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MECHANICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OIVNER BUILI'ER DET,CANAIION <br />I h.*y !r,D uild p6.try olFju.y rllr I D qa!|r tlo rh. Co!Gr.r6 Lto& Ltu 6. 0E tolbwilg l*li (sc 7011.! <br />&!itB sd PtDkb. Co&)r A!, City or couny eti.h '!q!n!. . Fni to oirt!.( .ta. ir4.ov!, &mlitl, or te.{!loy <br />3rEr@ Fi.i ro il! is,lE..Lo Equi6 th. +lt!n pann ro fiL. tigr.d rr@E! tti ti d Ct a !..!..d p6arr <br />ro 0r FovibB of rt Codr-roir Li.G.d Lrw (Cl+r. c, ('oddnS uih S<!bn 70OO of Divirior ! of llE 86lnoltd <br />PFEsirs Co&) o. rhd lE 6 rbc i. adF dE!6o6.d rlE h.i 6t dE.lkrcd aaf,it Ary vblnin ofsdlbn tu11.1 !y d! <br />.+?li.&r tu .Foi st*ritD. {pliqln lo rovilr@iyormr tldtbe 6E i@d!d<bll-t(t5@). <br />1.. ffiof6. FrFry. n E, qEbrc dh eryr r 0!i -L ocFrrioa dl& lL Et d rh. inEE; Er <br />.r& d olbld 5. rL (Seroaa. &&c -d ?rDi-d Co<,c Tb C.GIra r LiE tr &q 6l +sly lo - olG ol <br />rh.FFty *b t &L a iryo€ lb6.. -d *to &- -.i {dd lin-lf6 tardaa lhlra! [i. d It oo cqbrq <br />Flvitqlrn.t5i!r.ovE6&d.i.aa.adorrtd6r.r1ltio6'.lbhnl}rdi'4D\,@a..{deihncraot.oqbir.. dr.olrE && si! h,r lb hihof Fovit tL bs i..U or hi! d iqw lt Flr.ty Stt FltEof <br />[ ! olc ofth. FlFry. E *rlidy..drriB wih lirr!.d 6nri6 ro codn.r lt Foj.d (Sa tol.. A!6 <br />d A!&i! Co&r T[. Coe-!6 . LaqE L& <b6 6l ry|, lo a olE of tDtEr, wto toild n iao6 0E@.. <br />ad *to @oi! f.. 0.6 Fls wil' . codad(r) lilr.d F rn !o ih. c.d'-ta! tiqE t4). <br />I h .xmF u!& S.clion <br />!!arE85:$MlEElArIll!DESI'IAIIA! <br />I lElhr .!rm u!& Frny ofFjury or ot$c tollovie d6ltrdoD: <br />I h.E nrd will di rh. Cciifr.ic otcoelr to S.ll-ha{. for sqto' @nFlrioi. r Foeikd for by SGih. !?00.rrhc <br />Lrlor Cod.. b( rb. Ffnne. 01lt. E t 6, *ti.l tlE Fni ir b!6d. <br />I hlr c and \ ill nai.ra6 $orld NnlEnrihotr rn mn... xr .dl' (l l1! s(l ir). 1700 o r rh. I ihtr ( od., lor rhe pqfomucc of <br />rhc ( nr which rhB p.nnrr is isual M,uorlds.fnrERirirrinrtrrin..ctrr(udlxll'(ynunlw*.: <br />-l <br />.diry th i! rlE F6lll,m of tlt wl f( *tih thar Fii r bru.d I ddl el @pby Dy F5n in e, ntllE <br />- a lo b@c $ljj(ri to tlE wio'oq,.Brid Ls orcdiromi..!d.aG Ot ill 3lDoll tEoG $l,iar lo rtt <br />srr@ o!+crbnp,lvtirEof Sarbr 1700ofth. t h.r Codq I ildL fontsih @4b wilt lto* Flvtirc.. <br />W lr{lt{G: Flilft ro GG eslo oordbo @ea{. i ullstu .n $.! olitl - cAfoF b citul Frrb &d <br />ciyn to6 lP to c h|d ttd!-d &lln (t100.0@1, b r.ltii'! to rh..od of @|F4lioo. de.a€ r FoviLd 6. il! <br />scrbr !076 of ri. 1,.b..C.iL, irqll -d atE . ta <br />ustMtD-couaaqpiDEI'IAIIO! <br />I 6r.ft6 o& F.r, of Firr lb I E icd (& Fwii! of (}+. t(@it rii S.!iE ?IDl of Divin l <br />of rL. a,iE d PlobiE Codc .d ry lic i b tuo 6e -d.ft.r- <br />coNsTrrr(TroN t-E{plNd lcricY <br />I hsrb, .tft6 u& Frhy of FiGy dlr $.! a . c.d,! lidh8 .sc, fG llE Flbr're of th. wr tu $ti.h thir pani i <br />i.&.d (Se. 1097. Civ, C,). <br />Iltl.l1rlN-Ll)titl. &l.lla! <br />I hftb, olIm unds porhy otFjury on. olrh. nnhlins d{lslrhnl <br />I)onolirirtr Pmirs-Astdro! Norilicdnrn lrdld|lR.xuldrio.ii lirl..l0. P6n6) <br />R.qun d ld(of Ndif6lbn <br />I .airy tnr th. t dci 'tgurdioB ,qrd6s .gfir.l & mr @1i..$. lo llb FDi-l. <br />I odiry rhr I hr. Ed 0ir +dirrirn d nd. rllr rt!. tlow irroftin. i cdrs. ! .t c ro @opl, silt dl Cily .t!d Co6t, <br />odffi6 !d Sld. L!*r <br />.tov. trEnbi.d FFry <br />rq6driv6 of rhn Cny ai Count' r! o'a uFn llEhoildilt. @mucio.. !d h6!by rdDra <br />irpnpo-- - ,c--z--d-/-:--_11 <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Ranqe <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />t <br />Rough Mech. /),4- *,7/q/n 4*"ri) <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL 7-1 -/7 '/l6nfl 1v <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />I <br />Furnace <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I