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ELEGTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUII,DER DELCARATION <br />I smrm und6 paally of p.rjuD_ ihd I m .rmpr ftom rh. contrclou' tk.N tiw for rh. fouovinr rc&sn lS(.701L5 <br />BBin6 rnd Profeioo Cod.): Aiy Ciry or Coudy shth r.qun6 a p.rnil ro consrud. alra. improrq dmolbh r r+ar ey <br />slru.l'G p.ior lo ns isumq ,bo r.quiE rh. applicd aor s8h Fnil to fiI. a sign.d srdm. lh3l h. or sh. ! licsscd pulsid <br />to thc pbtlioc olrh. Conr8roi! Licded tr* (Ch.pt6 9. Commcn inr wirh Sdli.n 70(X) of Divisio. I ofrh. Bdins ed <br />ProLsions Cod.) or rhai hc or sh. i!.r.,npt rhd.6om dd rh. b4i! aor Ihc all.g.n .imprion An, violarionofsdionT0ll.S byd, <br />applicel for a pmil subjdls lhc rpglicrnl to a civil pdny o f nor mor. lhe fiv. hun&.d .lollEs (1500). <br />I. a osndoflhc rropdry, o. Ey dplorc $nhvrs6a rhct sl. comptrarion. $illdo th. *dl rd rh.itudrc ie not <br />i.ndd.d or off6.d ior sl. (Sa.7044, BBiflds md Pmaesions Cold Th. (.o r.clo.s Licos L8s &6 rol lpply lo .n om6 of <br />thc popdy who toil& o, inri.v6 ln6( ed *ho do6 $trh {o,t hins.lf or hd.lf or rhroqh hh or hd otrn cmploy6. <br />piovid.d rhrr such inprovdFn e nor irnEdcd u orcld lor elc. l[ ho*,6q, rhc buildug or in{'ovddr i! $B snhi. oN Ja <br />olconpktion. th. ()*16 Buil.k will harc tt hnkn of provinu lh, h. or sh. dij ml hild or imFov. thc Fopoly fo.lh€ purDeof <br />l. a 0{16 ofthc prop6ly. m conrructins qith lic$.d contra.loN ro.onnrud rh. Fojca (Sd ?014, t}Gm< <br />dxl Aofditr cod.: Th. conlr6croa! Lrw do6 rcr q,ply ro 6 o{nd olproFny who build! or improrB th(6n. <br />ud vho co.'rdcl3 for 3uch projcdr pirh . CoirBclo(s) liccrEd p6uan1 to rh. Codradoi3 Lic@ rl{) <br />I m.rda und6 Sdion_B. & PC ntr th! cdon. <br />uaaf,l;Bu(QMtEttarlox <br />DECIJAAITO! <br />I arrm u.&r p6,hyofpdjury on ofth. follo*ing d<l&arioN: <br />I hav. d s ill nrintlin r of CoGal ro Sclf- lBurc for n o*d .onpdrrlion, a povid.d f.r by Sdrion t7o0 of th. <br />Llbor CodG. for lhc pdlomucc ollh. uo* fo. Btich lh. b isucd. <br />I havc and $rll nainrain s ork6 .onlcNrion i.surancc. a r.quircd by S<ir.n I700 oarh. Labor Gdc. lor rh. lE a.nnN. of <br />th. {ort lor * hich rhir pdnir is i$u.d My*0r[6 compsrsaion insurec..did dd poli.y nunbn d. <br />I cditi thd inih. tdfDman . oalhc wort tor shi.h rhit Fnir i!, I sh.ll.or m{,L! 0n! tEson in ony mannq <br />e 6ro b.comc aubjEl lolh€ "ork6 comFslion lawsofcslifomio, and asc rhar ifl should'hc aubjcr lo rtr <br />wo*6j .onpsMrion proltioG of Sdion I700 of th. litu Codq I shall. ronhwirh co'nply $irh lhoe pmvili.ns <br />wAnNlNC f.ilur.lo wrc 10116' compdsrion colare is onl.*ful. od shall sutjcl an ardoys lo si'ninal ldahi6 dd <br />civ,l nncs up ro onc hundr.d lhosnd dollas ($100,000). in oddirion ro th..osr ofco'np.nslion. damagd a! povid.d ro. rh. <br />Sdtio. 1076 6a rh. lrbr cod.. i.rdd Md dr <br />D.l.:_ App u-^,*/r''{'T7u <br />uclltEllcatllA(:laa <br />DECI.AEATqT <br />I hEby .rm u.d.r FDlly o aFjlr, that I M lica'5.d unda Fovtion of Chrrtd 9 (.omdcin8 wnn Sr.iion 7000) of Di!i!io. l <br />of rh. Busin* ud PDI*ioB Codc. ail iy lictu. is in tuU forcc ad dr{r <br />d.(,,'.-r'- <br />AIE,IAILDECI.AEAIIOT <br />I hc+ afl'm und( p.nalty of psjury oru of lhc foUorvins d(luatioBl <br />D.mohion Pnrnns-Ashdros Norifi.0'io6 Fcdd.l R+ulario.s (l irl. 40. Pd6) <br />Requt.d Lcltc olNorifi c.lion <br />I..niSlhar lhc,tdqalr.*ul.tions EsadDB 6bc$os roro\alarc not apph.abl.lo this prold <br />I cerify lhd I hav. rhis q'pli.ario. &d shr. thlt lhc abv. inli,mar tu. b cor<r I 4r€ kr .onply *irh rll ( n\ a d cou.'y <br />ordimncd Md sra!. t ws 6Lri.g ro b.ilding .odtu.r iol! rnd aurhort. rqr.sdn 6 ol rhlr Cnt dd cou.ry ro enld upo. rh. <br />abov. ndrion.{r pmp.ny nr i6p..rn,n ,urFu6. <br /> or^rmr srsmrurq !- 'u<l : I <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />S pas, Pool, Fountains <br />Si gns (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Bu ilding <br />Bondin g/Grounding/UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />/ <br />Rough //4/N /ilil/a5 <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL 7/14//54 tt//rr/ <br />(OISIAIIIOTIEIOIICICEICY <br />I h@by amnn toulry o apcrury rhar rh6. i a onsrruclion lddi.s agdcy for lh. pdfonnm.. ofrh.$ork fo. shich lhi. Fmn i! <br />issu.d (S(.309?. Civ C.). <br />Lsdn s \m. <br />Communications Cable <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Air Conditioners <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.