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EXPEDITED PERMIT PRoCESS FoR SMALL-SCALE PV SYSTEMS <br />MICRO-INVERTER' fhe informarion in this guideline is inrended ro help local jurisdicrions and conrractors idenrify when pv sysrem insa ationsare simple, needing only a basic review, and when an insEllation is more complex. Ir is likelyihat 50 % -75% ot all residenrialsystems will comply with these simple criteria. For projects thar fail to meer rhe simple criteiia. resolurion sreps have been <br />suggested lo provide as a parh ro permir approval. <br />Required Informatiort ror permit: <br />L site plan showing location of major components on the properry This drawing need nor be exacdy ro scale. bur ir <br />should represent relarive locarion of componenrs ar sire (see supplied examplJ sire plan). pV arrays on dwellingswith a 3'perimeter space at ridge and sides may not need separate hre service review. <br />2. Electrical diagram showing Pv array confrgurarion, wiring system, overcurrent protection, inverte( disconnecrs, <br />required signs, and ac connecrion ro building (see supplied shndard electrical iiagram;. <br />f. specifrcarion sheers and installation manuals (if available) for all manufacrured componenrs including. but notlimited to, Pv modules, invener(s), combiner box. disconnecrs. and mounting system. <br />Step 1 : Structural Review o[ PV Array Mounting System <br />Is dre array to be mount€d on a defined, permitted rcof structure? Eyes ENo <br />If No due to non-compliant rooJ or a ground mount. submit completed worhsheet.lor the structure wKS I . <br />Roof lflfoflnation: <br />I. Is rhe roofing rype lighrweighr (yes = composirion, Iighrweight masonry metal. erc. lYes <br />$ No, submit completed worksheetlor roof sffucture wl(S, (No = heaq/ masonry, slate, etc...)2. Does rhe roof have a single roof covering? EIVes Er,loIj No, submit completed worksheet Jot rooj structure wKS t . <br />Provide method and rype of wearherproofing roof penerrarions (e.g. flashing. caulk)Flashing <br />M ounting Sy st em Informatiott: <br />l. Is the mounting structure an <br />beneath the module frames? <br />en ineered product designed to mounr pV modules with no more than an l g., gap <br />Yes No <br />If No, provide details oJ structu/al attachmmt certiied by a design pro|essionat. <br />2. For manufactured mounting systems, flll out informarion on the mounting system below <br />3 <br />a. Mounring Sy stem Manufacturer SWH roducr Name and 14o6"gySolar Mount <br />b. Total Weighr of PV Modules and Rails 924 lbs <br />c. Total Number of Attachment points 30 <br />d. Weight per Arlachmenr point (bic) 30.80 lbs (if grearer rhan 45 lbs.seeWKSI) <br />e. Maximum spacing Between Athchment points on a Bail 72 inches (see product manual for <br />maximum spacing allowed based on maximum design wind speed) <br />f. Total Surface Area of PV Modules (square fee0 352.35 fr'] <br />g. Distribured Weight of PV Module on Roof (b + f)2.62 Ibs/ft'? <br />IJ distributed weight of the pV system is greater than 5 lbstf , see WXS, . <br />Step 2: Electrical Review o[ PV System (Calculations for Electrical Diagram) <br />ln order for a Pv s,!6tem to be considercd for an expedit d permit process, the followlngl must apply:I Pv modules, utiliry-interacrive inverters, and combiner boxes are identifred for use in pv sysrems.2. The PV array is composed of 4 series strings or less per inverter. <br />3. The total inverter capaciry has a continuous ac power output 13,440 WarB or less <br />4. The ac interconnection point is on rhe load side of service disconnecting means (690.64(8)). <br />5. One of rhe standard electrical diagrams (E L I , El .l a, El.1b, or El .lc) can be used to accurarely represenr rhe pv <br />system. lnteractive PDF diagrams are available at www.solarabcs.orgi permitting. <br />Fill out the standdrd electrical diagram completely. A guide to the electrical diagram k proltid.ed to help the appticant <br />understand each blank to fll in. IJ the electrical syste-n is morc complex than the standard electricat diagram can efJectitetl, <br />communicate, provide an dlternative diagram with Wropiate detait. <br />2 rxpEDrrED PERMIT pRocEss FoR pv sysrEMs - MIcRo-INVERTER