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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OlINEN EUII.DET DELCANTTDN <br />I hdqr! .lTm !r<ld Frftr of Fjury rhd I a ddF trom rh. Conll*r6 l-a.* li*' tor lhc folh*i,B ratn {sd 70l l 5 <br />ItNind ad Profdior Co&): An, cn, or Coud! shrh rqut6 ! pdnn ro odM. .h6. ispoa damlilh or , <br />llruclue Fi,rlo ili ism.,.t r.qrt6 ln. +plkDt aor !u.h Fnh ro fik. r'r..{ idd,E thd lEorst it licoEd F8d <br />ro rh. rrcvilioro ofrlt Conr.(loir LicqE d Low (Ch.rx6 9. CoMming wiih Srri{rn '7({r0 ot Division I of rhl AGii* ed <br />PNlsio.r Codc) or thar hc o, !h. i! q.opr Ihnc6oi d lh. ho!i! lor rhc dlc*.d .rofl ('n Anyviolalionofsdri.nT(r.tl5by&y <br />q,pliclnl for . Fmil subjdlr lh. +?li.ol to ! civ il pallt y o f n.! mor. lh& fiv. hundrld d.lle! (1500) <br />l. a ogc oarhc FopaU,.r ry dplo'6 snh trisd s rh.t blc oopdaiio( trill do rlr \qt rd rlE rn ift ir mt <br />idd'tt d otu ad rLlse 704.r, &!il16md Pr.l*ird ( od. IIECo Moai l.i.M l^ d.6ml q'r vroM.trcol <br />rlE FIEty rlb hil&6r nr$.or6dEe( -n *tb &6rxtw hiEltor hsrlf or tlin,us! ha r hn 6\n arll)hlc <br />Fo|d.d $d trh ErFD\ffit Gd iraxLddoddld 6r $l. I[ rb*dd, itl hl'ldi,rB n n4.sg1d i nld rihin.ft !6 <br />of@n9ldbil rO*c B{itb vil] l6E Ehrdrr ofFori,B rld lEorCEdii br hrild tr i,sou lh.FiFU 6rtlt AjFEoa <br />l, ii o*ncr ofrh. For'd y, e .rclusivcly contrallins trirh liccB.n conh eloB lo coturo.l ttE lroj<r (sc 70lr, ltu$nd <br />i.d Foki.n Co&: lt.Conr*'oir Lic6s.lrq do6 noi.trly ro eosnd oltmFny trho buil& or improv6 thssn. <br />md *ho @fl6.r3 tu3och r.j.(3\irh ! Cornddo(.)lkdEd ruRMt ro rh. (tnrrioar Lr.G lru) <br />I d .t.mpl und6 Sdhn <br />D . Oi n.r <br />-I!-Blil;&L(j]uff,rlIltll)lDt(r &t-uof <br />I lE.hynmrDundo pr0ilrr.ltsrLD.n..frhe nnlNr !J(l rhois ,,toI hrv. ad $ ill r (-din..r. of Coitsdr b s.lf-laur. f.r * orkd .onrpasr tr.. a Fovid.d for b' Sd nrn u00 <br />hhor ( o{.. lor rhc pffotrG. ol rh. tr!* aor *hich rh. ,6nn E isu.d <br />I h.E rd *ill h.i rin $0.16 .onFMhn itu,tri a Equr.d b! Sdion !7u).f rh. bb.. ('od.. tor rh. Ffo,rlffi. of <br />llE w* for shth lti F n i is*d M! $ori6 omFdf n Bule. ffir, rd polK! nomb.r E. <br />PolicyNu!nbf: <br />Iccniryfill in th.p6tont[N oflh. *ork tor shich lhi! Fmit ir isu.d.I rllRn mploy lny F$n intny muK <br />$ d lo bc.m. subj.(r lo rh. so 6 sdFBiioh h*r of C.hromi! !d rsc lhd if Idrluld bro@ ruti..t lo llEq$t4 conFadirn F$vi!b6 of Sdhn 17@ ofrh. l,tDr Co<le I Jdl. fonhu irh omply *ith rhor Flvbiob <br />W^nnlllc: Fnlm ro gu. "o a'6np6.ion 616+. . u.h$tu| .d ddl strd r apk F ro oiniEl FEIE !n <br />cn fD6 !p ro om h!.d,rd rthE d &'116 tll0o,00o), o.&tirio, io dE cd or.or{EMiotr &dB6 ! po\iJcd for llE <br />sdbn 1016 0f ln. rdor coda idd.r rd dr,q._-r G6 <br />IICDIIEUSINIaACIOA <br />DECIIAAIA! <br />I hdby lmm undd Fiul'yofpdjury rhd I m li..N.d u 16 Flnha oachaFc a Glanmring {nh Sdi..7(100| of l)iv'sion l <br />of rh. BcilB md PmldiJB Cod...d mt h.e a 'n irll roEc d.ller <br />c0!flf,t1(:ualrllDac.AcEtr(r <br />I h@ht rrm unrld pad', ol Fj!r, $d lhe i! a codtucriJ. bdiis rstr, for lh. pqrollMc. of th. uork nn <br />"hich <br />lhn FDI b <br />isuq, (sd 1097, Cir. C ) <br />L.n<lq r Nmc <br />tlrl.r'i Arlt6 <br />AIIII(ANII'IICIJAAIIIIN <br />I hdd,y !r'm u.dn p.nllry of Fjory orc oirhc fulbwinr d(lir.rions <br />l).dolilion P.mirs-Aebeld Nor ificar ion l.dqal Rquhtionr (Tnt 40, Pan6) <br />Rcqun.d llllq or ikniarcdion <br />I .6t ify lhi rh. f.dqrl GAuL! ioB Etddiry at lror r.nn il d. mr E l,lt.bL b rbd IKJ<r o <br />. I cdrf} rhd I 16r rad rhi! q'plicrhn dn nar. rhr rh..hlr. '.1iJtu6. is cotrd l.B.e ro conply \ nh lll ('nr rml ('.unly <br />orditm6 dd Srar. L!*! Ehrin, to hrldin8 .odtudi.n, ii hfl.t!.urhorn. EFM'dn6 olrhn ('iry.nd {-odnrr ro 016 upor tt <br />lbor G n8! <br />'on.d <br />pmpdy fur mt <br />'Fn <br />rnrDo.d ^ n A <br />^pptc.nt^Ed,shnu4iililil\t&)"-,*," "lLal\+"-r. -..,,n"r, -./ffErlaLlGsozts-tN <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />SubfloorA/enUl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />[p4ing <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />[\,4asonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />llq4dicap Req. <br />De puty Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL 1l{lrl _,u4r(!e, <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Notes Remarks, Etc. <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I