l:\t'l l)lllt) I)l lir\lll l)ll.()(F\\ lr()li S,lt,\Lt-\c,\tt l'\'\\rlt'tt:
<br />\l\\l)\ll.l,\lli, l\(; \\ \ ll\l
<br />The information in rhis guideline is inrended to help localluris(iictions and contractors idenlrfy $'hen PV system installalions
<br />are simple. needing onlv a basic review. and',vhen an installation rs more complex It is likely that 50% 75% oi all resldential
<br />sys(tms will cornply wirh lhese srmple crircria. For pro]ects that fail ro meel (he simple criteria. resolulion steps have been
<br />suggesrcd ro provide as a path to permil approval.
<br />Req ired ltrfttrnt /|iott for Pertnit:
<br />l. Sile plan showing locarion oI ma]or components on the propertv This dra'"ving necd not be exactlv to scalc. but il
<br />should represcnr rel.trive locitrion ol componcnts ar site (see supplied example sile plan) PV arrays on (llvellings
<br />\\'ith a f perimeter spacc al ridge and sides may not necd separate ilrc service revierv
<br />2. Elecrric.rl diagram sho\!ing I,V array conhguration, wiring s)stem. over(urrent protecUon. rnverlcr. (ilsconnccts.
<br />requir€:d signs. and ac connecrion to building (see supplicd stan(lard electri( al cliagram)
<br />i Specification sheers and lnstallarion manuals 1if available) lor all rnanulactured components lncluding, bur not
<br />limited to. PV modules. inverter(s), combiner box. disconnecls. and mountlng system
<br />Step 1, Structural Reuieu, ol PV Attay Mounting Syslem
<br />Is the array to be mounted on a defined, permitted roof structure?
<br />tI No due to non-compliant rool or a grcund mount. submtt completed worksheer Jor tha structure WKSI
<br />Roof Infornratiotl:
<br />I ls rhe roohng typc lightulcight (Yes = composition, lightweighr masonry. metal, elc )
<br />ves E I'lo
<br />Yes, Comp Shingle
<br />tf No, submit compteted worksheet lor roof stucture WKSI (No = heavy masonry. slate. etc ..)
<br />2 Does the roof havc a single rool coveringz Eves E uo
<br />lf No. submit completed worksheet Ior roof stucture WKS I
<br />l. Provide method and type ol weatherproofrng rooi penetrations (e g. flashing. caulk)metal flashing and polyurethana
<br />,\I ount ing S',st e nt I nfortn at ion
<br />I ls the mountinq structure an engrneered produ(t desrqned ro mount PV lnodules rvith no more than an
<br />benedrh (he module lrames? E] yes ! no
<br />lS gap
<br />tJ No, prol)ide detaib of stuctural attachment certifed by a design professionaL
<br />2. I'or manufactured mounting systems, fill oLll information on the mounting system belorv
<br />a. Mounring sysrem Manuiacturer lron Ridge I'jroducl Name and Nlodel * Flash Foot Xr'10
<br />b. Toral weighr o
<br />c Total Number of Attachment Points 24
<br />weighl per Arrachmenr Point (b + c) 18 1 lbs (it greater than 45 lbs. see WKS I )
<br />11 1 inch
<br />I PV tvodules.n4 3n,1r 1099'6 lbs
<br />d
<br />e Maximum Spacing Between Attachment Points on a Ra
<br />maximum spacing allowed based on maximum design
<br />Toral Surface Area o[ PV Nlodules (square leel)242
<br />27
<br />inches (sce product manual for
<br />wind speed)
<br />fr't
<br />g Distributed wcight of PV l\'lodule on Roof (b: f)lbs/ft
<br />lf distributed weight oJ the PV system is grearer than 5 lbs/ft: . see wffSl.
<br />Stao 2 Elecr,,:a Rev er^.' oi PV System (Calcu ations for Elact'ical Dir3,ar,)
<br />In order for a PV system to be considered for an expedited permit process. the following must apply:
<br />I pV modules. uliliry-inreractive inverrcrs. and conrbiner boxcs are idenlrfiuLl k)r Llse in PV s\'stefils
<br />2 The PV array is comPoser:l of 4 series strlngs or lcss pL'r inVerter
<br />f. Ihe total invefier capacit,v has a continuous ac [)owcr oLllpLlt I] 4'+0 Watts or less
<br />.l The ac tnrerconnecrion potnr ts on the load srde oI servrce disconnecting means (690.64(B))
<br />5 One of the srandard elecrncal diaqrams (E t . l , E L I ], E l . l b. or E l lc) can be uscd to accurately reprcsent the PV
<br />system. Interactive PDF diagrams arc available ii i\'.'.". \i)i.t'-liiri 'ri l'(rr iirirrrl
<br />(r),I,)r,r,ti iiri. r),i)l r l ,irt rt/1,',,tiiaitl ii i4fitrrr rII",i,,lrr,)lrr-i ll'i. l,tr
<br />2 Li'1, ,rl Lr\. l'tr,r, 1..r')lll'\ \''\.r'.