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PLUMBING-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE tD/stG.COMMENTS <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under floor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Building Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />bterceptor/ Clarifier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Piping <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rough Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P{rap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipino <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Lawn S prinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />0 <br />-,,MX4l)Rou gh Plumbing ths/rt <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release to-a <br />?- <br />FINAL <br />otrnEl auttrtR DErrAR Tlor! <br />I hqlty .lTir on& parlry of p6juy rh, I d d-!pi tlh E conrrlC LtaE L& tu rh. toltowtlt lann (sa.?o!lj <br />Buiia id Pro&dor Cod.): Ary Cily or Colny shich rcqoic ! pani <br />'o <br />corurud. .na. imrrnlc]h d lt?.n ey <br />lrrucllrc Fi,lo n! i.!ec lho ESri6 E ?pli.d tu tucn FEn |o 6k. rti.d droEr rh! Ird rll. i li.s!.n Flrrn <br />ro lt Fovirid of dr Colnr.ddr t w (cl.fla 9, CollrlBint $n[ Seri,. ,00 ot Dili.ior -l ol rlE &!ir.{ od <br />Pnft.bB Cod.) d rhr lt d L i 6dF $s!6Di,n rlE t-ir 6. rlE.lhrld.raFb6. Any vhlior ofs.crih roll 5 !y &y <br />Eliar bi. FDi rfrdt 0E @liolr lo..iril !6.1, of 'd nN $- nr. nri.t d &ll-r (t5@) <br />-1. <br />r o*G of rh. FrFry. or ny 6tlo'!6 wirh wl{c. D elc onFEri.n. $ 6 rlE wrr dn rlE nixrE ir .hr <br />iit.!d.d oroG.d fd.h (Se.7(l.4. AoiE sd Prcn-iorco& Tt Coinrtrn.Ltogtr$d(aml.DDtl..idllEof <br />llE FtFry eho hda c n4.o€dft.. -d *.lo dE rf,t qrt hiMlf or ha.|lor rlE!3h hat d lE oM sn &'y.{.. <br />FeriLlrhr rn iryoEEr!E'd nait drotu ft. -t lL hol6d. E hliu4 d i!.rErE i-ld*ihocJd <br />ofrdqlctix\ dr olvE Boilib vill ltE dr hnb ofp@iq {r L d Jn <!d m hnu d -'gM dn FFr, 6r dt FrF- of <br />l. !r o$,ns oa rh. Ir,rdr. tur .r.[rn.! c.nrad inr $ ir h l'.o*rl conrncn'^ L. condnd rlt F,,ic1 ( s( 7(t1{. lnx r< <br />lrrl AItaiT Cod. I h. (iintad.i. l-ic6r. li\ &6 nor ipt,ly ro .n osnn .f Frncn) \hd hil,to, mpro\6rhdd,n..nd rha s,L1! fo, ruct Foj.cll snh. ( odNonrr lidE d p{nd t, rh. (i'ntd$'s I .e l,{ ) <br />! 6 crdF utldd scrbn .A AP( torrnir ra!. <br />IAAf,EAl:l:AMtEBlAIq! <br />DtctLsaltQ! <br />I Eq* .,Iid nda podly of pdru.! or of llE frllbsuB .LL..lir6: <br />I hrE ad will i .ii. CdtifErc otcodal lo Sdf-l6d fa rrrtd dnr9.aibtr a Forir.d tor br Sdri.h !7m of6. <br />t bd C.da f( rh. pGforffi. otrh. wt fo. st ih rh. Frir i isrd. <br />flt ue oa witt mmrrin mrla comFMbn iM6x.. ! r!qui!!d b, s6rb. r7oo otrlE lthor corle tor lh. Fro,'!.cor' ttr eD* 6r *t'Eh lhi Fni n irtd My mrta conFlr.n 'Effi c0c Dd Flict nunb.r B <br />cn =TA'r€ Fu4D <br />,,rrxrn"--,-. 9oa'/t'/s-'/a ,,'p,-, !/- r'/1 <br />I .sli6/ thd i" llE Ffo.Ir@. ol E w.rl t* whth rha Fnn ir isu.d, I .h.ll mr gntloy .n, p.tun i! iry mnn6. t lo b.oft ebal lo lk srld otrD@rion Ls olc.lilomi !d iE lh. ia l rlhlld b6oG Nt,<l lo rlE$$ttd'snFtrbuFlviriDofs-rbrl700oflh.t E ('..le l filL ftnl*il' 6nplt *ih.ho.Frvtb6 <br />ciril fin6 up lo on. hundr.d rhoun.d dollm (ll00.uj0l, in .d., ion lo rh.rr \. trt)rn\,ikri. 11,trtr,,!.r r\ rn,,\rl.(l fitr rhc <br />Sftrion 1076 ofrh. lttor ( odc inr6Er ud .rlorEy r fc <br />z-2-7-t7 <br />DIIIdBAIAI <br />I hch, iflim ufri.r Fn.hy olFjr! rh.r I dn licdr€l !nd.r Ftr!ikln oa(nifld e (.oh,NniiE \iih sdan Trxxrl oI lr\ilhn 1 <br />ol rlE Rxsind md ftoacioa cod.. rd nrt lic.e ir n <br />,*rn *r€c'to, tl *z-fut <br />colllaucua!.rElDutucEl(I <br />I ha6, .IIm 6da Fuf, of Filry thr Od! L. o FJ.lbr Ldi{ Bory ror rh. Ft itla. oltlt $sr 6. eti.t rli. FDi iio.d (56. l0c7, civ. c.I <br />AfIIJCAtrL!&CI.68AII!A <br />I H, 6b u& t rrr, of ,qjE, oE of U. &lbwii. &.EriE <br />Drrblib! PcDi'Atld6 Nod8..lo. F.dE l LauLb6 {TaL .o. !.161 <br />_R.q!i!d t raof Nodf.nin <br />I ..niry rhd rh. r.ds.l csuhlirB Eardina Gtstor rdno\ rl . ml 4rit k ro lhir tloFl <br />I carit rllr I t6. rad rhit.r?lrdb. rn dd.rhr ltt irn\. ,nronrd in. 6 con.n I asrr r. s'nd) snh rll( D lnn ( ou'nyrdtrr.l6 ad Srd. t.*r ,.b ilE to txitli.* (nngrd ha rn h(crt .drb,r. r.!..5rdir6 .tlhn ( it ) !,rd Codr) ro cnd Won dE.lhr mdlhn.d B\En! ror iNEsion trau.7 <br />^pp,on, <br />or Ardr sr.r,u.: l>r/%' D.t,. z z't-tz -fnrrEur.(p.r.r, '::>ze /7-' 5fPa,'J1 <br />JDFIfl! <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />Water Service <br />/9?- ) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />?-to::t2 - g!) 2c,*.,/,elr -ftr ,l'z.t/> /4..2e A // 9zT t/ <br />f o.,t\tyl,. t