffi of ti. F.!6rn 6 oy.lql,rG wirh rrg6. dEi -L csrd.ior wi[ dr t tqt G,lt. msE ir @l <br />idadld or ofbld for d. (Sc.roa4. BuiB dd Pt!ftsbnr Co&: Ttt Conlr.rn. Ls &6 Dl pply to !i oBc of <br />tl]t FlFry *lD hilb d iryo6 Odu. .d *to <ba !16 Nt ticlro hr-lrd d6'$ ni E lE os .4bte <br />FrviL.i rll.l u.i irFDrqEit E Er ilnsiLd d oftrld 6r -t. lf. ho*s. rlE hil]ia d iiptuEr i -Ll witii G ta <br />of oplair..llE ol"c E{il& wi[ bw tt hrd6 o,Fetq rhi lEaa!rE d h|&t d iryor dE FlFry i.0r F4aof <br />L ! l,rE oftlE FlFty. E wnh coG-rdlo 6rerE rt. Fnin (Se ?041. ellr <br />!d ADbinCo&: Ttccoiuaror't Li.@ t w d6 mr 4plt ro 6 o*ad otFoFly ebo hildr or iiPmc lh6an <br />.d *60 <!d.c. fa Mt FiIl! *in r ComaG(, li..!.d F,rrr b dE cocrr '. ti.!* t&I <br />I m crmF un d S<lntr , B & P.(' lor rli. ren. <br />!rrlt <br />s8f,t8l:caltE8tarp! <br />DECIATAUq! <br />I hdrt,.nm ud- pdry otFiu, G ott buo*iB &Lri(6: <br />I h.s .'d f,ill ri'irin r Crri6.r. of Coer ro S.iflEd fr. 6td . FlliLd tn b, SErin lr0o of th. <br />trbo. Cod., tu l[G Ffo'rllle oallE *!rt ld *tth tn. FEil i isuld. <br />,l lrv. bd *ill tui' s*6 dn$ddion i6llfr.. 6 !.q{iEd b, S6rih ,,@ otlh. tltor C..L, ftlt lL P(rfollra. of <br />dE F.i fta *iit ui FEn i ad My 6q6rbi lllrc caiE -d rolty ,abq fr <br />t *. C:lP/r\\ lqt (o <br />r,"r,.,..."*, la6tJgo r, 1a e-t-l (-1 <br />I cgriry thd ii tk Ddfottte. of llt wort 6r *hi.h $i. Foi i. is..L I rlllll ml onploy 6y Ftn i! .nt mMnd <br />n s ro t6E $t er ro r rqta'otrE6Erh. LE or c.lifoEi .n *E rh. if I rlbdd bcoB qljdr ro rla <br />snd' 6nFE rbu Flviriod ofsdio! 1700 of E ktor Cod. I 3h.ll &nh*tll otrpr $'dr rtor FDvitioB <br />wAR|llNc FlinE lo G@ wtd on9ardbi N!a.s. i. @hwtuL rd tlt ll $bjd e qllPloF lo dini!.I pdrnit .!d <br />(MI fc q b or tu*!d ltour.ld dolbt (!100.000). i! .ddnbn ro dE .G( of o-F!nb'L &Esd a Fovilid tu th. <br />\.(t,{i llrir,nf11(l,'h{r.J. trtrd6rinLir {n.\ \ r.L\ <br />L- tt-, r <br />uc:Edlp(atrItAsraaDlcltxano! <br />t tart, .itD !!& ]Et, of Fity tL I d li.d @& Fovi'i.. of ct$a 9 (o"*tr eil S.dbo 7@) of Dtib, 3 <br />of rhc BfiE Ed PDfrr.bE Codc .!d oy lt@ i b tull &r d .tui. <br />G 1 (l,L <br />u". 6- 11- 'r ,.r."*X <br />IQIITaIJCIIA!.IBIUC Gf!(l <br />I hdrb, afim !.d.r FrlttolFjlD rt rhs( ir. c.drudion Ldins lBft) tor rh. Ff(,lr1@. olrh. *o tutrnKhrh!Fn(s <br />Bsu.rl (s( lcn7.( iv. ( ) <br />I .n&r ! \.n. <br />I .fllo s.\ <br />AEUCAEDICT'EA:DS! <br />I Mr.e6r& F.ry of Firy c of tt blbri9 &LriE: <br />D@olitbo ?a!itt.^!t 16 llorifstb! F.dd.l R.8uLia (TitL 40, f!r6) <br />-Rtqud <br />L.<t6of <br />I cdiry rtr llE Ld-d r.tuhio6 r.Brding st no! rtuvll @ tur r9plic.b,. ro thir Fojai <br />-l <br />cqri, td I h.'r dd lii! lrdtaiM Dd r.. tu iE lnoE inbmtr i!.6rtr. I { ro otql, *ih.ll Ciry ad Cou'iy <br />odiu!....nd $rc tlB EliI lo bildi'r onErit ..rd hd.hyartdt! EFEdriE of $n Cny &d Coudt! ro.da woillE <br />rtorr trEninEd FlFry tu iE Eriln F po.a <br />^r9n - - ^a- <br />al -r"" (C -. b-L1-t-t <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Com pressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnslalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Range <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL +2?'/b l/y'rc <br />Notes,, Etc. <br />rLL- <br />-^,".-"( <br />L <br />Ttrai^ <br />4/Bn.^\ <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I