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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS owNfi n BUlt_Dl:f, DE!,(.ARl <br />I Ereny .mrm undcr FNlty ('r Frlny rh, I m.k.iri h'.n rrE Gndro^' l..rnr li* ntr rh rrrtr)rnrr roq,n isE 7Oll.:l <br />U!!irc( ..n Pmf*rirn (ixt) Any Cily or Counry qhih rcqunr ! Fn'i! k) (,r{M,,ttcr. nq,oc. JcnrnNh or EF, e, <br />idcrurc. rirk, irs issu!tu., rlvr Ertuircs th.uplrlilln ntr \!ch Enniln' filc! \iSncil { .nrnr rhrrrf,or rhc i\ ti.ctrsd puNd <br />ro rh. nmvnbns of rtr c(,orrrktr r l,ic.trBd hw t( hn,,l.r e, (omnEn.irli uirh s..rii Trxx) ot t)ivi\itr' .r rr ttr Busin.r. rnd <br />Pnni$ionr (ldc)!! lE.rrh. n .r.mI|thcrfn]n tr.d rh.6tr\ir for rtr trtbSd crcnDtnr. Anyri Lni, trfS.{ jby.ny <br />!firli.r tu. FJni ulrcLfith. r,'pti(!nr roaciritp.rolryotftn mrcrhdtr firc hu'r]rcdd'I!n ltflt <br />-r. <br />.r o*F of rlE tmrdy. r .n,.'qrorr.r *''lh p.s6 . rFir $h s'qslirr. *ill (t, rtr trr,t ,nr rh. {rLrrr r {inr.rldl or oficntl ft, qh isc 7l}lJ- lt$m(,nd lirrcsxrR (iic Th (iidrrrr, ! l-tchr tj* d{r ftn !fiiy h !n n*E of <br />lh. FqEny slb t{i[r or iqn,6 rh.6n. rn $h &6 (Eh s* him{ll or h.klrorrhNrlh hi,tr lE.hsn.nDt!}ss. <br />,'rnliLdrhrrt6hin{mmnkuchrid*rloroncr.nftretl(h'ww.rl'.loillm!oriqn,Enr iry'tl*ih.EFj <br />of cotrflcrirn. rrr O*rcr Buiulr will tuE rl[ hrnl$ oa Frvi.E rrr! h. or rhc dit ft ttuiunrnl{nlvc tlt m,F y turrlf,Nqhcot <br />_1, &oeFof rrE Fqiny, .m crcluriEly.odBJirl! lirh tised.o tr^rr o,n{Mr rh. rn'F.r (Sd. 7{ll,t. Bu\Es.rn Pirt dnc.'d.: Tn Or rdor'. Lk.n* lly AEr n{ q'lty ro o*w olF.rE tyrh. hoaktr.r mnnrh! rhcrG{...d *tD & dr rd.Nh Fj.!|t *nh r Codsrdno t&nsn l[!!ld h rh. (iddd\ Lt E tr*r <br />_lr.ncrcmt'r u.dr ser ._,! &f C hrlhnrclqr <br />l)xl. lr*ne.: <br />ll(IRXl Il\' (t( llll II'NS,\ l l()N <br />lrltcl^R T!ot\ <br />I hr'.h:- rllnfl u q n nrlr),',ltiarurr.'rolrh. n,tkrstrrrd.rLr ntr\ <br />_l h.E.,nri dinlan. orc('Nnr ro IFUE nlr qrt6 r"r;rndi'n.,\ Forijd tu, bktin'trm01lh.lltrr (in . n{ rlE FfrflN oarl* vrt ror which lfic tEnrit i( i.rudl <br />-l <br />hnvc rn,l will m&inrrin wor k$ .on,Il.n\rtion nNr lrr. D\ Rluncd $v S..rr 17lllollh.Lntl,(h,k.ntrrtuI'uiirnrm.ot <br />rnc work r,r lhkh I hi\ ,f,nnir rr n\ucd My sorkcrr .on'l[tr$ri'r nNdr k. $rriu' rtt'tky nunllu xrc <br />IN 'ryrhrrinrh.tEro'nu'r.olrh.f,o ntrqhxhrhaFrr i\ i\\uc . I nx,tt n, .nfk,e rny n '! ntrrn tr'Bry, r\r'llyomsohF n''lF1,cunrFn\arionlntr(ot(rtrtonr(artl8trrrt r ir I\txnr tr\.nr {'t'}rrr,rtrtrorlc . nr,).tr\ n,n pmvi\t'N dl Scclirr :l7lD ol rh. l1htr (n c, t (hrlt. trrihr irh $nrrty s ir tr rhoa. rnr n i(tF <br />WABNINC Frilurc h slm *oltcn'co,rtEnqri(r d,v.nlrc ir !nb*rul. ml !tull tuhAr $ onlrilrrr r, !]irni',!t ltuli! .d(ivil fiNl uI l{' om lsnlrcr, rll'lq,rj (}rlhE (ll(!,,(rl,r, in Lllirirn to rlr co! !a ronrF srirnr &nE!.\ !. niitrilcd l- ttE <br />Sdrn .t076 or tlE Lohr Oit , i h*{ Drj olt{my r tNr <br /> Appttortl <br />I t.l.NsID CONfR (.T(lll <br />ulgdf, ra! <br />or rhc Burim\ru Pn,lc\\lrr (rxlc, rnlur,lictr{ i1iI ttlttur..rilel(r <br />col\lqTlluc't t(!N I F{DtNt: aclNca <br />I lEEby lrlirn uidcr FruhlolFriury rh{t rhoc h r $nrMr$n bnlir8 rscEy ntr rhc Frturn(f,c otrh( eork tir $hi.h rhn tEnl knrkdlsa .ll)97. Cir. C ). <br />l.n].a r N.m <br />- <br />AIIpI IC N'f NECLAIIATI(IN <br />I hstt'yltlimru cr n nrlry oln rjurt otr. ol th. rl,lhwinr c.ludinr <br />Dcnrn[(,n P.rons A!bc(.i Noriti.drk F.dcrll R.Buhri r r'Iit..{r, pd {,r <br />R.rlor.J l.rrd of Mrrrkirrnr <br />- l .d if, rhr! rtr fcrkftl Eiultrr hm E8rnlinB lir.{ot r.D,ul drc d qrntMk h rhh nmitl <br />lc.n'lyrhd I lurlc rcd rhntrl rlt rhn. irlnrrrln{r i!t'ire(r lr8N r <br />o',1tr'rn..\ trl Srrh l-a*\ '.l,ring n rrl,'r'.1)l rtrrhf ir. r.f .\.nrJtr.\.1 <br />Jhtrc trrdtrtrrd f'rp(ny,ir iNt <br /> o.,\(61SilM <br />Tirr \rY<-- <br />'.otr,t,ly s I' xll(irr xtr,l(.unry'i:'_";"f;'fi?'*- <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Li ht Standards <br />Pool, Fountains <br />Life Safety /Low Volta qe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Bondi / Groundin / UFER <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof To E UI ent <br />Facto Wired Unit <br />Walls Conduit <br />Ceilin s Hard & Solf it Rou h <br />Ceilin S T-Bar Ro h <br />Meter Release <br />Rou h <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL 5-7-tt -Jl.t* <br />Notes Remarks, Etc. <br />trndc.. tultc( _ <br />Spas, <br />Siqns (monument) <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Transformers <br />Torqueinq <br />Walls (Rouqh)