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MBING.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE tD/srG.Eilre <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under floor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Building Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarifier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent /\ <br />Water Piping b -6)) <br />Gas Piping <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rou gh Water Heater <br />POOUSPA <br />P{rap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Piping <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service G-6-17 <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rough Plumbing <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release <br />LWltesRemarks, Etc <br />a <br />FINAL <br />owNEI BUIi,OSA Dllr^n Tl()t! <br />I hd.t, drrn ur& pdry of Fjqy di I d .rdF 6m rlr conrrrd Li!& Le f.r rh. tolb*iis lq]r lS.c.?OllJ.aGiE. .d ftetrih Cod.), Ar, Ci, d Codr, ,..lth E+i6 . pdni lo orrut .ho. irFrt &tulii or qri -,ordc.. ir. b| EqiE lll. Alitr &,. *t Fii ro 6h.rsr.d rraiar dlr lEor dE i.licd!.d F!ri, _ <br />ro dE Fovaiod oI$. ConrBtoft Lic@.d t * (Ct.Ad 9. Comftinr *hh Sdrion TOOO of Ditbn I of rh. BBina ed ' <br />ProftrbN Cod.) or $d lE r rlE i' adF rhdlODB rd $. h-i tr!d dstrFbtr Ary virldh. olsErbr ?011.5 by.ry <br />..rr:"{r 6. . Fhi ibjes rb {plion b . dril r l,olD| oEdE nt. ba.ld.bI8 (35@l <br />_ l. r ffi ofii. FDFry. or ny anploy.6 wilh w{6 D tlEir &h 6nFuni@ wil .b th. Ml id tlE firt@ i ,Friddld qotu fdrlc(Sc.roaa. BsiB ed Pblirei'Bco& Tlt conr& iLiGttfld.-EitplyrodolEol <br />lLFlFty *io hiLb d iryoq tlEd\ ed *b .l- rdr Et h&rxlf or h.rlf or rlrD'dr ti. d lE @n.ndorr.. <br />Fllilcdrtr p.i IrFDtGrr r 6i had.d doliEd h. rl. l( horcE.0r hl&a a iryold i rld $iti' c r-of6nTi.i,r tlt olvE loiEa s'[ hc rlE hda ofFoti|t 0!r lE r tE dX 'd hrld d iryott dr FlFry fo. lh. F!r6.of <br />I 6 .rdF !i& SdionY**t'l <br />of pajurv oB ofrlE 6lbf, inr .Ll-.rirB <br />(t U* -a *il *ta.i. crtift.l. of coE lo sdHBu. br rlrtar' conporrbi. rl Fvid.d for b, s!.1ioi t7@ oft!. <br />L.t . Codc f,iiE FhiirI. oirlE *qr t enidrlrFEt t bld <br />$trc aa riU *cto oqd.b. iirc.. ,.qdrd by s..tin !?m ofd!.lrtor Cod., ft( Ih. FG.lrcoft wt( &r ritt lht pdnlt L i.rqt My srl6' 6npa!.th irirr!re (Jrb rd poli.y iuiba .s <br />,,,,a, A<.- Antz,?ita../. iy.c.,it,a,.c. <br />',,lr"1w-r-, fz- tc / t,q ge t5zz3 e,et-, o'1 /ol /zalz <br />ll(€drydti Ffo. F of 6.6t 5. r.ti.i rtl FRi ir i.{.( Idrl lbr 6!by-y Fnn b .l,!|rEd <br />$ .!ot@.Erud lodr6t6lowErboL6orcrtbdi. rd iE r ifl rio{E b6.rarid lll$. <br />!!' @rF-iEFlvibEofscit n llDotrlE l-&. Cod..l ftlL fcltnlidllplytthtlDGForitr <br />|1"*<t<t/utl ^ <br />Dtcta&tlrc <br />t ffi, ttrrh u8k Fri, of Fju.y $n | 6 ltar.d urd6 Flvih of Ctuptc a {offiiiS sih SBlbi 70qJ) ot lrivniE l <br />of rh. BqnE .d lD&rbd Co<la -.1 D, liqE a h tuI bd d.lE r <br />,,..*..n., ffi C|36 -q3q,*,,, ,*EtSe tz <br />/-*.5/3t / t? <br />co! a!gl!l!.!i8ul!$3q[M:! <br />I tuy imm un.l6 FtrhyolFjuryrhd lh6. n. coBlruclion tqlins latry ror lh. Fli.f,rhnc..rrrE tro'r ror \hxh rha rEin i <br />is.d ts< 1097.( 'r C, <br />AIOJCAII.ECIAEAIXI! <br />I hatr.rlE u!& panl, ofFjoty o of rlE 6tb*ini d.(Lnitu: <br />DqD&bn Pmir!-A! N,orifidid r4ubbE crib a{r, h6) <br />_i.q!id r,16of <br />l.diltrh,l rh. Lddal r.sulartrnr rltudins r*Fr(rrono\il . nor d0d({hlc ro rhn IL,]d <br />_l crif, dr I ic! od thir 4dirin trd tr! rlr. {r .t E inbm bo b o,rcc | .8E ro snl,lt *it .ll Cir, .id Colm,diii.rrl' ad sla. Lw Eli! lo toildiB cotno.rb,! .d hdlbr rtFdriila otfib ci, .!!d cour, ro cn6 l4or d. <br />olx,r. nrnhon.,t l,'fI{1v nn mtrrtr,n <br />*,, 5l3llLaL) <br />DIlUil <br />,r,EIIIil <br />I <br />x.x.,] <br />\ <br />I <br />I