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MECHANICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Eva porative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Ran ge <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />..rl <br />Rough Mech.1 t+i:t[ I lc 1, <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL tra(t <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />OWN ER BUILI}ER DOI-CAIATION <br />I h6.try .mm uid6 p6rl, of rGjuiy rhd I e .r.npr nln llE ColnEdon Lkd. t!$ tor rn. foUowinr r.en ls...70l l J <br />Buind !d Prof4ion Cod.): Any Ciry o, Coory {hth r.!ui6 . p6hir ro corrrud. .116. inpoq ddmlln r rqe dy <br />$uclu.. Fkrr lo il! isuee tlo r.q!n6 $. for ruch Fmn to all. . riei.d id.,6r rhd lE or ihc i li.a!.d puNd <br />lo lh. FovilioN ol UE Codoclof! Ucd!.d t w (Cl'rpr6 9, Comdcin! $Ih S..tion ?000 .f Dn irioi I of th. B6inB ed <br />Pruf*io Co&lorlhlr lEorrlE n dmpr lts.fiomdd rfi. h-ir for lh..lkg.d amplb.. AnyviohionofSdlion7011.5byEy <br /> for . Fni .objct rh. rrrlic!.r ro r .iril p@hy of Nl eE fio nE hu.d.d (hllor (1500) <br />_1. ! osc of tlE FlFty. n n, anplora wlh w!A6 u rt.n sk @hFBii,D. ril &, rh. rul ,i d! firrd b br <br />inqldcd orolrqd lo. nL (Se.?0a4. BJsi!6 ed Pr.tu io6 Cod.: Tlt Coin&Io r Ltng LrE &d ml ipl, lo e o9c of <br />rlEFFt, who hril& d i'i+m6 tlEe!. id *lD d6 sn wt hiMlf or h@lf or rlmwh tn d lE o*n atr,by..d <br />,rovild lhll run imFD\ElEt G Di nad.d d otu 6r .lA l[, ho$r. fi. hoildi.S d nlFoEEr b ild wilin oE ,qorolpLinr t Occ Elildd *iI h.E EbnlnolFtiq fii rrddr dil lll hildd ii?.!r,E FrFty 6r E Frr*of <br />l, aolE ofilE Flpaln @ dchriwly.o i&riry wnh [.6.d 6dxr6ro oMrki tlE F6t!r lS-. ?Ol.l. &!iE <br />.n PtDlnin Co&r Th. Conlr-loi. Lic@ t w &€ @r @!, ro 6 om6 of DroFny aho htildt or inpo€ rhqFa <br />rld *ho @lornffstFoicr. *irh, cotu-rd(.) lidFEdi brhccotr'doar LilE L.{) <br />-l <br />E aall @& S.dbi-. B. & rC 6. tll 16r <br />uof,aEal:cQntlllsalla! <br />DfCTJIAIIO! <br />I I' .lIm ui<ra Ddly of pdiu.r 6 ofdr followi'E d6bnbE: <br />I h.v. tn *i[ mid.b. Cdriftd. ofcoFar ro Sdfl6d fd *qt6 or@.rBrbi. 6 Forid.d for tly setion 17(D of r <br />t 60r Cod.. 16 $. Ffffi of rlE co't fd *tth rlE Fnir ir iq*d. <br />I h.EDd sill uidli! sllla .oop6al,! iclfuc a ,.quird B Stli@ ]7m ofdE Lthor Co& lorrlE Ffffiof$. "ur fd rti.h fii! Fmn h is.d My $ort6'ilgltr*@i, anloli tuhba c <br />_l slit thr i! ll Ffo'M. of tlE f rtah rhb FDi b iqrcd I 3ldl not @Dlo, &, Fso b &, ffi <br />- a lo hcoc stirdt ro rl'. 6td orqdlrin Ls of Cdilmia d *E lhr if I rlDuld tEoft $bcr ro rlt <br />N.t@' @npddbi Fovaia of S..ri, 1700 of rlE l,!d Codq I tt[ fdrl$th oEdy $lh rho* Friia. <br />r.d 3h.ll !t'i( - oIPhF ro oin-d Fdi.t rn <br />civil 616 up b G lEi(}ld rh.@d &llr! ltlq).(DOI rtE ..d ol co!'F!rid'r &.q6 o Fo*Ld tu tb <br />Df( I,AR \I I(I\ <br />I hdrby .tftE uo& F.ry of Fjur, rllr I o li-.ri o.b Fovitiod of CiFE 9 {.l,l!ltEi!e *it S.rri,n 70O) .f Divii[ 3 <br />of d. &rnE -d Phft.i<E CodG. -d E, li(@ a h tuI foe !d .6t <br />t-\ <br />I hadly .rm urda F.!y of Frtry rl|r tc t . <br />lscd (s6. 1097. civ. c. )- <br />lddiig !rn) t', th. Ftffi of ,E $ort 6, rti.h rhir Fni h <br />AITIISA.ULDECIJSAIA! <br />I hod, .ff6 uidq F.h y ot pdjury oE ot rh. folhEi.E!l bnr: <br />txmlni.n P@neAtb€'o. Notifi.,thf, F.dnd R.euhion! {TitL 4!, Pin6l <br />R.q!t d lnl6of Nolifrni.. <br />_ I cdit lhd ltu f.d6!l GsuLliou r.SEtting !!<tot 160rll e Nt appltrblc to rhn FoJ.<t <br />I cslify lnd I ha. r6n rni! appli..rion sd (hrih,\c <br />'nt(nn,xriL[ L\.ftrrr1 Lurtrr.nrnth \ h,'l r'r]rn(l(Lun\ <br />odir6 ed Slllc L.r! Eldils ro hlildiIg ed hGcb!.ulhori& rcrrBdllli\ 6 ollhis (-illed (i{flrr lo dra uFn llr <br />.l$!. monon.n DroFny lor <br /> ptlic&r or Arcnl Si8nrlur. <br />I <br />2 <br />v tl,1 u|.