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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNOR AUILDER DI:I,(' R 'I]ON <br />I hd.t) ,ilrm unds ps ty ot psjur) lhd I m .r.mDr fdn rh. codmdo6' Lr ror rh. nnb{iqr r.r$n (Sfr 70rl 5 <br />Itsind trt Pr.t66. ( od.l An) Cilr or Cou.ry uhth r.qor6 a Fni ro s6lrrd- 5hs, irliorq dd&,lEh .r Erir xt <br />lrrudE, Fnr ro irr i3sffiq .ko r.qund rh. rpplrful tor uch Fmit l. nk i 3'en.d {n@r th.l h. or sh. ( nr{r.d pudln <br />to Ih. Fovtirm oflh. Co rrcloi3l,iccnsd tdw (Ch0fl6 a. (-om,n.ncin! $ih Sdiotr 7000 oll)ivirion I olrh. Lrusin$ snd <br />rNaNion! (i\d.) or lhar & o, rE i.lonpr rhE.&om cId th. bnri! ao. lhc.ll.*.d .rdnrron Anyriobrhflofs.dx'n 70ll 5 hy&t <br />4rlic. for a Fmir sbjdrrh. rpplrmr ro !ci\ilto.h\ ormt mn rh!. fi\. hu.d,.ddollst(t5o0, <br />l. a ownd oalh. FoFlr, or 6y mFlor6 \eirh $.16 a\ lh.n sk .omF!$l ion. srll do lh. {orl dnd rh. nrud,lc iq nol <br />idod.d or or(.d ror slc (Sa 7014, ltuind Md l,roa*ioB ( dl. Tl. Qrnrdoas I i.m rl\ .L6 nor rpllt h osn6of <br />rh. Fopal) $ls tlitt., infror6 E6(rd$h)&6sh\n ninElforrEslforlhr.ushhi5..ndn{ncq,lt,t6. <br />prorrLd ih.r ruct inFnoE'lr cnn -nodal o.ofi,.1fo. $r. I( rb$6d. !h. ulildilB o. mplor.rh 6 $l-l tr ihn nN ,6 <br />of.onpldir.. th. ()*16ltui&r sillhrE rh. bord.n orliNinr rhn h. or slE d,l ml brild or irlllior. rh. Frrdy ntr th. Br|[s oa <br />l. a.rE otrlE F.pd), maclurn.l, codrdn+ \nh I' .odr&tor to .onqod rlr F.J.ri (Sr 7(tll.li6',K <br />hl PF&shn (ird. Th. ( ontdol-! l. rotc Lr$ d(€ nor arplt to d osnd o f prop.n r \ h. buildr or mpro\ 6 rh6on- <br />ind lho conlr.cls lor luch projdtl wirh a Contmcrons) licffinl ndBmr h r h. ( onl,0dors Licds. r.N ) <br />I d .rcmpl und6 S<tirn <br />Irrl.: ()Rn.r <br />wo RxiRr' ('0ir ihNsA r'()i <br />DKT.ASAIIAI <br />I hd.l,) amrmundd p<.lr) .f rsllD .n. ol rh. nn[N inS &.ltu.ron] <br />r.bor codq ro, rh. poro,*. orrh. u.,r roi n"rh,h:Hli'tu <br />qorl* $6li'ruri" N pm\ id'd hr bv sd <br />K ",. * *, ..r." *n,l6,o. Nu.rnc.. .r 'aruir.d b! ".*ri.n rrrr orrh. bb., (itt.. ro, rh. F r.M. or <br />lhcqorltflrtichlhnFnnirisi$ucdM)sorkdcrnpoMrnn''nedFn'c)nlmbdd. <br />(.ME 5\-A?=- aliP <br />PoricyNu,rb6: ?l%,Islg r,pn* "{-('(1 <br />l.dit rh! rnrh.Ftutu..rin lorl lorshthrhBpanir i3 isu.d.l !h!ll nor 6lt1l0ran) nrMn6$ 6lo btam $bid lo rh. $!*6 of,p.tEdion t $rof(rlfome rnd is,r rhd ill dhuld' r, irE <br />*t*6 ..hF6.lior FovirioB of S.d ion t70O of rh. Irt r ( d1., I sldl. aonh$nh complt s irh rh.x por isions <br />\\ RNIN(; liJ, rc I) a.rtr'c \o't.'i $n,|{n\ik,tr n\ci'lr n trtr i\lnl.,'ll sulrdl m 6npl,)r.r ro oi'trirrl tmli6 Md <br />cnil fin6 ur h ok hundidl rhoNnd drll6 (tl(x),000). in lddilhn t.d ofcomFB.lnn. dMFsd I p.o\'!.d tor lh. <br />Sdh. 10'76 oI th. Ldrr (ii.. i.tdd !,xi alorE) . tG <br />DfTIJAAIIOX <br />I hd.tJy lrm Frh, of Fj!ry rhd I m lic.G.rt u.d.r F\ irio. of ('tutxd 9 ( cof,rlfti.s tr h sdnn Totxl) orDnrion I <br />of lhc t]!si.d Md PrcldioN Cod., nrl ny li.i* ir i. lull lnc &d .lY<r <br />'"*.r'* 4*9 c 41xz <br />,",, 2-'z-'?-17 conrr..ror x '716 9d/ <br />(o!$f,ucftalllIl)tac-acr:l(I <br />I smrm unda p.nih, ofFjuryrhd th6. n..oNtudirn Lding r!6ry f.r ih. F6lnmd.. ofrh. \$rk lor \hi(h rhis IEmn k <br />ir!!.dts( 10qr, civ c ) <br />Atft l(ANlDtcuSd.ltax <br />I h6&r rtrm unh F r[ t .f pojrt o.. ol rh. lolror ms &(l,rr irns <br />Dnnoliion PfltrnlAsb6tos Nolificarior [.d6al R.gul.rions (I nl. 40. Pd6) <br />R.qui,rl lilnoaMriftnion <br />I ralit lhd ih. f.ddd rcSuLlioB rcSrdinB 6bdor rd.vrl e. not atplic.hL ro rh! <br />I cslii <br />'hd <br />I h.vr rEd lhir .!?lttl ion ,rd rl.l. thd rh. dor. inf.lMtun i! cmd I +r( r. mmplt $nh all ( ilj.nd ( our, <br />ordruxB ud S'.1. L.$! rcbrB io h{ildin* .od <br />!tE\. harDBnr6tEn, for idt qion rirF6 <br />n/rrqrMrrr\dorrhir(' r itui(ounr\n'drduFnrlE <br /> or ArHr Sisf,rt0r. <br />-2_-2-1- t '7 <br />P.mhr mm. rp.lntr:3-c-\*e <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns X fi-tc -t'7 \D&tlrt'v <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subfloor/VenUlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathin I <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulatron/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Mason <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handica R <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Cerlif <br />FINAL /-/o - tf JJ.-f-1 47D <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks Etc <br />*-l v <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />II <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />IDeputy Final Report I <br />I