<br />m cMc cExrER PLAZA (r{19)
<br />P.0. Box 1988
<br />SAITA ANA. CA 92702
<br />(714)667.2780
<br />Norrce or Vrourroru &
<br />Norrce ro Aglre PueLrc Nursmce
<br />Darc: 0212812017
<br />Address/Location of Violation
<br />2105 N. Pacmc Ave.
<br />Unit#Assessor's Parcel Number
<br />001.072.10
<br />Zone:
<br />R,I
<br />Officer: C. Jimenez #45
<br />\ ()t \Rt t\ \ t(,t \ll()\ofntt]otlo\\t\r.S\\t\\\\\lt\l(tP\t (()t)t \t( tt()\(\l
<br />B t r nor pemnr.d in zone SAIIC .ll-l901rl
<br />! Pcnm<rcr lcnce u dctcnoat.d and,n disEpatr !\!!g!:!l5lE)
<br />O Anr e.umul,'(,n of tubbsh is pmhib,red !L!UC-!eSLL:fixt/tPttc Jot. t
<br />D ( tnr by pmpen, ownd$!qu:!:!b)
<br />I Ilre crrcnor prcperq ard pNmis shall b< ruintain.d,n a $ti'
<br />and !an(a.y.ond,rion !!!!g!:!!!91!t]!g:l!a!
<br />@ ttaluallon ocrpancy oI B.m!. sh.d !rytmined r&D lddnbn h
<br />prch'b''.d !l&L!23!L!.j!L!!Mjl:!9qrl
<br />E wcathcr prcrction is equ,rcd tbr 6t.r.nds. f.$ia b({di or sl!:)tl mm.
<br />Appll (r.rior tn pa,nr or apporcd uoatns S:!)!e-!2q@IIf!gl!!!
<br />E \\ind)s\ lB\c bdn insl.llcd or.hang.d our *ltlEur Auiuns p.mir a
<br /> rpprc!3h Bundrns Fmn a'rl ,nsparion Bq!,Fd Si!!C:L.lJ. &9.1: C BC 105. l: S.\IIC & I l5d l- llc yl l. $J
<br />I wo.r " h..ur penr " ftrc *.'rI des(nb<J b<luw Equ,E\ pcmrts
<br />obt,, n pcnn ir *nhin lq touryCru. (i* er no so'k un(il i.spdtcd
<br />and appocd Call Sanl! Ana Phntrng aod Buildinr A8cncr al (?la)
<br />6l?-5600 lbr prmir,ntomnoo. SAIIC E-l-l.S-$lC &}|/CBC
<br />105.1.s,\)lc E-ll/CBC I l0.l: SAUC t-690{DI Sr}lC 6t6(:1.
<br />sAyc &!90/cFC r0l.t. sAllc E-290/ cPc 10J.5. saltc &
<br />SSdCltC I l5.l: CBC l0E.l.l.3{01.,\li sAuC E-6E5. E 667r Cf,C
<br />t9.lot.r: SAMC &J(t. !q): CP,C l0t.{.1: SrVC &556/C\lC II Ll
<br />E I rn,l'caping nor mrnrarn.d !-!}!C-!]:@
<br />E lllcsalnoa& ofinop.ratire v.hrl.s dmole or rpatr $JgJ:
<br />607(.r. lGl 10.&2000/l P]llC loI.t
<br />! ro rronr yard lincr ov.r llEr inch.\ in hcrsht shrll be
<br />consrructed vl'hour rhe issuancc of. p.mir !Iuc.!!jl0ltll
<br />I Poptro Varnrenance Ih. .qulpmenr. j!-ic'n. deric.r ud
<br />elcsu.ds Equircd by this cod. or a pEvrous..sularion or cqL
<br />und$ which lne shcturc or prcois.s ws construcrcd. ahcEd or
<br />rpried ilBll b. m.inbined in sdxl wo.kins ord.r 54]!g.]t!!P!!ltPltc l0:.2
<br />8. r,rt,r Please obtain Phnnins aooro\il and lhe requircd Buildina pcrmi(s to rcmove or leqrlizc th€ following:
<br />l) Carare conlersion ro inctudel drvwall. Danition \ralls. non-oDerational garaqe door. door and $indow openings
<br />l) Alterarons to Dermined slorase shed{al.}513). Remo\e plumbrns. electrical and mechanrcal, seal unpermitled
<br />$ indo$ opening
<br />l) Unpennlttcd l0 \ ll' addltionallherearofthehouse
<br />{) UnDermirredrrMthmominsiderearofrhehouse.5) Unpermi(ed door and \._indow opcninq at rearofhouse
<br />-(, \R \(;[. \\t) s ].1) o( ( I P \\( \ t\ \o I \l.l.o\t LD
<br />Norice rs hereby gren lhat all violalions musl b€ conected within 90 days from lhe date of recer pt of his notcs. lr s r,,,,
<br />resp.r.s b lrry oi the property owner a.d,o. occupa.l b noury lhrs offce when lhe above corieclons h3ve been compleled You hav6
<br />tho nght to requBt a puuic h€aring to deEmiro tle v*ity of ihe violadons lisbd arxUor to show caus€ why you ar6 nol liable within len (10)
<br />days o, the dat6 ot f]ls mti.e (SAMC 17-21). Any roquesl for hoaring should b€ filed with tho Ciiy Cl€rt. I rh€ ',o al,ons.r,e lrir€I, o.r
<br />.c! la ftrl3rs&re rh's rEr'c€ vou *lberrderedrLr ?bale lhe n!$f.e3nd rr;ostsol eniorceme.l ,nd,or abJlemenr,llbe ass€sseo 3.d
<br />w r.oDtnue ro:ccrue lnirl rhe vorrrrcns 3r€ rbrrec F,r u.e l. abale lhe volarrcnls m.ry reslll n rhe maller betrrg rclered lolhe
<br />C'ly Allorneys Olnce tor a coirl order to abale lhe .!sance and,or cr'nrLnal prosecul,on These violatons are a misdemeanor
<br />ofrnso ard e.dl dsy het f€y contnu€ cslslitrb e rEw and s€parate cfferlse. ln addbn b tb Notic6 ol Violalion, Administrativ6 Citalions may
<br />b6 issu€d and additional firEs may bo imposod. The failure of any person to pay the civil finss ass€ss€d may resull in tho matt€r boing
<br />r6f6fi6d lor coll6cl,on. whrdr inclodos but is nol limit€d lo the filing of a small ciaims court actlon: a special assossmenl includ€d in th6 ctty
<br />walor billing and/or a lien on r€al prop€rty.
<br />App€al Notice: Any p€rson having any reco.d, tiIe, or l€gal nterest n the prop€rty may appoal this Nolice, provid€d the app€al is mad€ in
<br />writing and frled with the Cleft of the Council wlhin 10 days hom the dale ol s€rvic€ of thls Noth€. lnlomation regarding administra0v€
<br />appeal nghts. end rhe appropnero fu€s lo be paid, may be obtained rhe Burlding otrcral. Erecuive Drrector ofrhe Planning & Buildi^g
<br />Agency, or ihe Clert of $e Coirnol. Fa'lure io app€al will consttul€ waivor of all nghls lo an administratNe heaang and d€lerminatjon of
<br />Thrs notice has b€en marled/posred pulsuant lo A(icle I (commencing with s€ction 17-100) of Chapier 17 of the Sanla Ana Munlclpal Code
<br />!gIE: This notce wrll be s6nr lo the owne(s) of rccord Further ,nformaton may b€ oblarned by contaciing the assigned
<br />Property Owne(s)
<br />Hang Tam Nguyen
<br />307 E Jacaranda Ave
<br />Orange, CA 92867
<br />belween rhe hou.s of Th I
<br />Visit us al our website for more inft)rmallon.
<br />hnp wwr sanE 3na ori
<br />Date Observed
<br />02n112017
<br />Telephone: 7'l +667 -27 31
<br />I I
<br />I
<br />I I