<br />SITE-WORK OWN}:R BUI I-Df,R DI]I,('ARATIONIhd.trlflirftun(bFrh]ofprjxrtrhdImdm,xtum!h.(-onrd.ELic#tiqaorlh.folh*ins6tn(st70115
<br />IIB'.$ ! Ptua6rhn co&): Anr Citr_ or Coudr $hkh r.quir6 ! Fni to onrrud- 8nd. inigro\., &molsh ot rcFn.nt'
<br />ntuduq Fs ro ns isum.. lbo r.qu!6 rh. 4r Eur tor !u(h Fn( ro nk . r'rn d sdm! rh! lE or sh. ! I'GB.J poBul
<br />r, rlE rtusi)B ol rrE (-onrdd. Lic6*d (( n.ri6 e. (-omnmins riit S.nFn 70m ol Dn iion r of rh. liurrd rnd
<br />Profd$ (-od.)or thd lEorih. is cr@F rhgcton&d rhc ta! tu lh. tlLs.d danp(io. An! rbLhn.fs.dnnTorl !l^ ur
<br />.pflrcant ror r pcmn su!<t! th. epli(rt ro . ci\ il p. ftr_.f h! mrcrhd fit. h!.(!.d d.lbs ( t5d])
<br />l. f,t o$G of rh. Frtdr_. or f,r. mplo)6 rih tr .s6 s th.r $k compoetFn- \rilld. r{Gtt d rlE rtulrt B t,r
<br />inrdiGl or orc.J for el. (Sa 704r. BuriB od E rsioN (i{. llE (n.tdors Lkru bs &6 nor arh lo f{6.f
<br />rn I'rFn) *b lnrkk or nrprorG ilEo., d'd ulr) d.B kt tro.t hlnElf .r h*lf o. rhsu8h hE or h( o*n d$k,t.6.
<br />prclktcrl ihar 3uch imFov6rd3 ft Br inrar&rl o'.llrl for sl. ll hN6s. rh. hrldm8 or in{r.!d n elll \ h'n on. Fn
<br />6f.ompLri)n. rlE ()*T6 lrlitt r *ill h.\r rh. h(kn ofrn,nnr lhd h. or .h. drl ml hild or E{rcE th. pr$psl} lor rh. I[rIIs of
<br />l. dr o$n- ol rlrc Fop.d y, dn conr.crillll snh li.6*{ (onhctoR lo cotrrruci lhc p(,id (s< 7u.1, Iltriin*r
<br />md h)tusir( od. I hc (nnrrxrois Lic.m. Lrs do6 ( applyrouo\ndolnropdyqhol[il&ornnpmlBrhqnrn.
<br />rnJ Nho $nr6d3 for soch pr.iErs s irh 5 Con'6!1o(, lrd*i p(.suur n, rh. ('onrrocloas l.iclM tr* I
<br />I m.\an und6 sdhr
<br />D.r. Oxrd
<br />tllalil:&tl'l,Dtfl;ts rtg!org aalla!
<br />I hdrt^ trftirnunda rinrh).aFjuO on.oirh.nnhunll ddl!rirG
<br />lh.\.dn$illrnidin!'comFsd.n,dForilcdlorl,!Sa1nr1700ofrh.
<br />l,th. Cd.. (tr th. F ollffi. o f lh. sort for $hkh rh. pann i! e.d
<br />rin *ul6 cotp.6.lhn in!mN.,6 ..qur.d bv sc' F. l70o ofrh. tlb.r C.&, for
<br />'h. Ffo.mtrc na
<br />plFril i is.iL My sorko cofrF6dior iBurmc cung Ed Flq nuntr d.
<br />t+
<br />t
<br />,',""'411)11
<br />I c.rr'tyrhlr in ri. Ffo'r1]a.oarh. wort fM {hi.h rh'r pdn i, nru.n. I sfiil not dploy .ny D6$. i. !.} f,d6
<br />$ B to tEom subBl lo th. qqt6 conFsdirn k$ r of Crlifomn, Dd isc rhd il I slruld b..nffi suhjd!
<br />'o
<br />I h.qo.t6' $mFution Ftrvbiore ofS.dno 1700 ofth.llnr Cor,.. I tuu. todnnnh ondv *nh rh.* Fllirh6
<br />WARNINC r:.'lw ro s6 Frr6 omFMi.n 6\ars. ii uit!$tul, di 3hdll $brd s ophis r" o-d FdB,id
<br />cn'l lin6 up l. oE hundr.d rh.usnd Lhllm (llo0,(Xx)), ii rdd r,. nr th. ro!ion. drtusB B Fn\iirJ fo! rh.
<br />sdrrr 1076 or rh. l,t!r Co&. frdd ,,ri
<br />I hctr 6llm un&r FEh!of pdjq-rh,I m licau.n und.r lrr'\ Ehn ol-Cl'lprE etcoffiins * h sdr,n rurrr orl)nEFn:r
<br />dl rh. ttu-d dd PtnrBdN ( o&, rld m) lk.e 6 m full nr(. sn 1ftd
<br />:ryiit lo t)t
<br />co!lla!](]l!)!.!i!Dl!c-acE!cr
<br />I h€.by amm undd Fuhyofp6jorylhd llE k . codtud h, kn'lins lsdcy for rh. Ffolruc. of tn. "ul Iu *tiLfi lhn psn'l u
<br />sru.d (S( !(})?. ( iv C ).
<br />lnd6 ,i N.n.
<br />Aftucauf[Iillt8alla!
<br />I hdb .trm u.dd of Fjury oft ol llE ,olbu'i.* &(hr.l x,n!
<br />o<tuldiJn Pmnt A!r'6rd N.tifi.d ion F.dd.l i.ruhioN{rnk.l0, PM6,
<br />R.quEd llll6 of N<,l,atdi6n
<br />l..d'ry rhn rh. ldnd reubrioB E3rdinr ah.nosr6no\rl c ool applicablc r. this pnrjd
<br />\o,-,,,*^I ltr\crerllhhapphcalionud3rri.rhelrhcf,h,v. ln'n'irur t,c.Dp!! * l' xll(ir\ nf(l( f, trr\
<br />frhis( rr! nnlt (inrdrl ro.ird n|r rlrld,n! con{'rriLn,. nl h.([)
<br />vJx
<br />,.,"51 tt ll+
<br />Set Backs
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns
<br />Erection Pads
<br />UFER Ground
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />Roof Sheathinq
<br />Shear Wall
<br />lnsulation/Energy
<br />Drywall
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />Brown Coat
<br />N,4asonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handicap Req
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />Engineer Final Report
<br />Flood Zone Certif .A
<br />Uu6e+ NUt2,g,-%-17 v.w.ilt
<br />\
<br />FINAL g1G-17 'r.w)tl
<br />Certificate of Occupancy v
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />,",.+\ LrI
<br />Subf loor/VenVl nsulation
<br />Framing
<br />I
<br />I